Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1206 Puzhou and He Fu

"Kill, kill, kill!" The endless sound of killing came from far away, suddenly waking up the general Zheng Jiadong from his deep sleep.

finally come!

Zheng Jiadong, who should have been terrified for many days, suddenly felt at ease.

"What's going on outside?" Zheng Jiadong put on his clothes hastily and asked the guards who hurried in.

The originally panicked guards felt relieved when they saw that General Zheng Jiadong was so confident, and quickly reported:

"The thieves have come over. They kill everyone they see and burn their camps. I don't know how many people came at once!"

"Hurry up and put on the armor for me!" Zheng Jiadong ordered the troops in an orderly manner, as if "Taishan collapsed in front but his color did not change, and the elk thrived on the left but his eyes did not blink."

The common armor styles in the late Ming Dynasty were generally cotton armor and plain armor, which were actually what later generations called cloth armor.

This kind of armor may not be as good as armor, chain armor, plate armor and other styles in terms of defense, but it is simple and comfortable to wear, making it easier for soldiers to deal with the enemy.

General Zheng Jiadong was no exception. He had already prepared a well-made cold-forged green visor for combat use.

With the help of his personal guards, Zheng Jiadong put on the armor with just a few clicks, feeling a little more at ease.

The left and right people took out the iron arm and wanted to tie it up, but he waved his hand and refused.

Wearing iron armor is for protecting one's life, and binding one's hands with iron arms is for fighting for one's life.

Now he just wants to save his life, not risk his life.

Zheng Jiadong grabbed the phoenix-winged helmet and put it on his head, put the sword on his waist, and ordered: "Follow me out of the tent!"

After everyone received the military order, they walked out of the Chinese army's tent with him.

I saw a sea of ​​fire outside, lighting up the night like the day.

The camp had long been filled with sounds of fighting, shouts and screams. Sure enough, it was unknown how many people the "thieves" had come.

Zheng Jiadong couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, glanced around and said, "Let's gather some troops and retreat to Puzhou first before we worry about it."

Based on his years of combat experience, he was sure that there would not be too many "thieves" coming to steal the camp this time.

If we organize manpower at this time, we may not be able to fight.

However, Zheng Jiadong did not intend to continue to hold on, but chose to give in.


Because it makes no sense!

As a veteran, Zheng Jiadong understands better than others that he only has more than a thousand people under his command. Even if they are all exhausted, how long can he resist the "successful thieves"?

Now you can't win, and you can easily be used by others if you surrender. In this case, why not retreat in order to advance, and then make plans?

Afterwards, he gathered three to five hundred soldiers, repelled the rebels who came to harass him, and rushed all the way to Puzhou.

Puzhou governs Hedong County, eight miles around the city, and only four miles away from Pubanjin.

Zheng Jiadong broke through the resistance of the rebels and rushed back to Puzhou in one breath.

General Zheng Jiadong's idea is very simple. As long as he relies on the defense of Puzhou City, the "thieves" will not be able to do anything to him for a while.

Then you will be in an invincible position. When the time comes, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. No matter what happens, you can surrender at any time. You should be foolproof.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Jiadong had just entered the city and alarmed someone.

This person was none other than Zhang Shun's old friend, the former magistrate of Song County, He Fu, whose courtesy name was Jian Yuan.

Previously, he was demoted to guard the border because of his disadvantage in "guarding thieves" in Song County. Later, he was recommended by others and was able to take up the post.

After He Fu took office, his official reputation was outstanding, and he was soon promoted to the post of magistrate of Puzhou.

After He Fu took office, he not only encouraged farmers to cultivate mulberry trees and repaired the city, but also visited heroes to guard against the rebel army's eastward advance.

That day, while he was sleeping, he suddenly heard a noise in the city. He jumped up quickly, raised his sword and shouted loudly: "What's the noise outside?"

"Sir, the officers and soldiers outside were defeated and wanted to retreat to the city, but the defenders refused, so there was a conflict." A servant hurriedly stepped forward to answer.

"Where are the dragons and phoenixes? Let's go with the prefect to check!" As soon as He Fu finished speaking, a big man responded.

When everyone heard the news, they saw that this man was no more than thirty-three or four years old, about eight feet tall, with a thin face and a long beard. His eyes were like lightning. He was holding a big gun that was two feet tall and stood tall on the ground.

It turned out that this person was the warrior recruited by He Fu and was called Ji Longfeng. He was from Zhufeng in Puzhou, Shanxi Province. He was good at using a big spear and had the ability to point rafters with Pegasus, so he was called the "Magic Spear" by others. .

Rafters are the load-bearing structures of ancient houses that rest on the purlins. They are usually placed underneath the tiles and exposed at the eaves, hence the saying "the rafters that stand out will rot first."

The rafters are generally only two or three inches thick, so they are not easy to be hit.

This man can point his flying horse to the rafters, which shows his superb marksmanship.

Therefore, Na He was overjoyed to receive help from this person. He always took him to his side and regarded him as his confidant.

It is said that after Ji Longfeng received the order, he led thirty or fifty heroes to protect He Fu and rushed to the west gate of Puzhou City. As expected, he saw chaos below the city.

After repeated confirmation by He Fu, the magistrate of Puzhou, Zheng Jiadong was put into the city.

It was said that Zheng Jiadong entered Puzhou City and told the story. He thought that he would definitely scare the courage of the scribes in front of him.

Unexpectedly, He Fu made a decisive decision: "This must be a 'successful thief' who wants to invade our Puzhou in a large scale. It cannot be defeated by one person."

"Yi extended the invitation overnight to invite Prime Minister Han to preside over important events, and invited Zhang Shan from thousands of households in Puzhou to lend a helping hand to us!"

General Zheng Jiadong was a little confused when he heard this. He didn't know what to do for a while, but he Fu, the governor of Puzhou, took care of the matter.

It turns out that this "Han Xiangyun" is none other than Han Xu, Han Xiangyun, who went through the four dynasties of Wanli, Taichang, Tianqi, and Chongzhen, and became the chief minister of the cabinet.

This man was a Jinshi in the 20th year of Wanli. He successively held the posts of Minister of Rites, Grand Scholar of Dongge, Grand Bachelor of Jianjige, and Chief Assistant of the Cabinet. He was famous both in terms of reputation and qualifications.

In the second year of Chongzhen's reign, Han Xu was criticized by the imperial censor due to the "Ji Si Incident". He had no choice but to complain about illness three times, resigned from office and returned home.

General Zheng Jiadong was in a humble position, and despite all his calculations, he never expected that there would be this "great god" in Puzhou City, and he was stunned for a moment.

Of course, if that's all, Zheng Jiadong has military power, so he will naturally not be afraid.

But He Fu's invitation to those thousands of households in Puzhou to reward Zhang extinguished his last thoughts.

At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, a thousand-household station was set up in the northeast of Puzhou City, which was called the Puzhou Defense Thousand-household Station.

Although it has been nearly three hundred years since the establishment of these Thousand Households, they have already changed beyond recognition and are no longer worthy of their responsibilities. So how can we not know?

Therefore, after he took office, he cooperated with the deputy envoy of Pingyang Mansion, who was assigned to guard Hedong Road, to reorganize military affairs, build armors and weapons, and together with the current Puzhou Qianhu Zhang Shou, he carefully selected 500 people for the garrison.

Now that we happen to encounter a war, why not use this soldier?

Good guy, overnight, there were soldiers and generals in Puzhou City, and they made Puzhou City as impregnable as possible.

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