Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1209 Sacrifice (Part 1)

"How did he end up here?" The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, even Han Xu, the two chief ministers of the Ming Dynasty, who presided over the suppression of the Xu Hongru White Lotus Sect uprising in Shandong, still couldn't bear it when he heard Zhang Shun's name. There was a chill in my heart.

"This... I'm afraid this has something to do with me." He Fu smiled bitterly upon hearing this, "Let me ask him what he means!"

"That's fine!" Han Xu nodded and waited to see what the "Shun Thief" planned.

He Fu then stood at the parapet and responded loudly: "He Fu is here. I wonder if King Shun has any advice?"

"One day without seeing you is like three autumns, and several years without seeing you have a broken heart!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile playfully when he heard this, "He Qing, I miss you and you don't know it. How can you be so decisive as to do this?"

Damn it, you really can't talk to this guy, or he'll get in trouble with you.

He Fu's face turned dark and he turned to leave.

It turns out that in the late Ming Dynasty, the practice of raising child molesters was quite popular. It is said that Hong Chengchou recently raised two handsome young boys, which was not considered strange.

Therefore, Zhang Shun's words immediately made He Fu "If yellow mud falls into his crotch, it is either shit or shit."

For a moment, everyone's curiosity for gossip was ignited, and they all pricked up their ears, wanting to hear more.

"Hey, don't go, don't go, we have business, this time we really have business!" Zhang Shun saw He Fu was in a hurry and quickly dissuaded him.

oh! Everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized: "This time there is really something serious", then the "previous times" may not have been so "business".

"If King Shun keeps talking nonsense, don't blame He for being merciless!" Although He Fu had no choice but to turn back, he still couldn't help but argue when he looked at the applications from the people around him.

Zhang Shun chuckled when he heard this and didn't take it seriously: "As the saying goes: rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends outside."

"I am new to your place, so I am inevitably in danger of being short of money."

"Now I want to borrow a few things from Brother He. I wonder if Brother He can help me?"

He Fu, the magistrate of Puzhou, was stunned when he heard this. He immediately understood that Zhang Shun's plan was not trivial. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, no!"

Just kidding, if you lend me my head, can I still lend it to you?

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this: "Brother He and I have been friends for many years, how could he be so ruthless?"

"Then what does King Shun want to borrow? If it involves state affairs, then please forgive He for being ruthless!" He Fu hesitated after hearing this and shook his head.

"Hey, I never thought that Brother He would treat Zhang like this!" Zhang Shun smiled, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he followed He Fu's example and shook his head.

"Zhang just wants to borrow a cow, a pig, and a sheep from Brother He!"

"What?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't believe their ears.

How can one not be surprised that the dignified King Shun ventured to the city and humbled himself just to borrow three livestock?

"Is this true?" He Fu couldn't help but asked in shock.

"Brother He, what are you talking about?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "As a brother, why did Zhang ever deceive you?"

"This" He Fu hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but look at Han Xu, the former chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty beside him.

Han Xu frowned and thought to himself: "If the thieves want to cut off the food and grass in my city, they only need one cow, one pig, and one sheep, so it's not worth it!"

He nodded and said, "Lend it to him!"

"Well!" He Fu turned his head when he heard this and responded loudly, "Since King Shun has spoken, I will lend it to you at my own discretion."

"It's not polite to come back and not reciprocate. Since He betrayed King Shun as a favor, I also hope that King Shun will betray He as a favor and withdraw his troops as soon as possible!"

What a surprise, He Fu actually took advantage of the donkey down the slope and took the opportunity to attack Zhang Shun's army.

Everyone was anxious after hearing this and were about to interrupt, but were stopped by Zhang Shun with a wave of his hand.

He chuckled and said loudly to He Fu: "Brother He, how stupid is he?"

"If you want the rebels to retreat, just tell me as soon as possible. Why hesitate for a long time to deal with an unhappy person?"

"This...does King Shun agree?" He Fu couldn't help but said in surprise after hearing this.

"Yes! As long as the two families stop fighting, you will still be your governor He, and I will be my king Shun!" Zhang Shun laughed and actually agreed.

"This...this...King Shun, don't try to deceive me..." Everyone in the city couldn't believe their ears, and He Fu couldn't believe it either.

Military and national affairs are nothing but child's play. How can there be any reason to stop the troops just as they say?

"What are you doing to deceive you?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I am about to borrow some more desks, incense, candles and other things from you. Please don't be stingy, Brother He!"

"Ask him what he did!" Han Xu frowned. He couldn't figure out what this guy was doing for a long time, so he couldn't help but remind He Fu.

