Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 119 Dividing the spoils

The "spoils sharing" began. Zhang Shun and his team did not rob women, gold and silver and other items like the "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang". Instead, they took Ma Yingniang's women's camp and Chen Jindou's supply camp to look around to see if they could find some useful supplies.

As a result, when they checked at a wealthy family's house, the supply camp actually found something useful. Liu Gang, an old man who made iron, happily picked up a piece of coal that looked like a stone and showed it to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun looked left and right and saw nothing, so he asked: "Isn't this coal? What's so special about it?" Where?"

"This thing is called orchid charcoal, also known as white coal and fragrant coal. It is smokeless and odorless after burning, leaving no residue, only white charcoal powder. Even though it is coal, it does not stick to your hands, and it will not turn your hands black if you rub it. ." Liu Gang said, gently twirling the piece of coal with his hand, and stretched out his hand to signal Zhang Shun to watch.

Zhang Shun took a look and saw that Liu Gang's fingers were black due to years of iron making. How could he tell? He twisted it himself and looked at his snow-white fingers. Sure enough, his hands were not stained with black. Zhang Shun smiled and said: "You said this orchid charcoal is indeed good, but we don't want to be a rich man, so why use it? It's just for enjoyment."

"General, you are joking. We are all blacksmiths, so we are naturally concerned about iron-making. Although this orchid charcoal is expensive and rare, it is not uncommon in Zezhou. If it is used for iron-making, the quality of the iron will be improved to a higher level. ." Liu Gang said with a happy smile.

It turns out that this so-called "orchid charcoal" is the anthracite of later generations. Zhang Shun had never been exposed to it in his previous life and did not recognize it. This Zezhou "orchid charcoal" is the anthracite coal from Jincheng in later generations. It has very low sulfur content and is an extra-low sulfur coal. In this era, iron was used for smelting. Although the materials were overused, the sulfur content in the steel was rarely increased. The iron blocks near Yangcheng did not have high sulfur content, so they were used to make iron.

Zhang Shun was very happy when he heard this and quickly ordered everyone to move away. When the wealthy family saw the bandits coming in, they were all frightened and did not dare to resist. They just said that they would not be spared today. But he didn't expect that the bandits only took the orchid charcoal. He felt relieved and quickly offered all the orchid charcoal. The head of his family also pointed out to Zhang Shun which other big family in the city stocked orchid charcoal and which shop. Some sell orchid charcoal. They explain the directions one by one and draw pictures.

Zhang Shun admired the owner's ability and invited him to join the family. The owner was so scared that he peed his pants on the spot. Seeing this, Zhang Shun laughed and left with the people. Ma Yingniang waved her hand in front of her nose, slapped away the non-existent smell of urine, and said with a smile: "General, why are you trying to scare him?"

"I didn't scare him. This man speaks clearly and clearly. He sold out everyone else in the city after only a few moments. He is considered a talent after all. I really want to invite him to join my team!" Zhang Shun replied. Originally, he was just going to ask Ma Yingniang to borrow a few female soldiers. During the search, he did some things that were not convenient for men. As a result, Ma Yingniang was very happy after hearing this and led her men to follow him.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun relied on a man's intuition and didn't bring Li Sanniang out - at that time, he was mainly afraid that this "country girl" would cause trouble for him. As a result, Ma Yingniang became bolder and approached Zhang Shun intentionally or unintentionally from time to time. Zhang Shun has Li Sanniang these days, and he knows the taste of food, and he is more or less interested in it.

At this time, Zhang Shun still thought that this woman was Zhang Sanbai's fiancée. He didn't know what to do for a while, thinking: Could it be that this three hundred is going to be a green hat?

How did Zhang Shun, a straight man, not know that Ma Yingniang was naturally beautiful and traveled around the world performing circus, so she would inevitably encounter lustful people. So the brother and sister simply pretended to be a couple and tried to avoid harassment from others. As time went by, the behavior of these two people was inevitably misunderstood. Because her brother and sister had not met the disciples recently, they forgot about it for a while, but Zhang Shun's mind was still stuck on the time when he first met them, so he caused this misunderstanding.

Zhang Shun didn't know about this misunderstanding, and Ma Yingniang also forgot about it. She just felt that she took a step forward and Zhang Shun took a step back, but her eyes looked a little erratic. Ma Yingniang has been walking around the world for many years, so she doesn't know that Zhang Shun is somewhat interested in her from the look in his eyes, but his behavior is very upright, and she can't help but secretly admire her: "He is indeed the man that I, Ma Yingniang, like, even though he talks a lot all day long, But unexpectedly, he turned out to be a sincere and true gentleman. Unlike the so-called young master I met before, he said he was righteous, but his body was disgusting! "

This is the interesting thing about relationships. You think he looks handsome when he looks up at the sky at 45 degrees. In fact, he just has a bad cervical vertebra. He just looks up to relieve his condition. You think she is pitiful, but in fact she is today. As long as the demeanor doesn't matter the temperature, it's just that the cold wind makes you shrink your neck and shiver. But, no matter what, relationships always need a beginning.

In fact, to be honest, a man as "coquettish" as Zhang Shun is even more likely to attract women's attention than money or appearance. He has done all kinds of sultry things along the way, not to mention women, he has turned over a lot of men, who wouldn't admire him?

Zhang Shun arranged for the baggage camp to collect "orchid charcoal". Seeing that Ma Yingniang was fine, Zhang Shun simply sent her and the female soldiers to collect cloth in order to avoid embarrassment. There was a huge demand for these supplies in the camp, especially at this time of year when most of the cloth was made of cotton, linen and silk. Except for high-end silk fabrics, cotton and linen clothing are inherently easy to wear and are consumables.

After sending a group of people out, Zhang Shun had nothing to do, and finally remembered that he needed to bring a gift to Li Sanniang. As for what gift? The performances in later generations of TV shows are just gold hairpins and silver hairpins. So he took Wukong and Ji Dan to look for the jewelry store, but he looked around and couldn't find it at all.

This gold and silver jewelry is a valuable item. After hearing that the thieves are coming, who would dare to open a shop? These valuables had been wrapped up long ago and tightly hidden together with people and belongings. Where could Zhang Shun find them?

While Zhang Shun was searching, he suddenly saw a chaotic crowd of people in front of him, not knowing what they were doing. Zhang Shun was also a little surprised. It was too late for everyone to hide at home at this time, so why were there still people gathering here?

Zhang Shun pushed aside the crowd and saw that it was the old man Jiang Fa who was Li Jiyu's friend. The old man's hair and beard were all white. He was older than Ma Daochang. He was leading a cow and shouting to everyone.

It turned out that this man saw that a cow among the rebels was sick, so he took it out to find someone to treat it.

Thanks to Po Shui, I knock all the women in the family and Jun Moxin for the reward! We are all old readers, so I won’t say anything more, thank you for your support! I opened Word early today at 7 o'clock in the evening, ambitious to add more updates, but as a result, uh-huh, I have just finished coding the first update. . . I'll try my best to work overtime today and update another chapter. Please forgive me.

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