Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1184 Seizing the City

It is said that Xing Ruhu, holding a big sword, led a dozen disciples down the city wall and just asked the guards to open the city gate.

Unexpectedly, Li Yang and others suddenly took out their sharp wrist-breaking knives and inserted them into the chests of the gatekeepers, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Young son of the Li family, what are you going to do? Do you think my sword is bad for you?" Xing Ruhu pointed the sword at everyone when he saw this. The other disciples also drew their swords and opened their bows, and a fight was about to break out.

In order to open the city gate in a false way, Li Yang and others naturally did not carry any soldiers and had no armor to protect their bodies. How could they be the opponent of Xing Ruhu and his disciples who were armed with swords and spears?

Li Yang, what on earth are you going to do?

Seeing that everyone was in danger, and blood would be spilled on the spot if not careful, an idea emerged from my mind involuntarily.

"Xing Ruhu, do you still recognize me?" When Xing Ruhu was getting angry, a voice suddenly came over.

When Xing Ruhu heard about the reputation, he saw that the person who came was in his twenties, with an elegant temperament, and his appearance was fifty-six times similar to Li Yang.

"Are you Li Zhong, Li Xin, Li Mou or Li Kai?" Xing Ruhu was stunned and asked involuntarily.

Li Zhongnai is Li Daliang's real name, and Li Kaize is Li You's real name.

"That's Xinye!" Li Xin smiled slightly and asked, "Long time no see. Uncle Xing, how are you?"

"You thief, if you don't take the road to heaven, there is no way to hell and you will come to hell!" Xing Ruhu shouted and was about to chop Li Xin with a knife.

Unexpectedly, Li Xin smiled and said: "King Shun's army has arrived. Is it true that uncle is going to die in the city together with the dog officials in the city?"

"." Xing Ruhu couldn't help but pause when he heard this.

He doesn't think about himself, he also has to think about his parents, wife and disciples at home.

"Where are you staying?" Xing Ruhu stopped and asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You can't trust Huang Kou'er. Just because he followed His Royal Highness King Shun's cavalry, he has now been appointed as the commander-in-chief of the left, and he is responsible for the elite troops." Li Xin couldn't help laughing when he saw that he had a way out.

"Uncle Xing is a hundred times better than me. If he is given courtesy, King Shun will definitely treat him like a guest, and his achievements in the future will be limitless."

"If we become enemies with the rebels and fight to the end, then when the army arrives, everyone will be destroyed. Wouldn't it be tragic?"

"I can trust the character of King Shun and his wise nephew." Xing Ruhu looked hesitant when he heard this, "It's just..."

"Uncle, why did you say this?" Li Yang saw Xing Ruhu's heart moved and couldn't help but add more force.

"I came to look for you this time, but it was on my own initiative. In order to invite you to come out, my brothers and their lives were ignored. Is there anything left for uncle to hesitate?"

"Okay, since my nephew said so, what does my old bones mean to me?" Xing Ruhu couldn't help but feel strong after hearing this.

If Zhang Shun were here, he would definitely have no idea about Li Xin and Li Yang's bizarre behavior that led to their own death, and would have scolded them.

However, this is the way of communication between people in the world. A brave man is a hero, and a hero is worth making friends with.

If you follow Zhang Shun's wishes, since you delivered the goods to your door, don't blame me for chopping them up with knives and guns.

But according to their thoughts, since Li Xin and Li Yang gave them more than a hundred kilograms, they couldn't be in vain and make the heroes laugh.

Xing Ruhu decided with one word, how could any of his disciples dare to object?

They couldn't help but laugh and said: "I cherish Xingxing, a good man cherishes a good man, but I congratulate Master for having made a few good men!"

Xing Ruhu smiled heartily when he heard this and turned to Li Xin: "My good nephew is so brave. I wonder if you would like to come with me and take the head of that dog magistrate?"

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask my ears! Li Xin laughed when he heard this, and Xing Ruhu also laughed.

Everyone then followed Xing Ruhu to the Wenxian county government office. The county magistrate was restless in the government office, fearing that the rebel army had arrived and would be captured by the thieves sooner or later.

But suddenly I heard the disciple came to report: "Xing Ruhu came with three or five people, claiming to have an urgent military situation!"

"Let him come in!" The county magistrate is not afraid of fraud. Now is the time when he relies heavily on Xing Ruhu, so there is no reason why he should not see it.

Unexpectedly, not long after, Xing Ruhu led two young people and strode over.

The county magistrate was about to ask, but he heard Xing Ruhu shouting loudly: "Guan Gu, I didn't expect you to follow the thief and harm the people in my city. You want to take my knife!"

With just one knife, he actually split the magistrate into two pieces from head to tail on the spot. His intestines and stomach were not rotten, and the millet immediately flowed all over the floor.

"Okay, good swordsmanship!" The two young men were none other than Li Xin and Li Yang.

The two cousins, Chen Changzhen, were already good with knives. How could they not understand how much power it would take to cut a person in two?

"That's ridiculous, that's ridiculous!" Xing Ruhu waved his hand and said modestly, "It's just because this big sword is so heavy!"

"Uncle, how much does this sword weigh?" Li Xin was shocked when he heard this and carefully looked at the Spring and Autumn sword in his hand.

I saw that although the broadsword was also in the style of a Guan Dao, its blade was wide and thick, completely different from the narrow and ridged Qinglong Yanyue Dao used by Chen Changzhen.

"The head of my knife alone weighs thirty kilograms. With the wooden pole, I'm afraid it weighs thirty or forty kilograms!" Xing Ruhu said with a chuckle.

And, just blow it!

Li Xin secretly rolled his eyes. If he hadn't known that Wukong, the most powerful general under his lord's command, could only wield thirty-six pounds of bright silver, dragon and golden cudgel, how could Xing Ruhu, who was so virtuous, be able to wield such a heavy weapon?

Li Xin didn't say anything, and together with Li Yang, he praised Xing Ruhu so much that he was rare in the sky and unparalleled on earth.

The county government officials had never seen such cruel people. Seeing them talking and laughing in front of the magistrate's corpse, they were so frightened that they peed like urine.

They all knelt on the ground and said, "I knew grandpa was here, but if I have any orders, I will obey them."

How could Li Xin, Li Yang and Xing Ruhu be willing to rest?

Someone had already found the magistrate's family and cronies in this county and chopped them up one by one, and then he followed his heart.

Just when everyone finally occupied the county government office, packed up, and prepared for the next step, they saw someone rushing in in a panic.

The man immediately said: "Commander Zuo, it's not good, but there is a large army coming, and they will arrive in Wen County in a short time!"

"What?" Xing Ruhu was shocked when he heard this. He chopped off the county magistrate with his front foot, but why something happened with his back foot?

When Li Yang heard this, his face turned pale and he turned to look at Li Xin.

"It doesn't matter, let's close the city gate tightly and go to the top of the city to see what's going on!" Although Li Xin is a bit reckless, he is a scholar after all and has some knowledge.

When everyone climbed onto the city wall, they saw a large group of people and horses, with flags standing everywhere.

Xing Ruhu and Li Yang had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their lips trembled.

No matter how capable they are, even if the opponent is standing there, let them kill him.

They kill from morning to night, from night to morning, so what can they do?

Even if they are exhausted to death, I am afraid there is nothing they can do to help these many people!

"Ha, have you two seen it?" Li Xin smiled without being surprised, "If my men and horses come together, I'm afraid there will be almost as many people as this!"

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