Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1181 Unprepared

"Supervisor, I want to see the Supervisor. Who gave you the courage to stop me?"

Early the next morning, as it was dawning, Yang Sichang, the Minister of War and Right Superintendent of the Ministry of War, who had been working hard all the way, heard the sounds of quarrels outside in a daze.

"What's the fuss about?" Yang Sichang, a scholar, although his body was not bad, but after a long day and night of walking, his muscles and bones were already exhausted, he couldn't help but yelled out unhappily.

"Superintendent, His Royal Highness King Zheng wants to see you!" The guard outside hesitated and responded quickly.

"Oh?" Yang Sichang was shocked when he heard this, and then he realized that it was Prince Zheng's voice outside.

He quickly apologized and said, "Your Highness, please forgive me, and I will wait until I change my clothes before paying my respects again!"

"Okay, then I will be waiting for you at the door!" King Zheng said arrogantly.

"Forgive me, forgive me!" Despite Yang Sichang's obedience now, in fact, according to his status, anyone who catches Prince Zheng and Zhu Zaiyu can make him want to die.

But now because of his "ineffective suppression of the bandits", the "thieves" captured Zheng Fan's residence. Yang Sichang still hoped that King Zheng could say a few good words for him, so he could only "endure the calm for a while."

Not long after, Yang Sichang dressed neatly, came out of the room and paid homage to King Zheng.

Prince Zheng didn't wait for him to finish the salute, and quickly took his hand and said, "The supervisor has been repairing for a day. I don't know when he will set off to rescue my child?"

Damn it, Yang Sichang almost wanted to spit on his face!

Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others led more than 10,000 elite troops to march more than 100 miles in one day and one night. Now they just rested for a hasty night, and the enemy's situation is unknown. How can they fight?

But now Yang Sichang didn't want to offend him, so he could only say perfunctorily: "Your Highness, don't worry, I will gather everyone to discuss sending troops!"

It's just that it's just dawn, and yesterday we had to work hard at the same time. Everyone is very tired, where can we get up?

I don't know how much effort it took, but Zhu Dadian, Zu Dalue, Meng Ruhu, Li Chongzhen, Yang Yupan, Mou Wenshou, Zhang Shiyi and other generals gathered together.

After everyone met King Zheng, when the governor Yang Sichang mentioned that he would rescue Zhu Yizhong, the crown prince of Zheng Fan, everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar.

"The soldiers haven't repaired yet, how can they enter?"

"How can we act rashly when we don't know the enemy's situation?"

After explaining the truth, King Zheng and Zhu Zaixi's face darkened.

You Yang Sichang, how dare you play tricks on me.

If my child, Zhu Yizhong, loses a hair, see if I ever get involved with you again!

Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, felt bad when he saw King Zheng's expression.

He quickly smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, when we first arrived at Xiuwu last night, the supervisor had already sent Ye Bushou."

"Calculating the time, it's almost time to come back. What's the enemy's situation? It won't be too late to make plans then!"

"Okay, that's all!" Yang Sichang nodded and glanced at Zhu Dadian gratefully.

You should also be careful when fooling people. If someone sees it, you will still offend them.

All the generals traveled twice as many times yesterday. They were tired and tired all the way. Naturally, none of them were willing to attack, so they immediately angered King Zheng who was eager to save his son.

Zhu Dadian fulfilled these two sentences and gave King Zheng some hope, finally allowing him to suppress his anger.

As a result, who would have thought that as soon as Yang Sichang finished speaking, he heard a throat-tearing shout from outside: "Report~"

"Hey, here we come, Ye Bu is coming back!" King Zheng seemed to have heard the sound of nature and couldn't help but dance.

Nima! Yang Sichang was dumbfounded and had no choice but to look at Zhu Dadian for help.

Sorry, I can't help you!

Zhu Dadian replied with a helpless look, hoping that what came was not some "good news".

In fact, Zhu Dadian helped Yang Sichang for no other reason than that it was difficult to find the scapegoat in the officialdom.

The imperial court finally sent someone to command the troops in Henan and Nanzhi on his behalf. He must not be "used up" so quickly.

"Tell me, what's the bad news?" Supervisor Yang Sichang looked at Ye Bushou, who had just been invited in, and couldn't help but emphasize the word "bad".

"There is no bad news, but there is good news!" Na Ye Bu Zhan couldn't help but say with joy.

"News has just come that the movement of 'shun thieves' has been discovered in the city of Huaiqing Prefecture."

"It is said that the thieves only had one battalion, and they relied on spies in the city to cooperate inside and outside, and they only entered the city after they falsely opened the city gate."

"Really?" Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian couldn't believe it and asked again.

"Really!" Naye Buzuo said happily, "I heard that because the enemy's advance was too fast, the main force was still crossing the river in Mengjin and had not yet had time to reach Huaiqing Fucheng."

"Half-crossing and attack?" Four words suddenly came to mind. Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian looked at each other excitedly, and both saw the shining light in each other's eyes.

"Are you sure?" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but ask.

"Confirmed! My subordinates, Ye Bu Shu, have searched all over the southeast, northwest, and there are no traces of other 'thieves'!" The "Ye Bu Shu" couldn't help but report it to Hui Hui.

"Governor Yang? Governor Zhu?" Upon hearing this, King Zheng couldn't help but look over eagerly.

"In this way, we will take back Prince Zheng's Mansion for you, and you can put in a good word for us. Do you think it's okay?" Yang Sichang pondered for a moment and couldn't help but say.

"Yes, I promise there will be no problem!" Although King Zheng was worried about the safety of his son Zhu Yizhong, he also knew that no one could 100% guarantee that he was safe and sound.

Now that Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian have agreed to send troops to retake Huaiqing Fucheng, the chance of saving their son Zhu Yizhong is very high.

"In that case, please ask Prince Zheng to wait for our good news!" Seeing how ignorant this guy was, Zhu Dadian couldn't help but said.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" King Zheng chuckled and didn't take it seriously. He stood up and strode away.

"Superintendent, are you really going to send troops?" Seeing King Zheng leave, everyone couldn't help but ask.

"Send troops!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but said decisively, "There is no reason to miss this rare opportunity in a century?"

"If we wait for all the enemies to cross the river, I'm afraid we may not be able to deal with the enemy in front of us!"

"Only while his foothold is not stable can we have a chance to defeat the thief!"

"Is this a bit dangerous?" Zhu Dadian hesitated after hearing this.

"If it had been last night, we might have been able to recapture Fucheng. Now that it's been a night, I'm worried that the thieves are already prepared."

"It doesn't matter!" Yang Sichang waved his hands confidently upon hearing this.

"Our troops are divided into two groups. One group will be led by me to besiege Huaiqing Fucheng. The other group will be led by you and will go to Wen County and drive Meng County to attack the army of thieves who are crossing the river."

"This group of thieves must have been arrogant and lazy when they defeated two cities in a row. Unexpectedly, my army was able to do double duty and reach them in just one day and one night. It was just the right time to catch them by surprise and attack them unprepared!"

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