"At the military gate, Commander Zuo sent people overnight, claiming that Zhu Dadian, the governor of the Ming Dynasty's water transport and the governor of Fengyang, together with Fengsi commander Yang Yupan, the aid and suppression commander Li Chongzhen and the deputy commander Mou Wenshou and others, brought more than 10,000 people. The elite have rushed to Wen County. If they want to make a surprise attack on Meng County, please ask the military to make plans in advance!" Zhang Hu hurriedly came to report.

"What?" Pingdong General Hong Chengchou was shocked when he heard this.

He originally thought that Yang Sichang was a scholar, upright and not a man of military skills. How could he have imagined that he would be so courageous!

"Is this his bluff?" Shi Wenhuan couldn't help but doubt after hearing this.

"Now that Yang Sichang has left Xiuwu with a large group of troops and headed out of Qinghua Town to threaten our city, how can he have the energy to go elsewhere?"

It turned out that at the same time that Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, arrived in Wen County, Yang Sichang, the right governor, also led his men to Qinghua Town, east of Huaiqing Fucheng.

Qinghua Town is located on the east bank of the Dan River, thirty miles away from Huaiqing City, and within the territory of Boai County in later generations.

After the officers and soldiers occupied this place, it only took half a day to rush to the city of Huaiqing Mansion and threaten the safety of Huaiqing Mansion.

Hong Chengchou shook his head gently when he heard this and explained: "I'm afraid things are not that simple. Yang Sichang has set up a simple 'crab formation' for me."

"The two teams are like two crab claws, one is virtual and the other is real. If we don't know the real and fake claws, we might get caught once we take action."

"If we guess wrong, we will be doomed; of course, if we guess right, it will be the other party's turn to be doomed!"

"This military sect's words make sense!" Shi Wenhuan thought for a long time, but couldn't get what he wanted, so he had to give a compliment that was both salty and mild.

"How does Mr. Zhao view this matter?" Hong Chengchou couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. He didn't expect Shi Wenhuan to come up with any tricks, so he couldn't help but turned to Zhao Yutou and asked.

"I don't know what's true or false!" Zhao Yutou shook his head and said with a simple smile, "But if I had to choose one, I would choose Wen County as the main force of the Ming army!"

"Why?" Hong Chengchou frowned and asked.

"The distance between Xiuwu and Fucheng and Wen County is almost the same." Zhao Yutou said after hearing this.

"But Zhu Dadian arrived first and Yang Sichang arrived later, which shows that the priorities are slightly different."

Hong Chengchou was stunned when he heard this, and then he reacted.

According to common sense, both should start at the same time.

As a result, Zhu Dadian had already arrived in Wen County, and Li Xin was able to send envoys to report the news overnight;

And Yang Sichang had just arrived at Qinghua Town, which was still thirty miles away from Huaiqing Mansion.

Judging from the perspective of marching speed, it seems that Yang Sichang's side should be the main force, and Zhu Dadian's side should be a feint.

However, if we look at the importance attached by both parties, the conclusion drawn is exactly the opposite.

Which side is the main force of the Ming army? Hong Chengchou couldn't help but ponder.

"Junmen?" After waiting for a long time, Wang Ding couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"Huh?" Hong Chengchou was suddenly awakened from his thoughts when Wang Ding shouted.

"Wang Ding!" He looked at Wang Ding and suddenly asked, "If Commander Zuo's Biao camp goes, can we defend the city with just one battalion?"

"Yes!" Wang Ding couldn't help but said firmly after hearing this.

His subordinates are all elite members of the Yulin family. In terms of their ability to fight, there are really not many rebels who can match them.

"Okay!" Hong Chengchou then made up his mind and said, "Leave Commander Biao's battalion and immediately secretly approach Wen County. Don't release the scouts easily to let the Ming army discover their whereabouts."

"Wang Ding will lead his troops to garrison Huaiqing Mansion and guard for five days without any mistakes!"

"Two old gentlemen, Zhao Yutou and Shi Wenhuan, along with Shi Yingpin and Shi Yingxuan, recruit men and materials from the city to help defend the city!"

"That general?" Zhao Yutou, Wang Ding and others were stunned when they heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

"Me? This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. I want to leave and rush back to Meng County to organize a battle!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but laugh.

Hong Chengchou was the best at calculating. In this moment, he finally figured out the pros and cons and made up his mind to surround and annihilate Zhu Dadian's troops.

"Military Gate?" Wang Ding was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Although he had made many achievements with Zhang Shun, he was still young after all, and suddenly had to face the "big army" of officers and soldiers alone, which inevitably made him feel a little unreliable.

"It doesn't matter, you have two old bones like us accompanying you, what are you afraid of!" Zhao Yutou couldn't help but smile and shook his head when he saw this.

"You..." Wang Ding felt uncomfortable when he heard this and wanted to scold him.

It was only with this opening that he remembered that the old fisherman in front of him was indeed King Shun's "Conglong Minister", and he couldn't help but change his words: "Then... then I'll help you two gentlemen!"

"Okay, if that's the case, and everyone has no objections, then Wang, please select some people to follow me back to Meng County!" Seeing that the plan had been decided, Hong Chengchou couldn't help but make up his mind.

The county seat of Mengxian County is sixty miles away from Huaiqing Fucheng, and it is also sixty miles away from the county seat of Wenxian County. The distance between the two is almost the same.

Just as Hong Chengchou led more than a hundred people to Mengxian County, the Governor of Water Transport Zhu Dadian also left Wenxian County and marched all the way to Mengxian County with his army.

"General, it's windy in the city, why don't you go down and rest?" While everyone was watching Zhu Dadian and other troops leaving, Li Xin couldn't help but step forward and suggest to the officers who stayed behind.

"That's fine!" The officer nodded.

Now that the first month has not passed yet, the cold wind is still strong, and no one wants to go outside and drink the northwest wind.

After finally arranging this man and several of his cronies to rest in Wanhua Building in Wen County, Xing Ruhu couldn't help but said: "This thief is a treacherous guy, and he left a group of people to look after him."

It turned out that after Zhu Dadian left, in order to ensure the safety of his retreat, he left a group of people stationed in Wen County.

In the military system of the Ming Dynasty, there were generally five soldiers, with two soldiers and one Shi, three Shis and one team, three teams and one sentry, and five sentries and one general.

The total number of troops left by the Ming army was about 450, and its officer happened to be a general, quite similar to the director of the rebel army.

After hearing Xing Ruhu's words, Li Xin couldn't help but smile and said: "When we march to fight, the soldiers left behind to station and guard the back road are ordinary and ordinary. What is it worth?"

"According to our methods, if there is a sudden attack, it is not impossible to chop this person into pieces."

"It's just that the risk is too great, and I might miss something important."

"Now I have sent someone to pass the news on, and there will be news soon."

"If my prediction is correct, my Biaoying camp will arrive before tonight."

"When the time comes, life and death are in my hands, what can he do?"

"Our opponent is not a small boss who drinks wine and shows off his power, but Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, and the more than 10,000 elite soldiers under his command."

The author has basically finished taking care of his family affairs, and has recently resumed normal updates, striving to finish writing this battle as soon as possible.

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