Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1170: Fighting each other

Zuo Zhuguo, Shaoshi, and Zhu Xieyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War and Governor of Baoding, had just finished speaking out their conjectures in one breath, and before they had time to moisten their throats with tea from Hekou, Yang Sichang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, could not sit still.

"I have behaved inappropriately before impeaching Lord Zuozhu, and I spoke rudely!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but step forward and said.

What does "I can take advantage of the empty court to launch a surprise attack on Shanxi"?

What does it mean to be "allowed to be slaughtered by others, and sooner or later I will swallow you up"?

Master Zhu, please explain!

"Your Majesty, I just made a mistake." Hearing this, Zhu Xieyuan quickly fell to the ground, sweating profusely.

Now that he had just put down the "She'an Rebellion" in the southwest, he had achieved the highest level of merit, and at a time when he was extremely vulnerable to suspicion, he should retreat bravely.

Unexpectedly, in a moment of greed for quick words, he violated a taboo.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, the young master just made a slip of the tongue!" Zhu Youjian waved his hand after hearing this.

Although Zhu Youjian has a intolerant temper, he is actually good-tempered many times.

One morning in court, he couldn't bear to interject a word, and the courtier scolded him: "Wait until the younger brother has finished speaking."

Although Chongzhen was made to laugh and cry, he was "not surprised" in the end.

Now Zhu Xieyuan is Zhu Youjian's life-saving straw. He also said that he can pacify the "Shun thieves" in Shaanxi just like he pacified the "Second She'an thieves" in the southwest, so he is naturally quite lenient.

After Zhu Xieyuan heard this, he thanked him profusely and stood aside, not daring to say "wild words" casually.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Sichang, Minister of War, couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Master Zhu's words certainly make sense."

"But if the thieves really march eastward with a large army, cut off water transportation, and occupy the plains and fertile fields, what can be done?"

Okay, you are right, you make sense.

But what if places like Henan, Shandong, and South Zhili are occupied by thieves, and the world is cut into two parts by thieves?

"What do Master Zhu think?" Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian was stunned when he heard this, and frowned and looked at Zhu Xieyuan.

Zhu Xieyuan suddenly felt a thump in his heart and secretly cried out.

Although Zhu Xieyuan and Yang Sichang are both Ministers of the Ministry of War, they are actually different from the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Zhu Xieyuan's Minister of War was an additional title to enhance his status and weight; while Yang Sichang's Minister of War was the acting Ministry of War, actually in charge of the affairs of the headquarters, and was also called "the original soldier".

Since the prime minister system was abolished in the Ming Dynasty, the six ministries had considerable powers.

Although Zhu Xieyuan, as a feudal official, was promoted to Zuozhu Kingdom, his reputation was so high that no one could compare with him, but he still had to be controlled by the Ministry of War.

The Ministry of War in the Ming Dynasty had great power, especially the right to comment on memorials, which no governor dared to despise.

Because according to the government affairs procedures of the Ming Dynasty, unless individual matters were voted out by the cabinet and then approved by the emperor, they would generally be discussed by various ministries.

Even when a cabinet minister like Sun Chengzong was out of town, his memorials related to military affairs would have to be discussed with the Ministry of War.

How could Zhu Xieyuan of the Zuo Zhu Kingdom be so virtuous and capable that he could ask the cabinet and the emperor to be merciful and go against the rules?

Since he can't, building a good relationship with Yang Sichang, the current Minister of War, is the key to solving the current problem.

Seeing Yang Sichang accusing him again and again, how could Zhu Xieyuan not understand that this guy was going to have trouble with him?

He quickly responded against his will: "What I said is true, but Zhu didn't think carefully!"

Zhu Youjian nodded with satisfaction when he heard this and said: "Don't look at Mr. Yang's young age, but he is actually very thoughtful and he is the most proud person in front of me!"

