Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 117 Broken City (Part 2)

How could "Optimus Prime" not want to take care of him? He secretly complained in his heart: For the sake of such a beautiful woman, it is not impossible to take care of her even for four or five times.

Zhang Shun listened for a while and finally understood. It turned out that they had already opened a gap, but it was blocked from the front and attacked from both sides. The soldiers who were beaten could not rush in.

However, this matter was not easy for Zhang Shun's artillery team. If he uses artillery to bombard the enemy's officers and soldiers blocking the gap, he will not be able to avoid the charging rebels on his side; if he hides the artillery among the rebels, Zhang Shun is worried that the stones and "gold juice" on the walls on both sides will fall off. Injured his own gunner and artillery. Unless Zhang Shun's artillery can attack the defending officers and soldiers on the city wall.

Zhang Shun thought for a while and said to Li Shian: "Do you still remember the question I asked you before I promoted you?"

Li Shi'an was really smart. He knew Zhang Shun's intention as soon as he heard it, and responded: "General, I know how to do it. Just see how good I am!"

The "general", his wife, subordinates and others looked at each other in shock. They didn't know what riddle they were playing, so they had to watch how they operated. Li Shi'an was seen, ordering the soldiers to raise the muzzle of the artillery and point it diagonally upward. Then the gunner began to load the gun with a spoon, and finally put in the iron shells.

When everyone saw it, they wanted to gather around and take a closer look. Zhang Shun quickly pulled Huang Lai'er, the "Investor", and said, "This thing can easily explode. Don't get too close, or you may get hurt." When the others heard this, He hid far away in a hurry.

Seeing that the gunner was ready, Li Shian ordered the artillery to be test-fired. There was only one sound of artillery, and the artillery was bounced up by the shock, and the artillery shells flew to no one knows where. The "Chuang Jiang" rebels who were watching around were shocked.

Li Shi'an said without changing his expression and his heart not beating: "There are too many charges this time, half of the next charge will be used for test firing!"

When the next one was ready, there was another cannon shot, and the cannonball hit the root of the city wall like a thrown stone.

Li Shi'an said again: "The powder is low, two-thirds of the gunpowder is tested!"

The charge continued here, and the "a tiger" looked at it for a long time and couldn't help but sneered: "Can this kid's 'firecrackers' thing scare the city of Zezhou into surrender?"

Zhang Shun smiled slightly and said nothing. "Champion General" Huang Lai'er knew that he had something to ask for, so he quickly scolded: "Be honest! Don't be presumptuous!" The Xing family also quickly helped and said: "Children are not sensible, I hope my little brother Optimus Prime will be honest!"

Zhang Shun looked at the child "Yi Yihu" who was five or six years older than "Chuang Jiang" and said with a smile: "Maybe the nephew of 'Yi Yihu' has played with firecrackers too much, and everything he sees is firecrackers. If it's 'Yi Yihu', My nephew likes it, so I, as your uncle, will give you some to play with later!"

"You!" This "One Tiger" was so angry that he wanted to turn against him. He just received an angry look from "Intruder" and had no choice but to swallow his words.

Several people were about to speak when they heard another cannon shot, and then a scream sounded from the tower. Zhang Shun and others looked up and saw that the tower was in a panic. They didn't know they had hit the unlucky guy. Zhang Shun was also quite surprised. This thing was not very accurate to begin with, but today it made a profit just after it was debugged. "Chuang Jiang" and others also exchanged glances, unable to hide their surprise: Is this artillery so powerful?

After Li Shi'an grasped the amount of charge and the height of the muzzle, he immediately ordered to shoot at the officers and soldiers on the city wall. As a result, two or three waves of shells were fired, and no screams were heard again. This incident made Zhang Shun very embarrassed, so he had to explain reluctantly: "This mainly depends on luck, because we really don't know whether the city wall is full of people or how many dogs have been released. Everyone just needs to wait patiently."

While he was talking, he suddenly saw a panic on the tower, and he didn't know what happened. Although the "Advocate" was usually dull, he acted like a storm, and immediately ordered the "Mountain Harrier" to lead the attack.

As a result, this time, the resistance of the officers and soldiers in the city was significantly weaker, and even the stone and "gold juice" used twice on the city wall were not so frequent. Zhang Shun was also a master who was sensitive to fighter aircraft. He immediately ordered Li Shian to lift the erected artillery, put it on the car, and follow the "Mountain Harrier" to attack the gap in the Zezhou city wall.

The artillery was loaded with shotgun shells, and when they arrived in front of the battle formation, the "Mountain Harrier" and others in front were given some space. Then, Li Shi'an ordered the gunner to light the artillery. Only a few loud noises were heard, and the officers and soldiers in front of the rebel army were immediately wiped out.

A large number of mutilated corpses and severed limbs appeared in front of the rebels, and a large amount of pungent bloody smell stimulated the nerves of the rebels on the battlefield. Even though "Mountain Harrier" and others have done more cruel things, where have they seen such a tragic battlefield? For a moment, their stomachs were churning and they couldn't help but vomit.

The officers and soldiers in front of the rebels were hit by the artillery at close range, and their originally low morale had reached its limit. At this moment, their morale collapsed and they fled in all directions. Seeing this, Huang Lai'er, the "traveler", quickly shouted: "'Mountain Harrier', if we don't attack now, then when will we wait!"

Hearing this, "Mountain Harrier" and the others quickly endured their nausea and rushed towards the city on the sticky blood and somewhat elastic corpses. The officers and soldiers were defeated like a mountain. In an instant, the city was filled with screams, screams and fighting.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun bowed his hands to "General Chuang" and said: "This city has been destroyed, let's take our leave first!" Although "General Chuang" wanted to persuade him to stay, he didn't know where to start, so he had to agree, and then He signaled to Mr. Xing.

Mr. Xing understood, and walked up to Zhang Shun and said to Zhang Shun: "Thank you for your hard work, brother Optimus Prime. I am barely a few years older. Please call me sister-in-law. Let me give you one!"

Zhang Shun was confident that he would take Wukong, Egg, Li Shian and the artillery team back to the camp. Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Mrs.

Zhang Shun took a deep look at Mrs. I have become a thief, but I cannot continue to be a thief, let alone be a thief from generation to generation!"

"Although I don't quite agree with his thoughts, his words touched my heart. Since ancient times, officials and bandits have been incompatible, and officials and thieves have been fighting each other. However, the common people have their own scales in their hearts, regardless of their head. Whether there is an official title, who is a thief and who is an official, the people know in their hearts. If my sister-in-law is interested, she can just say something for those who are also women!"

Hearing this, Mr. There are always people in the rebel army who are decisive in killing, but I have never heard of such a kind and righteous person.

Thanks to fans "Zebra Color Pillow and Quilt", "Po Shui" and "Growing Alone 569" for their large rewards, thank you too. Rewards from Zhang Yuyan and book friend 20181125173435670. The author is so grateful!

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