"You want some livestock, you can say that you want to satisfy your appetite; now why do you want some table incense and candles?" He Fu couldn't help but wonder.

"Sacrifice, can't you see this?" Zhang Shun couldn't help asking.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and immediately realized that the three livestock animals, cows, pigs and sheep, were the so-called "Tai Lao Shao Lao".

Ancient etiquette was grand and complicated. Anyone who used "three animals" must be a big sacrifice.

The so-called Great Sacrifice means that the emperor offers sacrifices to the God of Haotian, the God of the Five Directions, the ancestral temple, Confucius, the sun and the moon, etc.

The emperor is currently in the Forbidden City. Where did the great sacrifice come from?

Han Xu and He Fu couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this: "What does King Shun mean by this? Why is it too tight?"

What on earth do you want to do with Tailao!

"You call me King Shun, but you still don't know what I mean?" Zhang Shun laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Puzhou has outstanding people and capable people. In the past, Emperor Shun was born in Zhufeng, all in Puban."

"My king borrowed his name to win the love of the people of the world and gave me the title of King Shun. Now that I am passing by here, wouldn't it be natural for King Shun to pay homage to Emperor Shun!"

It is natural for a good King Shun to worship Emperor Shun!

Han Xu and He Fu in the city couldn't help but turn pale after hearing this!

One of these two people is from Puzhou, and the other is working in Puzhou. How come they don’t know that Emperor Shun is here?

What is the status of Pingyang Mansion?

The people of the world are ignorant. From one mountain to another, they all hope that the Holy King will come and usher in a peaceful world.

And the legendary experience of the "shun thief", to a certain extent, completely caters to the imagination of most stupid couples and stupid women.

With this sentence "Isn't it natural for King Shun to worship Emperor Shun?", I am afraid that the "Shun Zei" has already won the hearts of everyone in Pingyang!

"How about... why don't we... not lend it to him?" General Zheng Jiadong saw that Prime Minister Han and Prefect He were in a dilemma and couldn't help but tentatively suggested.

"No, you have to borrow it!" Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, refused.

Are you kidding me, is the "shun thief" the one who sent the cow, pig and sheep?

He was trying to persuade them to surrender in a subtle way, but he was also giving a subtle warning.

The strength of mountains and rivers lies in virtue rather than danger.

You have the strength of a city, and I have the virtues of Yao and Shun. Who can control it?

He Fu and Han Xu looked at each other and realized at the same time that "Submitting the Thief" wanted to "show the truth of the law and rectify his reputation", and he really wanted to devour the world.

He Fu couldn't help but sneer and said: "All the great virtues in the world began with Yu and Shun."

"Emperor Shun transformed the world with virtue, and King Shun conquered the world with military force. Why use Emperor Shun to mock himself?"

People of this era believed that morality was higher than punishment and war. Therefore, since Zhang Shun adopted the behavior of "reverse taking", how he could have the dignity to call himself a holy king is still a matter to be studied.

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, pointed at Puzhou City and said: "Virtue spreads over the people, punishment and rebellion are evil."

"Therefore, with the virtue of Emperor Shun, he still punished the traitors and exiled the four evil ones."

"Although I am not as virtuous as Shun today, how can I be guilty of stealing virtue and causing harm to the world?"

"You are aiding Zhou in his cruelty, and you are deaf and blind, so you only see war and do not hear benevolence."

"If you can prick up your ears and take a longer view, you will find Ruicheng, Pinglu, Jiezhou, Linjin, Yishi, Wenxi, Hequ, Jishan, Jiangzhou, Xiaxian, Jiangxian As well as Yueyang and other places, they all look forward to the wind and welcome Master Wang!"

"The king is here today not specifically for you, but to offer sacrifices to the Holy King Shun."

"Therefore, Brother He proposed that the two armies withdraw and stop fighting. I really think so!"

"Wherever our army arrives, all the people in the world turn to the wind and surrender. Dupuzhou has the arrogance to wage war to resist the king's army. It is really treasonous and unethical!"

Zhang Shun suddenly broke the news about the military situation outside Puzhou, which frightened Han Xu, He Fu, Zheng Jiadong and others into confusion and turned their faces into death.

So much so that the private goods that Zhang Shun carried were ignored by everyone.

Could it be that in just a few days, except for Puzhou City, most of the cities in Pingyang Prefecture had fallen?

For a while, even Han Xu and He Fu, who were quite confident, could not help but feel shaken.

If the progress of the rebel army is as "Shun Thief" said, in a few days, not to mention Pingyang Mansion, I am afraid that the entire Shanxi, and even the entire Shuntian Mansion may not be owned by Mingting. So what is the meaning of their persistence?

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