Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1182 Food and Accommodation

It was said that Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, and the governor Yang Sichang came to an agreement, so they counted the troops and ran all the way to Wenxian County.

Nawen County is located about fifty miles southeast of Huaiqing Fucheng, one hundred and twenty miles away from Xiuwu County, and sixty miles away from Meng County.

This place is not as important as Meng County in Hejin, nor is it as controlled as Huaiqing Prefecture in surrounding prefectures and counties, so its military significance is not very important.

Zhu Dadian walked for two days with his subordinate Biaoying, Li Chongzhen, Yang Yupan, Mou Wenshou, Zhang Shiyi and more than 10,000 people. On the afternoon of the next day, he saw the city wall of Wen County from a distance.

"Junmen, let's go into the city and take a rest, shall we?" Seeing that it was getting late and the red sun was about to fall, Fengsi's commander-in-chief Yang Yupan couldn't help but step forward to ask for instructions.

The officers and soldiers first marched double the route for a day and a night, marching a hundred miles.

After finally resting for a night, they were sent to attack the enemies in Meng County early the next morning. They marched hundreds of miles for two consecutive days, and the soldiers were a little tired.

"That's fine, but one thing is that the soldiers can't enter the city to avoid disturbing the people; the other thing is that after everyone repairs overnight, they must set off in time tomorrow morning to avoid missing the military plane." Zhu Dadian hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but make a plan.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Yang Yupan, Li Chongzhen, Mou Wenshou, Zhang Shiyi and others couldn't help but quickly assured after hearing this.

It turns out that according to the Ming Dynasty system, when officers and soldiers marching inland, they should be provided with food and lodging by the prefectures and counties they pass by.

The food and salary during the war were planned by the imperial court, and the governor was responsible for allocating them.

It's just that when officers and soldiers fight in the interior now, it's a confusing matter whether it's counted as marching or fighting.

As the saying goes, "You know the elegant meaning when you hear the strings." Since we met the county town earlier, how could Zhu Dadian not know what everyone was thinking?

In fact, under the Ming Dynasty, there are constant natural and man-made disasters, and there are not many prefectures and counties retaining capital. How can ordinary prefectures and counties be wealthy?

As for the imperial court, if there is food and salary. Then why did Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian call on officials to donate some time ago and cause the incident of Wu Qinghou Li Guorui?

Therefore, when the governor takes office, the first most difficult thing to do is to raise food and wages.

Regardless of how other people raised food and wages, Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, was the first to get the money.

Who is he?

He is the governor of water transportation!

He should handle all the grain transported from the south of the Yangtze River to Shuntian Prefecture in Beijing.

When it comes to corruption, bribery, and manipulation, Zhu Dadian has always been unwilling to be inferior to others.

But if he was asked to intercept the grain and grass transported by canal and use it for other purposes, he would not dare to lend him ten more courages.

Even so, Zhu Dadian devoted himself to research for some time, and he discovered a way to "make a fortune".

It turns out that most of the grain transported by water comes from taxes paid by various places in the south, and it needs to be brought together to facilitate transportation and transit.

Since grain needed to be brought together, the Ming court took advantage of the situation and established warehouses along the Grand Canal to facilitate storage and payment.

Among them, four cities along the Grand Canal - Huai'an, Xuzhou, Dezhou and Linqing - all have warehouses, which usually store more than one million shi of rice.

Zhu Dadian took advantage of his authority and first wrote to the court to apply for the use of part of the grain reserves for military training, pay and military rations.

After the court agreed, he would first default on paying the soldiers, and then sell the grain to pay when the price of grain rose.

In this way, you can earn thousands of taels of the difference in price every time you go in and out, which makes you want to "hoard".

In this way, Zhu Dadian was able to enrich his own pockets and maintain his troops at the same time. He was called a "business wizard".

Now this "business wizard" is leading a group of small "business wizards", looking at Wen County in front of him, his eyes are shining, as if he has discovered a "business opportunity".

