"Military gate and all military lords, please come inside!" Li Xin, wearing a blue official uniform, said with a respectful look.

"What do you call it?" Zhu Dadian, Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, asked with a smile as he walked into Wen County under the guidance of Li Xin.

"My surname is Li, my given name is Zhixian, and my courtesy name is Maozhi. Just call me Maozhi in the army!" Li Xin couldn't help but nodded and bowed.

It turned out that Li Xin and others had just occupied the county seat of Wen County when they discovered that the army of officers and soldiers was approaching.

Whether you want to leave or defend, it will definitely be too late.

Li Yang and Xing Ruhu suddenly sweated profusely and were at a loss. Only Li Xin smiled and said: "Even if Wu Zong, the governor of Henan, comes in person, how can he, a new governor, recognize all of the many states and counties in Henan?"

He then took the clothes of the former county magistrate, asked his guards and others to pretend to be Dian Shi, Shiye and others, opened the door and told Zhu Dadian and others to come in.

Li Xin originally thought that the person leading the army was Wu Yan, the governor of Henan, but he did not expect that it was Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang thousands of miles away. He couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although Li Xin is confident that Wu Gang may not know the magistrate and others here, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if one or two of his staff and confidants happen to have a relationship with the magistrate, wouldn't it be a careless move? Lose all?

But now that the enemy has been replaced by Zhu Dadian, the risk of pretending to be the county magistrate has been reduced a lot.

"Ha, Li Zhixian, uh... your name is really..." As soon as Zhu Dadian opened his mouth, he realized that something seemed wrong.

When Li Yang and Xing Ruhu heard this, their hearts trembled. They almost took out their weapons and kidnapped the unsuspecting Governor of Water Transport Zhu Dadian on the spot in order to survive.

"Junmen, just call me Maozhi!" Li Xin responded without changing his expression, his heart not beating, and then sighed, "Maybe this is fate!"

"My parents gave me the word "wisdom and virtuous" at the beginning, hoping that I would be both wise and virtuous. But I didn't expect that I am now the seventh-rank magistrate of the county. It is really the right time and destiny, but it makes the military sect laugh!"

Zhu Dadian also found it interesting. He couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Li Zhixian has been promoted to Bailihou at a young age. If he meets someone who appreciates him in the future, he may not soar into the sky. How can his talent be trapped by a small county?" ?”

When Zhu Dadian said "appreciated person", he raised his eyebrows as if to indicate something.

Li Xinxin seemed to be thinking, but he said: "Thank you for your good words, if it is really appreciated by the noble man, Li will definitely repay you a hundred times."

"Haha!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but be quite happy to see "Li Zhixian" being so successful, so he entered the county with Li Chongzhen, Yang Yupan, Mou Wenshou and others, leaving his close confidant Zhang Shiyi alone to look after the troops outside the city.

"Commander Zuo, do you want..." Seeing Zhu Dadian and others entering the city, Xing Ruhu couldn't help but secretly pulled Li Xin and made a chopping motion with his hands.

Li Xin glanced at Xing Ruhu in surprise when he heard this, and shook his head gently.

He couldn't help but said: I didn't expect you to be so reckless even at your age.

Not to mention that there are fifty or seventy people including Zhu Dadian and his close associates, so they may not be able to gain the upper hand just by relying on themselves and Xing Ruhu.

Even if everyone showed their power and chopped off Zhu Dadian and others in one fell swoop, what would happen?

Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers were stationed outside the city. If they heard any movement in the city, they were afraid that Wen County was about to be massacred with blood.

From the perspective of the rebel army as a whole, a "Left Commander" plus thirty or fifty elites replaced the Ming Dynasty Water Transport Governor and Fengyang Governor Zhu Dadian, Fengsi Commander-in-Chief Yang Yupan, Suppression Commander-in-Chief Li Chongzhen and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mou Wenshou The four of them made money no matter what they did.

However, from the perspective of Li Xin, Li Yang, Xing Ruhu and others, no matter how many lives of officers and soldiers were exchanged for their own lives, they would naturally suffer a huge loss.

After thinking about it, Li Xin couldn't help but tugged at Li Yang and ordered in a low voice: "Find a few smart and reliable people, divide out a few horses, and go to Huaiqing Mansion in one wave and Meng County in the other."

"Huaiqing Mansion asked the commander to send troops to cut off the retreat of the officers and soldiers. Meng County reminded the rebels to take precautions. Let's give him a trap!"

"Okay, got it!" Li Yang nodded at him and secretly retreated.

When Xing Ruhu saw this, he was about to leave, but he was grabbed by Li Xin and said in a low voice: "Please let me accompany Zhu Dadian for a while, so as not to cause suspicion among the officers and soldiers."

"Li Zhixian, Li Zhixian, where are you?" Just as Li Xin was telling Xing Ruhu, Zhu Dadian's voice rang out at the right time.

"Junmen, the subordinate is here!" Li Xin quickly took two steps and caught up with him, saying with a smile on his face.

"Wenxian County is a small country, so I have to give some instructions to my subordinates so that I can entertain the army later."

"Hey, you're welcome, you're welcome!" Zhu Dadian smiled when he heard this, "If you have any chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, fish or geese, just come up, I'm not picky about food!"

"Okay!" Li Xin responded when he heard the words, turned around and scolded, "Master Xing, did you hear that?"

"Now that you have these things ready, prepare some fine wine and women, and bring them over!"

"Yes, sir!" Xing Ruhu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this and quickly agreed.

"Master?" Upon hearing this, Zhu Dadian couldn't help but look at Xing Ruhu in surprise, and said strangely, "For such a strong man to succumb to the position of master, it is really a waste of nature."

Xing Ruhu is now in his forties. Although he is a bit old for this age, he has been practicing martial arts all year round and has developed a tall and strong figure.

In particular, his head is as big as a bucket and his eyes are wide-open, like a tiger, which is even more intimidating.

"The military sect is joking, but it's just a field house with old ears. How can it be praised so much by the military sect." After hearing this, Li Xin was afraid of causing trouble, so he hurriedly said modestly.

Li Chongzhen, Yang Yupan, Mou Wenshou and others were quite dissatisfied at first, but after hearing what Li Xin said, they really lost their desire to compete with him.

Xing Ruhu smiled bitterly to himself, said goodbye to Zhu Dadian, Li Xin and others, and left the county government office and went outside.

"Master, what should I do?" Xing Ruhu's disciple Lin Zhongbao couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What should we do? Hurry up and bring a few people, get thirty or one hundred taels of silver, and prepare them as soon as possible!" Xing Ruhu said sharply.

"Where can I find a hundred taels of silver?" Lin Zhongbao originally wanted to remind the master that joining the imperial court was actually a good choice, but he didn't expect his reaction to be so strong, so he had to ignore him.

"Find some of your fellow apprentices and join us!" Xing Ruhu sneered, and then warned, "I know what you are thinking."

"You know, how easy is it to seek skin from a tiger?"

"Of course the two boys from the Li family may not be reliable, but how can the Governor of Water Transport be reliable?"

"When you saw that he was interested in recruiting me, how did you know that he was just saying a few polite words?"

"Master, you can't, right?" Lin Zhongbao couldn't help but be convinced when he heard the words, "The governor of this country is so dignified, and he speaks so eloquently, how can he still coax us?"

"Why not?" Xing Ruhu said disdainfully upon hearing this, "If the Ming Dynasty hadn't been bent on fooling us and other people, how could we be here today?"

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