"Hey, your majesty, your majesty is so flattering, so flattering, I'm really ashamed that I don't deserve it, I feel ashamed that I don't deserve it!" Yang Sichang said humbly after hearing this.

No, if you are said to be fat, why are you still out of breath? When Zhu Xieyuan heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

It's been so long since Zhu Xieyuan came here that you can't think of a way to deal with it?

In fact, it is very simple. As long as the officers and soldiers lead the army to defend Shanxi, how can the rebel army dare to advance eastward on a large scale?

Because once the main force of the rebel army advances eastward, the officers and soldiers can completely dominate the army.

Either go south to attack the rebels' heart, or go south to cut off the retreat of the Eastern Expedition army. Strategically, they are still in the active position.

Of course, if the rebel army sends a separate force to invade Nanzhi and other places like Zhang Sanbai did last time, the officers and soldiers will not be able to guarantee their safety, and water transportation will not be delayed, which will inevitably lead to an uproar in the capital.

However, this level of failure is nothing compared to the strategic initiative taken by the officers and soldiers.

But now seeing that Emperor Zhu Youjian of Chongzhen and Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, "the emperor and his ministers get along well with each other", Zhu Xieyuan, who is quite old in Zuozhu, has to think about his future affairs.

It's true that he can be foolproof if he follows his own strategy, but if he offends the two people in front of him and is caught by them for a single mistake, he may be in danger of being doomed.

Zhu Xieyuan is now seventy years old. The ancients said: Seventy years are rare in life.

There is another poem that says: A beautiful woman can't be saved in the human world, just like the flowers in the mirror and the trees.

Nowadays, Zhu Xieyuan has already become famous and holds a high position. He no longer has the ambitions he had when he was young. Naturally, he is also worried that he will not be able to protect his career in the later years and will end up with the result of "all the birds are gone and the good bows are hidden".

Therefore, he just pretended not to know and waited to see what these two people planned.

After Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, and Zhu Youjian, the Emperor of Chongzhen, sang a harmony, they remonstrated: "In my opinion, the imperial court should set up two supervisors to deal with the thieves!"

"One governor announced that Shanxi, Baoding and other places would be deployed specifically to deal with enemies in the direction of Shanxi."

"The second governor is Henan, Shandong, Caoyun and Fengyang, etc., specializing in dealing with enemies in the east of Henan."

"This plan is perfect, and the world will be safe!"

"What Mr. Yang said is true!" Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian nodded when he heard this, and then turned to Zhu Xieyuan for advice.

"I wonder what Master Zhu thinks?"

You two have said both good and bad things, what else can I say?

Zhu Xieyuan of Zuo Zhuguo was speechless and choked up, and quickly responded: "Yang Benbing is really thoughtful and talented. I can't say a word. I really admire him."

"Oh, I didn't expect Master Zhu to have the same views as my hero!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but said in surprise when he heard this.

"I am about to recommend Master Zhu to be the left governor to look after the Shanxi thieves, and Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, to be the right governor to look after the Henan thieves. What do you think, young master?"

Ma Maipi! Zhu Xieyuan of Zuo Zhuguo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore!

Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but suddenly changed his expression and said: "Yang Benbing thinks that his plan is comprehensive and foolproof, but how can it be faked in the hands of others?"

What a joke!

Just move your mouth and we'll lose our legs. When the time comes, the credit will be yours and the fault will be mine. I really can’t live like an old man who has lived for seventy years in vain!

"Ah? Why did Zhu Shaoshi say this? This is not because I am in charge of the Ministry of War and have no skills, so I entrusted it to you. Why do you say this?" Yang Sichang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, couldn't help but said in astonishment.

"Since ancient times, strategy has come from the hands of managers, and their merits and crimes are integrated, just like Yang Benbing. I don't know how to reward merits and punishments in the future?" Zhu Xieyuan said with sarcasm on his face when he heard this.

Straight mother-in-law, since you have offended me, I will simply offend you to the end.

How can you put your life and fortune in the hands of villains?

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