"Come here, please tell the county magistrate in front that the Governor of Water Transport is passing by to suppress bandits. Quickly prepare food and lodging for us. Otherwise, we will be punished as a bandit!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but sneered.

After receiving the order, the soldier quickly took Zhu Dadian's military order and hurried to Wen County City.

Not long after, the soldiers came to the city and saw that the Wenxian city gate was tightly closed, and there were thirty or fifty people standing sparsely on the city wall. They were wearing ordinary common clothes. At first glance, they were young men who had been temporarily recruited back from the county magistrate.

He couldn't help shouting arrogantly: "Where is the magistrate of Wen County? Come quickly and obey the order!"

"I'm... I'm an official, I don't know... I don't know what... the military order is?" Hearing this, a man walked out of the city. It seemed that he was only in his twenties, and he had a somewhat elegant and calm demeanor.

The soldiers under the city were stunned for a moment, and then said in a gentler tone: "The Governor of Water Transport, Zhu Dadian, has led all the troops here and ordered you to prepare food, lodging, and food without any mistakes!"

"Board and food?" The magistrate on the city couldn't help but asked in surprise, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Wen County is just a small county, how can it shoulder such a "heavy responsibility"?

If he had left it elsewhere, the soldier would have frightened and scolded him long ago.

It's just that he saw that the magistrate of Wen County was so young and quite magnanimous, so he didn't know which family he was a disciple of.

This guy has been acting as an envoy and messenger for many times, and he has quite a lot of skills. It is inevitable that he will watch the dishes being served, for fear of offending someone who shouldn't be offended.

"If there are any difficulties, can you let me into the city and explain it in detail?" He couldn't help but smile.

"That's it...that's fine!" The magistrate of Wen County pondered for a moment, nodded, and glanced at the strong man holding a big sword next to him.

The strong man got the order and went down from the tower.

Not long after, there was a dull sound, and the gate of Wen County City opened a gap wide enough for one person. The man who came down just now motioned for the soldier to enter.

The soldier turned over, led the horse and took a closer look. He saw that the man who came to greet him was about forty or fifty years old, and he was quite strong.

"Please!" Seeing the soldiers holding the horses, the man couldn't help but push the city gate hard to make the gap wider so that the horses could go in and out.

"What a skill!" The soldier couldn't help but shrink his pupils and praised him.

City gates in this era were relatively heavy, and it usually took three or five people to open and close them. This person could actually push the city gate by himself, but his strength was extraordinary.

"That's ridiculous, it's just a farmer's trick!" The strong man smiled honestly, grabbed the big knife beside him, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"Good man, if you are willing to serve in the army, I can recommend you to become a personal guard under the governor!" The soldier couldn't help but praise him.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I am nearly fifty years old and have no plans to leave my hometown for the time being." The strong man smiled honestly and declined the offer of soldiers.

"Let's go and see your parents!" The soldier glanced at him regretfully, and then got down to business.

The two of them walked dozens of steps and happened to see the magistrate who had just come down from the city tower. They couldn't help but smile and said: "This is not the place to talk. I wonder if we can choose a secluded place?"

"No need!" The magistrate waved away the dozen or so men around him and stepped forward a few steps.

"There are no outsiders here, please tell me if you have anything to say."

"Okay, so brave!" The soldier couldn't help but praise him when he saw that he was a scholar with such magnanimity, and then smiled.

"Isn't this difficult to say? It's not easy to say. If you hadn't met a kind-hearted person like me, I'm afraid you wouldn't have known how you died!"

The soldier's words were quite rude, but the magistrate of Wen County responded calmly: "How do you say this?"

"Wen County is a small county. Although it can't afford food and accommodation for more than ten thousand troops, can it also not afford a governor, several generals and generals?" The soldier couldn't help but grinned.

"As long as a few masters are properly arranged, what's the point of having tens of thousands of soldiers left?"

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