Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1210 Sacrifice (Part 2)

Zhang Shun didn't know that after he traveled through time, a new term called "cognitive warfare" had emerged on the Internet in his previous life.

The so-called "cognitive warfare" is to attack people's will, spirit, psychology, etc., through actions in the physical domain, use of the information domain, and offense and defense in the cognitive domain, to continuously destroy the enemy's cognitive foundation and achieve the goal of conquering the heart and mind. The strategic purpose is a kind of psychological warfare.

Its characteristics are based on material change, information media as a link, value judgment as the key, and will destruction as the focus.

Although Zhang Shun had never heard of this concept, being deeply influenced by the "war of public opinion" in his previous life did not prevent him from using similar methods based on his practice in this life.

The basis for Zhang Shun's ability to launch "cognitive operations" is that he has an army of 300,000 men.

In fact, based on estimates of the output capacity of Shaanxi, excluding Hanzhong, and two prefectures and two prefectures in western Henan, the rebel army can support at most 200,000 troops.

If all the defenders are removed, the rebels will only be able to pull out a hundred thousand troops to attack within at least two or three years. This is the consensus of the Ming Dynasty.

However, everyone ignored Zhang Shun's decision to buy 5 million shi of grain against all opposition.

However, this decision ensured that the rebel army could explode into an army that exceeded the carrying capacity of Shaanxi and western Henan in a short period of time at a critical moment.

One wrong step, every wrong step.

The Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty made mistakes in judgment on key issues, and they were naturally caught off guard on strategic issues.

What Zhang Shun had to do was to infinitely amplify the impact on the original cognition of the Ming Dynasty and the public on the basis of this "unprepared" material basis.

When a person discovers that there is a huge deviation between his own cognition and reality, he will subconsciously repair it in the opposite direction, which leaves room for "cognitive warfare".

Zhang Shun's "cognitive operation" against Puzhou City was very simple. It was to facilitate the information gap between the inside and outside of the city. He suddenly revealed the fact that the Ming army outside the city had surrendered, tearing apart the original "cognition" of the defenders in the city. A piece of shit.

Sure enough, everyone in the city was shocked when they heard the unexpected news, and a stone as heavy as Mount Tai weighed on their hearts.

"Is it possible that he is defrauding us?" He Fu couldn't help but panicked and said what he said.

Originally, He Fu had made so many preparations in advance, thinking that he was no longer afraid of "King Shun", but he didn't expect that "King Shun" would hit his vital point as soon as he took action.

"No!" Han Xu, the former chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, shook his head with a stern face and whispered.

"Although Puzhou City is besieged, it is not airtight. As long as you send a few people to inquire, you will know the truth."

"Although the thief is cunning, he will not lie about something that is easy to expose!"

After all, Han Xu has rich experience and matures with age, but his mind is still somewhat clear.

It turned out that although Sun Shoufa, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, besieged Puzhou City, he only had three thousand men under his command.

If the walls of Puzhou City are eight miles wide, how can the rebels surround them to death?

However, Puzhou City had been at peace for a long time, and suddenly it was attacked by war. Many citizens fled quickly. There were many people leaving the city, but almost no people entering the city. Therefore, Han Xu, He Fu and others never heard the news outside the city.

"Then what should we do now?" He Fu couldn't help but feel confused when he saw that Han Xu did not support his point of view.

"I will first give him three animals, incense and candles on the table, etc., and then wait until we find out the enemy's situation before we make any calculations!" Han Xu frowned and said.

It is said that everyone responded to Zhang Shun and quickly sent scouts and spies to nearby towns to explore the movements of the rebels.

The situation was urgent and they were not allowed to investigate in detail. They just casually visited nearby states and counties, but they heard rumors that the rebel army's magic soldiers descended from the sky and captured a certain state or city.

When all this information comes together in one place, there are enemies on all sides. Han Xu and He Fu were immediately stunned, and one can imagine the shock in their hearts.

This is the "information as a link" in "cognitive operations".

Whether it was Zhang Shun who proactively disclosed military information or the Ming army passively investigated, they would come out with incredible news: Hundreds of miles around were filled with "thieves", countless cities had fallen, and we were alone!

Of course, if it's just these, it's nothing.

Since ancient times, there have been countless people who guarded isolated cities alone. Who can conclude that Han Xu and He Fu must be exceptions?

However, when the scouts and spies were investigating the situation of the rebel army, they not only partially confirmed what Zhang Shun said, but also heard that foolish men and women said: "This 'King Shun' was originally the ancient holy king Shun Emperor, but he could not see the suffering of the people." , so he descended to earth and reincarnated to save the world!"

Originally, these words were just random associations made by stupid people to find reasons for things beyond their own knowledge.

However, this rumor spread from ten to ten and spread throughout half of Shanxi in a short time, leaving Han Xu and He Fu speechless.

This thing seems to be just a small thing, but at a critical moment, it has the effect of making a huge difference.

Because this matter happens to involve the "valuation judgment as the key" item in "cognitive warfare".

Regardless of Han Xu or He Fu, they are all scholars, more accurately speaking, they are Confucian believers.

Although Confucian believers emphasize the king and his ministers, they also agree with the ancient sayings of "the rule of three generations" and "the people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least important".

Nowadays, compared with the Ming Dynasty, which has a dark officialdom, the idealistic and legendary "King Shun" is obviously more in line with their approval.

People can oppose anyone, but they cannot oppose themselves.

Confucianism has always advocated the rule of three generations and preached benevolence, filial piety and justice. Countless idealistic Confucian scholars followed them and regarded death as home.

However, everything seems to be in chaos when they encounter "King Shun" who prides himself on benevolence and righteousness, a king who is close to the Confucian ideal.

This is the dilemma that Han Xu and He Fu are facing now: on the one hand, they are the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers, and on the other hand, they are the ideal of cultivating oneself, harmonizing the family, governing the country and bringing peace to the world.

Which one is more important, and how to decide?

At this point, even Han Xu began to hesitate.

If we talk about it carefully, whether it is loyalty, filial piety, justice, monarch, minister, except for the habits since birth, in the final analysis, most of them are just to leave a name in history.

However, now Han Xu has a vague feeling that if he really dies in compliance with the law, he may not even have the reputation of a loyal minister this time.

As a learned and talented man, Han Xu was already familiar with the allusions of Yu Shun.

Although Emperor Shun, the ancient sage king, ruled the world with virtue, he still had the intention of "punishing traitors and sycophants and driving away the four evils".

If today's "King Shun" finally achieves the virtuous name of the ancient sage king, then what on earth will the behavior of himself and others count?

Fei Lian came to be loyal to Shang, but in the end, didn't he end up with a bad reputation as "helping the tyrants to do evil"?

How could He Fu have imagined that Han Xu, a veteran of four dynasties and two chief ministers, would be shaken in his heart?

He struggled for a long time, and finally said: "King Shun is so powerful that I sincerely cannot compete with him!"

"Nowadays, Puzhou City is besieged on all sides, and many foolish men and women are in trouble."

"According to my plan, I can only take advantage of the time of his sacrifice and send men who dare to die to kill him in one fell swoop. Then the world will be safe. I wonder what Prime Minister Han thinks?"

"This..." Han Xu was stunned when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but think about it: If the result is why he was killed, it must be luck but not fate, it's just God's will; if he really escaped this disaster, it must be fate, how can people Can you defeat heaven?

Thinking of this, Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, couldn't help but laugh and said: "Prefect He is really good at strategy and courage!"

"People often say: To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first. Since He Taishou wants to put him to death and survive, I should be Taishou Zhuangzong!"

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