The second month of the lunar calendar is always very short, from the time when the rebel South Route Army invaded Huaiqing Mansion, to when Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, was defeated;

Then Yuan Shizhong led the hungry people to raise troops in Hua County, Daming Prefecture, until Hong Chengchou conquered Weihuifu City and drove Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian to Zhangde Prefecture. The time finally came in March.

On the second day of March in the ninth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the spring breeze at Pubandu was warm, the green willows and blue waves complemented each other, and there was a scene of spring everywhere.

However, General Zheng Jiadong, who was stationed here, looked at the beautiful scenery on such a beautiful day, but he didn't feel any charm in his heart.

Pubanjin, which used to be bustling with activity, is now deserted, with only a few small boats floating among the waves.

Pubanjin, also known as Pujin Pass and Daqing Pass, is located four miles outside the west gate of Puzhou, across the river from Shaanxi.

Since ancient times, there have been affairs in the world, and those who have competed for supremacy among rivers and mountains have always considered the east of the river to be silent.

Hedong is the silent throat of Shaanxi Mountain, and Puban is the silent throat of Hedong.

Therefore, this place is a battleground for the rebels in the Eastern Expedition; and for the Ming army stationed in Shanxi, it is a dangerous place.

Historically, the east bank of the Yellow River was called Pubanjin, and the west bank of the Yellow River was called Xiayangjin.

Later, Xia Yangjin in Shaanxi Province on the west bank of the Yellow River was renamed Linjin Pass and Daqing Pass.

Originally, there was a floating bridge between the two ferries for people to pass.

As a result, in the fifth year of Song Jiayou's reign, the river rose and the bridge was damaged, so it could not be used and had to be ferried by boat.

In the 26th year of Wanli, the river broke its bank and moved westward, leaving the original river pass in the east of the river. As a result, Shaanxi had to build a new river pass to restore river transportation.

However, this also led to an enclave in Chaoyi County, Tongzhou, Shaanxi Province, left on the east bank of the Yellow River.

And now General Zheng Jiadong is standing along the shore of this legacy enclave, looking at the rolling Yellow River and worrying.

"General, in the past half month, the bandits have been mobilizing food, grass, troops and horses frequently. I'm afraid there will be a big move in the next few days!" A spy had already reported hurriedly.

"Got it!" Zheng Jiadong nodded with a sullen face, without saying any unnecessary nonsense.

Although communication technology in this era is backward, it does not mean that both warring parties are deaf and blind.

Any mature regime has spies within the enemy's territory to collect intelligence. Once one party makes any changes, the other party can prepare early.

When the rebel army first started mobilizing, they falsely claimed that they "wanted to attack Hanzhong", which confused the judgment of Shanxi officials.

However, as the rebels' actions became more and more unscrupulous and the scale became larger and larger, there were more and more signs that the rebels were preparing to launch a large-scale attack on Shanxi. How could they coax people?

Now there are only a thousand defenders at Pubandu. How can they resist these wolf-like rebels?

"General, do you you want to report it to the new governor?" The left and right man, who had already been split in heart and gallbladder, couldn't help but suggest.

"I've already reported it, so there's no need to bother. I guess there won't be any results if I wait for ten or eight days!" Zheng Jiadong said with a wry smile and shook his head.

In this era, the speed of mobilizing troops and horses was very slow. Not to mention the decadent Ming Dynasty, even the rebels planned this expedition and took three or four months to prepare.

Now even if Zheng Jiadong and others report the emergency military information, what can they do?

Who in the Ming Dynasty and the public could have the ability to suddenly summon an army of 100,000 to block the "shun thieves" on the west bank of the Yellow River?

"Send the order to strengthen the security along the Yellow River to prevent thieves from sneaking across. Others have packed their armor, sharpened their swords and guns, and are ready to fight at any time!" Zheng Jiadong thought for a while and could only make some preparations within his power.

Hearing this, the people on the left and right couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and lost their voices: "General, if the thieves attack in a large scale, how can we and more than a thousand people stop them?"

"Don't worry. Although there are many thieves, there is no reason to fly across the Yellow River." Zheng Jiadong laughed when he heard this.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was afraid of causing everyone's dissatisfaction, so he added: "If it is really necessary, Zheng will not hit the stone with an egg, so please don't worry!"

Zheng Jiadong is not a fool. He doesn't think about his own future, but he also has to think about his own wealth and life.

You can eat as much food as you want, and you have thousands of people under your command, but you still want to resist the 100,000-strong army of "obedient thieves"?

Therefore, after being questioned by left and right, he had no choice but to make a verbal guarantee in advance to avoid being "borrowed" by others.

Not to mention what Zheng Jiadong, who was stationed in Pubanjin, thought, but at this time, Chen Changzhen, the general of Zhenxi, rushed back to Xi'an City all the way.

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" Chen Changzhen, who had not had time to wash away his dust after a long journey, was the first to pay homage to Zhang Shundao.

"Brother, please sit down and have a rest!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked happily, "I wonder if the injury is better?"

"It's okay!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but touch his neck in embarrassment after hearing this.

He was not afraid of heaven or earth, but he was afraid that Zhang Shun would talk about him when he came back.

Before the Western Expedition, Zhang Shun had repeatedly warned him not to put himself in danger, but he rushed forward in a hurry and almost lost his life. How could he have the face to face Zhang Shun now?

"It's okay!" Zhang Shun did not get angry this time, but smiled gently.

"My sister-in-law also gave birth to children for you. If you have any shortcomings, your wife will be raised by me, so don't worry about it!"

Don't you like being a cuckold? If you keep playing like this, I will give you a real cuckold to see if you are still reckless?

When Chen Changzhen heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry, and he quickly begged for mercy: "Your Highness King Shun, I have changed my mind, please spare me this time!"

His wife Wang was old and fierce, so Chen Changzhen certainly didn't think that Zhang Shun, who had many wives and concubines, would be greedy for her beauty.

"I'm so convinced. I can't even imagine how there are people like you in the world who like to lick blood from the edge of a knife!" Zhang Shun shook his head and sighed.

"That's it, I won't talk to you about this anymore!"

"Cao Wenzhao has led the vanguard to Tongzhou. It is estimated that he will launch an attack tonight or tomorrow morning. It is time for me to lead the army out!"

"I want you and Lu Weiqi to stay in Shaanxi. What do you think?"

"Don't worry, King Shun. I will help Mr. Lu to take care of Shaanxi in an orderly manner for you!" Zhang Shun had already communicated with Chen Changzhen about Chen Changzhen's appointment as the left-behind general, so he naturally agreed.

In fact, according to Chen Changzhen's thinking, even if he could not serve as the head coach of the rebel army during the Eastern Expedition, he should at least serve as the vanguard of the middle route army.

It's just that Zhang Shun really has no confidants available, so he can only entrust this land in Shaanxi to his sworn brother.

"Now I am concerned about four things. The first is: the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty are rising violently in the territory; the second is: the invasion of Tatars by Tumote and Yao'erdusi; the third is: the chieftains in Ganzhen and the frontier troops of the former Ming Dynasty are causing rebellion; the fourth is: The Ming army is marching north from Hanzhong, please be careful!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but tell him.

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