Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1171 In Danger

Cao Bianjiao and his men were in full swing outside Zhengzhou City, and the battle was about to break out.

But who could have imagined that the humerus minister at the center of the opposite side was almost ready to fight because of the main direction of the rebel army's attack.

Although Yang Sichang was deeply trusted by Emperor Chongzhen, he also unintentionally offended many imperial censors and many feudal officials.

For a time, the memorial to impeach Yang Sichang flew into the Forbidden City like snowflakes, only making the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian very upset.

Not to mention Zhu Youjian's decision, let's say that on this day, Cao Bianjiao was standing on the watchtower, looking at the situation in the city.

"General, Chen Yongfu really has some skills!" Zhao Lizi, the general beside him, couldn't help but sigh.

"Last time we had few artillery, we couldn't tell what this guy was capable of. Unexpectedly, General Qingtian used twenty cannons, and forty field cannons and golden cannons of all kinds, but he still couldn't defeat this city. It shows what he can do!”

That's right, the Ming Army's so-called "sixty Hongyi cannons of the rebels" were actually only twenty siege cannons. The other forty were field cannons in the hands of the four battalions of the rebels. Their actual power was not as powerful as Heavy Hongyi cannon.

Of course, although from the actual situation, the rebel army did not have the powerful firepower of the Ming army's so-called "sixty red barbarian cannons", it still caused the officers and soldiers in Zhengzhou City to suffer a lot.

In particular, the "infantry and artillery coordination" tactics of the rebels really made Chen Yongfu and others unable to eat and sleep well.

You said it was all right, and a cannonball came over in a mess. Then a group of people rushed up. Who could withstand this?

"General, this is really evil!" Chen De was disgraced and couldn't help complaining to his father Chen Yongfu.

"Why do thieves rush over every time after a shell hits? Straight thieves, aren't they afraid of death?"

"What an asshole!" Chen Yongfu cursed with a black face upon hearing this, "That's a thief's trick!"

"Don't you see that every time a shell hits our soldiers instead of the thieves' own soldiers?"

Although Chen Yongfu is more clear-headed than his son Chen De, there is still no good solution.

The "infantry and artillery coordination" of the rebels is very simple. It means to concentrate the firepower in one place. After blasting away the soldiers, the firepower will be extended to both sides to drive them away.

Then the rebels first took advantage of the elite troops and rushed forward while the artillery was extending, leaving the officers and soldiers unable to use their strength.

If the rebels cannot gain a foothold on the city, artillery will attack again, cutting off the way for officers and soldiers to pursue the rebels, so that the soldiers who board the city can evacuate in time.

Now we can attack if we advance, and we can defend if we retreat. How can we fight this battle?

"It's impossible, we have to find a way to break the thief's evil spell, otherwise we can't fight this battle!" Chen De was about to cry.

"How do you think you can break it?" Chen Yongfu said angrily.

Most of the ultimatums and parapets on the city wall were destroyed, leaving the officers and soldiers with almost no place to stand.

The rebel army's "giant red barbarian cannon" kept attacking the city wall, causing parts of the wall and corners to collapse from time to time, which made Chen Yongfu even more worried.

In the past, officers and soldiers were not good at field combat, but at least they did not rely on city walls for defense.

But now that the rebels have selected the two skill points of the Ten Thousand Jin Hongyi Cannon and "Infantry and Artillery Coordination", the officers and soldiers can't even retreat to the city. Is this world really going to change hands?

No, there must be a way!

Although Chen Yongfu was born a beggar, he still always remembered the favor of the imperial court for promotion and training.

In addition, he has a tenacious temperament and will not give in easily for a while.

"Chen De!" Chen Yongfu frowned and shouted after a while, "You pick a few smart people and ask Fujun for help again!"

"What if there is no response?" Chen De asked angrily.

"Then beg again!"

"If the officers and soldiers remain motionless, what can be done?"

"Then tell them that if you do it again and again, I will be worthy of being paid by the imperial court!" Chen Yongfu said fiercely.

Chen De breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his father was finally relieved.

In the original history, Chen Yongfu and Chen De's father and son stuck to Kaifeng City. In addition to their loyalty, there were also reasons such as the two sides repeatedly faced each other and accumulated too much hatred.

But now the rebel army under Zhang Shun can be said to be benevolent and righteous, and they will not loot or loot.

Zhang Shun himself was magnanimous and could treat everyone from bandits to governors equally without any partiality. Therefore, Chen Yongfu and Chen De's father and son now have no intention of death.

Not to mention what Chen Yongfu, Chen De and his son planned, let us say that Zu Kuan left Kaifeng Mansion and headed west.

It was only a short distance of a hundred miles, but he walked for three whole days.

"General, the city of Zhengzhou is ahead!" Soldiers reported earlier.

Straight lady thief, haven't you fallen yet?

Zu Kuan cursed secretly, and then couldn't help but build an awning with his hands and look to the west.

Before he could see clearly, there was already a group of rebel cavalry lingering on the periphery, monitoring Zu Kuan's battalion of cavalry.

"General, do you want me to bring some people to drive them away?" the personal guard beside Zu Kuan couldn't help but ask.

"Forget it, don't provoke others!" Zu Kuan shook his head and said a little short of breath.

The last time he fought against the rebels, he suffered a big loss and lost nearly half of his army in one breath. It's no wonder that Zu Kuan lost his previous fighting spirit.

"Then what should we do?" People around him couldn't help but ask.

"Pick a few smart ones, reward each with fifty taels of silver, and order them to sneak outside Zhengzhou City and shoot the letter in, which will be considered a success!" Zu Kuan hesitated and said.

He is still young and is not very skilled at doing this kind of thing, so he still feels ashamed.

That's fine, it's right for everyone to take this into consideration.

Now that the thieves are powerful, the new Henan governor Wu Gang is hiding in Kaifeng Mansion and refuses to come out. What else can they do with only half a battalion of cavalry?

Unfortunately, Zu Kuan was born too early. If he had been born in the Republic of China, he would have resented the way that the leader of the Kuomintang reactionaries, Chiang Kai-shek, sent a division to fight, and then the division commander sent a company with a radio station to attack.

It is said that Zu Kuan led half a battalion of cavalry and had just arrived near Zhengzhou. They were discovered by rebel scouts and reported to Cao Bianjiao.

Without waiting for Cao Bianjiao's order, Zhao Lizi took the initiative to invite Zhan and said, "If you're not afraid of him coming, I'm afraid he won't come."

"Now that the reinforcements of officers and soldiers have arrived, I request to lead troops to destroy them!"

"No need!" Cao Bianjiao shook his head upon hearing this.

He is now a general of the first army. He had known that the coach Hong Chengchou had secretly rushed to Luoyang City, so there must be some conspiracy.

He then smiled and said: "We have to put in a long line to catch big fish. We only have more than a thousand cavalry. How can we eat enough?"

Zhao Lizi and his partner are still the same, and now they are almost equivalent to the deputy generals of this army.

Hearing what Cao Bianjiao said was quite unusual, he knew there must be a reason, so he stopped asking and instead smiled and said, "It seems like this matter won't be over for a while?"

"Don't worry, Gao Ying hasn't arrived yet!" Cao Bianjiao chuckled upon hearing this.

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