Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1205 Night Attack

Late at night on the second day of March, the sky was full of stars, the moon was dark and the wind was so high that I couldn't see my fingers.

I could only hear the splashing water of the Yellow River, and occasionally the chirping of birds, but everything was silent.

And just like this at night, the sound of water suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Commander, the east bank is not far ahead!" A voice suddenly rang through the night sky, but it startled me.

If you look carefully towards the place where the sound came from, you will see a dark figure lying on the river in the night.

If a human is not a ghost, how can he lie down on the river?

It turned out that there were thirty or fifty ferry boats, and they were ferrying them over quietly using wormwood.

"What are you afraid of? If the thieves find out just by saying a few words, then we all deserve to die here!" The "General Soldier" said without hesitation.

Not long after, the ferry hit the shore with a bang.

The "general soldier" couldn't help but jumped down and whispered: "Get off the boat, gather together, and count the number of people!"

It turns out that this "general soldier" is none other than Cao Wenzhao's subordinate Sun Shoufa.

This man likes to use an iron whip and has a reputation for bravery. Therefore, he, Cao Bianjiao and Cao Dingjiao became the "Three Heroes" of Cao Wenzhao.

Now, with the rapid increase in the strength of the rebel army, these "Three Heroes" are also rising with the tide, along with General Zhaowu Cao Wenzhao.

Now Cao Bianjiao, the leader of the "Three Heroes", has become the right commander along the way, with more than 10,000 elite soldiers under his command.

Although Cao Dingjiao and Sun Shoufa did not have such talent, they were promoted to the position of commander-in-chief of the first battalion under Cao Wenzhao.

Sun Shoufa's task today is to seize the Puban Ferry and help Cao Wenzhao lead the vanguard to cross the Yellow River.

The number of people in this sneak attack was not large, only more than 300 people, but all of them were carefully selected by him.

Sun Shoufa's generals counted the number of people, and the soldiers also put on their armor.

Not long after, the soldiers were dressed neatly, and the general had already reported: "General soldiers, after being counted by my subordinates, there are 315 people, and there is not one missing."

"Okay, are all the armors neatly dressed? Are the weapons ready?" Sun Shoufa nodded with satisfaction and couldn't help but ask again.

"Everything is ready, but wait for the commander-in-chief's order!" the general responded quickly.

"Okay, everyone, please follow me in a file!" Sun Shoufa nodded with satisfaction, then bit a small wooden stick horizontally, held the rope and walked in front.

This night attack by the rebels did not land directly on Puban Ferry, but on a lush grassy shore not far away.

This can not only avoid the Ming army's exploration and patrols, but also put on armor and form an array in advance. It is a very detailed strategy.

However, on the night of the second day of the Lunar New Year, there was no moonlight. Although it was helpful to cover the movements of the rebels, it also caused great trouble for the rebels to cross the river and march.

Therefore, Sun Shoufa thought of a solution that was not a solution.

He pulled a long rope himself, and then asked the soldiers behind him to hold the rope and file forward.

After walking in the dark for more than a mile, everyone saw a few lights in front of them, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"In front of us are the defenders of Pubandu, cheer me up and prepare to take action!" Sun Shoufa took out the wooden stick from his mouth and grabbed the iron whip from his waist and said.

Everyone originally wanted to respond, but found that there was still a wooden stick in their mouths, so they had to give up.

Not long after, everyone arrived and saw more than a dozen soldiers carrying long spears. They had already taken off their cotton armor and were squatting there to warm themselves over the fire.

Sun Shoufa couldn't help but feel happy, he couldn't help but grabbed several sentry officers, and ordered in a low voice: "Did you see the other two fires?"

"In a moment, each of you will lead a sentry. When the sound of killing begins, you all rush forward and kill him cleanly."

The sentry officers on the left and right heard the words and responded. They quickly picked up the ropes and led the men and horses of their sentry to the left and right respectively.

Seeing that the two sentry men and horses were gone, Sun Shoufa called twenty archers and pointed them out respectively, ordering the two to "look after" one to avoid making mistakes.

Then, he called over thirty more experts and arranged: "Three of them will fight one, do you understand?"

"You three deal with this, you three deal with that, and you three."

Sun Shoufa finished the arrangements impatiently, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

Cao Wenzhao was known as "the most loyal and brave general in the Ming Dynasty", not only because of his personal bravery, but also because of the good tactical qualities of his generals.

Sun Shoufa had been leading troops under him for several years, and he had already acquired some of his true heritage.

After finally arranging everything one by one, Sun Shoufa led everyone to move forward slowly.

When he was thirty steps closer to the enemy, Sun Shoufa concluded that the other two sentries should also be in position, and then gave the order: "Archers, prepare, shoot!"

As Sun Shoufa gave the order, twenty arrows were shot out in a volley.

Sun Shoufa didn't even look at the results of the archer's battle. He jumped up quickly and shouted loudly: "Kill me!"

At this moment, the enemies thirty steps away screamed several times, and three or four fell down immediately.

The others were suddenly attacked and quickly grabbed their weapons to resist. When they turned around, they saw a fierce general leading thirty or forty soldiers rushing over.

"Enemy attack!" The Ming army guarding the night suddenly screamed in panic, trying to call other soldiers for help.

But at this moment, most of the soldiers had already fallen asleep, so how could they come in time?

Sun Shoufa rushed forward, ignoring the enemy's spear, whipped it away, and then slammed forward.

"Ah~" The enemy in front of him screamed, and blood gushed out from under the dented iron helmet.

Before Sun Shoufa could look for the enemy again, other soldiers rushed forward one after another, looking for their own targets, and stabbed them to death one by one on the spot.

Just as he was dealing with the enemy in front of him, the other two sentries also dealt with their opponents one after another.

At this time, the Ming army camp stationed in Pubanjin heard the screams and was already in chaos. Sun Shoufa couldn't help but loudly ordered: "Come in, make noise and set fire at the same time!"

Surprise battles, field battles, and formation battles are different. Taking advantage of the opponent's panic, making noise and setting fire, and bluffing is the best choice.

You don't necessarily have to use a sword to kill. Sometimes panic and chaos are better weapons.

"Okay!" After hearing this, the other soldiers quickly found firewood, lit it on the fire and rushed towards the Ming army camp.

"Kill!" Everyone had just arrived at the gate of the camp and saw more than a dozen soldiers defending.

"Here!" Sun Shoufa chuckled, lit the head of the iron whip on the fire next to him, and then pointed forward.

"Bang!" Sun Shoufa felt the iron whip in his hand shake, and a bloody hole suddenly appeared on the body of a Ming army leader.

"Thunder Fire Whip? Thunder Fire Whip!" The Ming army on the opposite side couldn't help but scream.

The Thunder Fire Whip is a hot and cold hybrid weapon. It looks like an iron whip, but it is actually an iron whip.

But in fact, its whip shaft is hollow, and it has already been filled with gunpowder pellets, so it can be used as a firecracker.

As Sun Shoufa's thunder whip sounded, the archers and gunmen behind him couldn't help but start shooting.

He and the other soldiers around him rushed forward, took out knives and axes, and chopped them violently. After a while, they cut off the latch of the camp gate, and everyone swarmed in.

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