Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1211 Sacrifice (Part 2)

Sacrifice, especially large sacrifices, had a lot to pay attention to in ancient times.

One is that worship is divided into four seasons. "Book of Rites: King System" says: Spring is called Chun, summer is called Chu, autumn is called Chang, and winter is called Hao.

These four sacrifices are performed at the four correct times, namely the spring equinox, autumnal equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice.

The other is to hurry up early rather than late. Regular sacrifices are usually held in the morning or morning, not in the afternoon or evening.

The last one is that before offering sacrifices, you need to take a shower and change clothes to show your sincerity.

Zhang Shun didn't understand any of these complicated etiquette, and even Sun Chuanting, Xu Ziyuan and others seemed to understand.

But it happened that there was one person in the rebel army who was his professional counterpart. He was the old Taoist priest Song Xiance.

It turns out that at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang tried to let Confucian scholars take charge of sacrifices.

It turns out that most Confucian scholars seem to understand but don't understand what they want.

In desperation, Zhu Yuanzhang tried a Taoist supervisor who was proficient in ritual music and dance, and the results were unexpected.

Therefore, in the twelfth year of Hongwu, Shen Yang was established to revive the national sacrifices that had declined since the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that most of the music and dance students and Xielu Lang in the Ming Dynasty were held by Taoist priests, and many Taoist priests even served as Taichang Temple officials and ministers of the Ministry of Rites.

It was this unique sacrificial system in the Ming Dynasty that made most Taoist priests devote themselves to studying the music, dance and etiquette of sacrificial rituals.

Although Song Xiance was a wild Taoist priest, he had been involved in some of them, so he knew the ropes.

Of course, Zhang Shunyi was not the emperor and had the intention of arrogance; secondly, things happened in a hurry and the conditions were poor, so everything was kept simple and in power.

Early the next morning, Zhang Shun took a shower and changed clothes under the service of the servant, and then led Sun Chuanting, Xu Ziyuan, Wukong and Wang Jinyi to Puban City to worship Yu Shun.

The process of the sacrifice is also very simple. After everyone is in place, first the horns and firecrackers are blown, and then Zhang Shun offers high incense. After the three animal sacrifices are presented, Zhang Shun recites the sacrificial inscriptions that Sun Chuanting helped draft.

The text says:

The people in our mountains and wilds are born with double pupils and a body eight feet tall, all of which are similar to the Holy King.

All I want in life is to be filial to my parents and to my brothers.

Unexpectedly, the way of heaven is abnormal, evil and evil people appear together, and the world suffers from frequent wars and disasters.

I was angry and wanted to follow the example of my ancestors.

Rise from Yuan and Kai, drive away evil and treacherous people, and restore peace to the world.

When the world is under great rule, I would like to return to my hometown, become a farmer, and share peace with the people.

This thing and this ambition will never be defeated.

The emperor, the queen, and the soil, will learn from the experience.

Woohoo, Shang Xiang!

After the memorial service has been finished, there should have been music and dance to announce the sacrifice.

In such a hurry, where could the rebels find music and dance?

Later, at Song Xiance's suggestion, it was simply changed to the sound of gongs and drums, and the soldiers dancing with each other, as a substitute.

As a result, before the music and dance started, someone was already anxious.

Who do you know this is?

It was none other than Puzhou Zhizhou He Fu who sneaked out from Puzhou City at night!

It turned out that He Fu and Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, had discussed it last night and decided to personally lead Ji Longfeng and others to supervise General Zheng Jiadong to intercept and kill "King Shun" Zhang Shun.

Although He Fu didn't know the specific time when the rebels held the ceremony, he understood the general process.

Therefore, at dawn today, I led two to three hundred elites to hide in Puban City, waiting for the opportunity.

Originally, He Fu was hiding in a room not far away, checking what was going on, but when he heard Zhang Shun's sacrificial rites, he became so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.


It turns out that Zhang Shun's sacrificial text has its own references. According to classical records, Emperor Shun was born with double pupils, was eight feet tall and worked hard in Mount Li.

And because he was able to show filial piety to his father Gusou and brother Xiang who persecuted and abused him, he was famous for his virtue.

Zhang Shun's memorial essay was a forced one, mentioning the similarities between the two at every turn, except that he wrote five big characters on his face: "I am Emperor Shun". How could He Fu endure this?

You are Emperor Shun. Let's not mention who are the virtuous ministers "Eight Yuan" and "Eight Kai". Then it is hard to say who are the "four evils"!

Where is the memorial text here?

This is clearly a message, a message to attack the Ming Dynasty!

"Shoot him!" He Fu couldn't help but point at Zhang Shun and ordered Zheng Jiadong beside him.

"Okay!" General Zheng Jiadong quickly took out his bow and arrow, and only heard a "swish" sound, hitting a tree trunk not far from Zhang Shun.

