Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 118 Zezhou City

Now that the rebels have captured Zezhou City, according to their nature, they must have burned, killed, looted, built and looted again. But fortunately, Xing's advice to "Chuang Jiang" was: "If you want to achieve a big thing, the best policy is not to kill people. Regardless of recruiting peace or uprising, without the support of the people, I'm afraid it won't last long."

This "general" is a good fighter, but logistical strategies are not his specialty, and most of them are taken care of by the Xing family. So he obeyed Xing's advice and ordered his soldiers not to loot. Originally, according to previous habits, "Mountain Harrier" and others would have a "good thing" if they invaded the city. However, this time the bloody and disgusting blows from Zhang Shun's artillery made them feel bad, and they lost interest, so they grabbed some belongings and went on their own. Went back to camp to rest.

At this time, the second boss "Zijin Liang" and Zhang Shun also entered the city and met "Chuang Jiang". The second master, "Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but praise: "'Chuang General' is good at attacking. People always say that 'Chuang General' is good at attacking. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation! He destroyed the city in just one or two days, all because of 'Chuang General' Gong."

"Jiang Jiang" was expressionless when he heard this. "Purple Gold Liang" looked around and found it a bit boring, so he looked for a step and said: "You are still a boring gourd! How about learning more from 'Optimus Prime' on weekdays, little brother?" "

Zhang Shun wished that the two of them would die early and be reborn, so that they could not live in the world and cause harm to the people. But they were just grasshoppers on a rope, and they were all killed by the officers and soldiers if they were not careful. So he had to reluctantly answer: "Be slow in words but quick in deeds, this is the style of a gentleman in ancient times. The second master is joking, how dare I let 'Chuang General' learn from him? I am the only one who can learn from 'Chuang General' !”

"You have such a mouth, you can talk about life even if it's dead!" The second master also became interested and said with a smile, "'Chuang Jiang', you met this little brother late, so you don't know how powerful he is. At the beginning, I begged Zhang Daojun During the recruitment process, Zhang Daojun was so arrogant that he was forced to kneel down and bow to me in return, which was really impressive!"

The "Investor" Huang Lai'er and his wife and brothers thought about it beforehand, and they all felt that the person who harmed "Lao Huihui" that day was either "Optimus Prime" or this "Purple Gold Liang" person. This is also the reason why "One Tiger" and others have a bad impression of Zhang Shun.

However, after what happened yesterday, Mr. Xing spread Zhang Shun’s words to everyone. Everyone agreed that although "Optimus Prime" looked like a girl, he was a kind-hearted person and would definitely not do such a despicable thing.

Among the two, only the "Purple Gold Liang" had blood on his hands, and he was a decisive person. He had heard that "Lao Huihui" questioned the position of the second leader "Purple Golden Liang" as the leader of the alliance, so he must have taken revenge for his own purposes.

This "advocate" was only in his mid-twenties, so he was young after all. Although he tried his best to suppress what he was thinking, his behavior became somewhat unfamiliar. Although "Purple Golden Liang" is relatively stupid, he still knows how to be close and distant. Fortunately, this "advocate" has always been dull. Although "Purple Gold Liang" has doubts in his heart, he is not sure. When Zhang Shun interrupted him, he ignored it.

The "Admiral" heard this and admired Zhang Shun fiercely, and he couldn't help but say: "I admire him!"

Zhang Shun laughed and asked everyone to continue drinking. After they were full of food and wine, the three of them talked about today's attack on the city. The "general" admired Zhang Shun very much and said: "The gunner under your command is very powerful. He killed the governor of Zezhou with one shot, so I have a chance." Attack this city."

Zhang Shun quickly asked about the matter and learned that when Li Shian was testing the cannon, he frightened Wang Yunchang, the magistrate of Zezhou. Wang Yunchang heard the sound of cannons and was worried that the city would be destroyed. Then he was helped up to the tower and prepared to observe the situation outside the city. Unexpectedly, a cannonball flew and hit him in two pieces on the spot.

When the officers and soldiers guarding the city saw that Zhizhou was lost, how could they still have fighting spirit? They fled in all directions, except for the lower part of the city and another section of the city wall that the defenders did not know about, but still insisted on defending the city. It's just that without command, it can't be effective in defending the city. As a result, Zhang Shun was bombarded by artillery, which dispersed the last bit of stubbornness in the city, and easily defeated the city.

After hearing this, the second master and Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh: This Li Shi'an is really a blessed general, just suitable for the position of captain of the second artillery!

It turns out that the artillery of this era is not very accurate, which is why the rebels and other teams are unwilling to carry these heavy things. Not to mention affecting mobility, there is no stable effect yet. After all, "Europeans" like Li Shi'an are rare, so both "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" are very envious of Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun smiled and said modestly: "This kid just got lucky once, he can't do it right, he can't do it right!"

After the three of them had had enough wine and food, they discussed how to divide the spoils. After all, we are all thieves. We lost the lives of so many brothers and conquered the city. We are not here to do charity. Although it has been decided not to carry out massacres and looting, it is still appropriate to search for some supplies.

The three of them looked like imperialists carving up colonies. They divided the city into three parts, and each ordered his soldiers to search for money and supplies. The "Charging General" was apparently the first to break the city and got the biggest piece. Originally, Zhang Shun was the second to break the city, but his strength was not as good as others, so he humbly gave it to "Purple Gold Liang".

The "Purple Golden Liang" was not polite and took away the second big piece, leaving the smallest piece to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun is not angry at all. There is no need for you to fight over me for giving birth to a child without an asshole. It’s almost enough.

On the contrary, the "invading general" felt sorry for himself, so he wanted to give Zhang Shun some of the beauties snatched by his subordinates. Zhang Shun took a look and bang! He was either fat or thin, with yellow teeth and dark skin. He could barely be considered a normal person and could not get off the bird, so he was declined by Zhang Shun.

It turns out that many people in this era are extremely poor and malnourished. No matter how good their foundation is, they cannot withstand such torture in life. Basically, they all have a pretty face and have black fingers and yellow teeth. At least there are a few of them, and most of them are officials or gentry who live a good life.

People like Zhang Shun and Li Sanniang who came from farmers are relatively rare. Although the per capita cultivated land in the late Ming Dynasty was much better than that in the late Qing Dynasty, many homesteaders had already gone bankrupt and fled the disaster because of land annexation and excessive taxes. The desertion phenomenon seen by Zhang Shun is the final sign left by these bankrupt farmers.

Shanxi is better than Henan, and it can rely on the mountains to rely on the mountains. Although the cultivated land is not as good as that in Henan, you can always dig some wild vegetables and catch some game in the mountains to eat. If you are brave enough, you can even secretly cultivate a small piece of farmland and grow it yourself to support your family.

However, such messy eating can easily wear down teeth, affect the development of chewing muscles, and thus affect a person's appearance. Therefore, there are very few things that can catch the eye like modern society. Excluding those born with bad looks, they are even rarer.

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