"Enemy attack!" Just as the arrow hit the big tree, the rebels suddenly reacted.

The soldiers who originally planned to dance quickly lined up in front of Zhang Shun.

"Straight bitch, didn't you do this on purpose?" He Fu was so angry that he couldn't help but draw his sword and pointed it at Zheng Jiadong.

"Prefect He, I'm not, I don't have any, I'm just a bad archer!" General Zheng Jiadong's face turned pale and he quickly explained.

"Okay, I believe you this time!" He Fu sneered after hearing this, "Give me an order to have all the soldiers obey Ji Longfeng's orders and go to attack the 'Shun traitors'!"

"King Shun", "King Shun", I'm sorry.

The two countries are in conflict, each is his own master!

How could I fail to live up to your kindness in this life? If there is an afterlife, I will work like a cow or a horse to repay you!

The situation was stronger than the people. Zheng Jiadong didn't dare to make any small moves, so he had no choice but to issue the order as he said.

"Master?" Ji Longfeng received He Fu's order and couldn't help but look at him hesitantly.

King Shun has such a great reputation, so he will be killed for unknown reasons!

"Go, go! What's going to happen today is either your death or my death." He Fu said with a long sigh.

"King Shun Mingjun, killing is unjust!" Ji Longfeng frowned upon hearing this, and finally bowed to He Fu.

"My master has shown me a great kindness, and today Ji has no choice but to do it. After today, we will sever all ties and have nothing to do with each other anymore!"

A literati should have the character of a literati, and a warrior should also have the pride of a warrior!

"His Royal Highness King Shun, accept your fate!" After receiving He Fu's assurance, Ji Longfeng raised her spear and leaped on her horse, shouting loudly.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and thought to himself: Why does this sound so weird?

When everyone heard the sound, they turned around and saw one person holding a big gun, one foot long, one for each. It was as if they were in a deserted place, and they counted several people in succession.

"Good marksmanship!" Wang Jinyi couldn't help but praise when he saw this, "Wukong, you protect His Highness, I will go meet him!"

He is known as "shooting both sides of the Yellow River". Now that he sees such a master, how can he not be excited about hunting?

Zhang Shun looked up and saw Wang Jinyi flying on his horse, holding a long spear and going to fight him.

His vision is so poisonous, he can tell with just one glance that although there are many people attacking, in fact, only this one person poses the greatest threat.

Although the others can be said to be excellent, they can only be said to be insignificant compared to the thousands of elites selected by Zhang Shun.

Therefore, Wang Jinyi went to challenge alone, but Zhang Shun did not stop him.

"What a skill!" Sun Chuanting looked at it from a distance and saw Wang Jinyi and the general fighting together. It was like "a spear flying across the sky, two cold stars like a wandering dragon", he couldn't help but praise.

"Do you understand?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself: You are a civil servant, why are you here to join in the fun?

"A certain Zhenwuwei family has lived on the border of Daizhou, Shanxi for generations." Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "A certain person also learned the art of riding and archery when he was in school. He could only learn to shoot from left to right!"

Damn it, Zhang Shun almost wanted to hide aside and draw circles.

A simple sentence of "shooting left and right" may seem like nothing, but in the eyes of an expert, it is extraordinary.

It turns out that if a person can "gallop left and right", it basically means that he can control the horse with only his legs, and then use his freed hands to freely use most horse fighting weapons such as bows, spears, and swords.

Although Zhang Shun was eight feet tall, Sun Chuanting was also eight feet tall. If the two sides were to fight on horseback, ten Zhang Shuns would not be able to defeat him alone.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Sun is also a master, why not help him?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this.

On the battlefield, he doesn't talk about moral principles.

As the saying goes: "Why fight alone when you can fight in a group?"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" That's what Sun Chuanting had in mind. Hearing this, he took out his bow and arrow, pulled it open, and shouted, "Here!"

Ji Longfeng and Wang Jinyi were fighting inextricably, so how could they care about the rest?

He immediately fell down in response to the string and was shot off his horse by Sun Chuanting's arrow.

When the incoming enemy saw that the general had fallen from his horse, his morale was greatly reduced. The rebel army quickly took the opportunity to cover up the attack. In a short time, they captured three people and brought them to Zhang Shun in large bundles.

Zhang Shun took a closer look and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Mr. He, I thought you understood me!"

He had interacted with He Fu before, and he thought that when the rebel troops arrived, He Fu would definitely come and surrender. He never thought that the people who attacked today would be led by him.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, I thought you understood me too!" He Fu shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Since ancient times, loyal ministers have no two masters, and chaste wives have no two husbands. If Your Highness, King Shun, really thinks highly of me, please kill me quickly, and do not let me betray the name of my master!"

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