Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1212 He Fu’s Death

He Fu died, a very miserable and worthless death.

Like the hungry people dying of hunger by the roadside, they died without dignity.

It turned out that Zhang Shun thought that after He Fu was captured by the rebels, he would be able to persuade him to surrender as long as he relied on his sharp tongue.

But he was wrong. Not only did He Fu fail to surrender, but he bumped into the monument of Emperor Shun when he wasn't paying attention.

The impact caused his brain to burst, his skull to be sunken, and he died.

People who were not at the scene could not imagine how cruel a person could be to make himself look like this.

Zhang Shun looked at the blood-stained word "Emperor" on the stone tablet in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

It poured a basin of cold water on the originally smug Zhang Shun on the spot, as if to tell him: The eternal emperor's career has no luck, half blood and half bones!

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Shun finally understood why He Fu died, and felt in his heart, "I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

It turns out that the reason why He Fu committed suicide was entirely because of Zhang Shun's "cognitive warfare", which had a huge impact on his original values.

He Fu is different from Han Xu, who has lived for most of his life. Although the latter has a somewhat idealistic side, he has been in the officialdom for a long time and has already learned to compromise with reality.

The former is still young and only wants to "cultivate himself, regulate his family, govern the country and bring peace to the world."

As a result, he bumped into "Zhongjun" and

The conflict between the "holy kings" was almost torn in half.

This is like a woman who has just gotten married, but then turns around and meets her true love, who is exactly the same as her fantasy.

However, she has a strong temper and wants to live with her sweetheart, but she cannot do anything to betray her originally honest and loving husband.

If she was allowed to live an honest life, she couldn't bear to miss her true love day and night.

In a dilemma, she made an extreme decision: get rid of her true love, or be eliminated by her true love!

Since I can't be with you in life, I hope you will be unforgettable after death!

"How stupid!" Zhang Shun shook his head and muttered two words.

I don't know whether he was mocking himself or He Fu.

This is the similarity and difference between ancient and modern thoughts. Zhang Shun originally thought that as long as everyone is like-minded, why can't we work hard together?

However, He Fu believed that the serious problems in the country were caused by the mistakes of treacherous ministers and the negligence of loyal ministers. It was the time for him to work hard to rectify the situation.

No matter whether he is virtuous or unworthy, he is a king once and always a king. There is no reason to betray his old master. As a result, he suffered a tragedy.

To a certain extent, He Fu is both a "martyr for love" and a martyr.

If hindsight can tell, his death was inevitable!

"What did you say?" After a long silence, Zhang Shun suddenly turned around and asked.

"Ah? King Shun, His Highness King Shun, I am innocent, I was coerced!" Zheng Jiadong heard this and quickly opened his heart and said.

"My subordinates have admired King Shun for a long time and wish they could be his lackeys!"

"It's just that I was forced by He Fu, so I had to compromise."

"By the way, I missed the arrow just now on purpose."

"Okay, okay, okay! The general's help now is like dew for a drought-stricken seedling!" Although Zhang Shun was not very happy in his heart, he still looked ecstatic, which made Zheng Jiadong feel like he knew himself.

After Zheng Jiadong was untied, he couldn't help but take the initiative to admonish him: "It's not too late, that old thief Han is now in Puzhou City."

"If King Shun can trust his subordinates, he will return immediately and falsely open the city gate to thank King Shun for his kindness!"

"This" Zhang Shun never expected that this person would be so capricious. He was still an officer of the Ming Dynasty, but he would take the opportunity to trick "one of his own".

"Changes will happen later. Please ask King Shun to make a decision in time!" Zheng Jiadong saw the hesitation on Zhang Shun's face and couldn't help urging him.

No, you really don’t regard yourself as an outsider?

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was about to respond when someone suddenly spat and cursed: "Bah, what a slave with a third surname!"

"This begging attitude is really disgusting!"

It turned out that the person who made the noise was none other than the warrior Ji Longfeng recruited by He Fu.

At that time, he was shot by Sun Chuanting. Although he missed the vital point, the blood was already dripping with blood and wet most of his arm.

"Straight bitch..." Zheng Jiadong was furious when he heard this. He was about to step forward to deal with this guy, but Zhang Shun reached out to stop him.

"Come here, bandage this general quickly!" Zhang Shun was so immersed in He Fu's affairs that he didn't even notice his state.

"No need!" Ji Longfeng said firmly, "I wonder what King Shun plans to do with the Sa family?"

Who is Zhang Shun? When he heard these words, he knew that there was a way.

He had seen this man fighting with Wang Jinyi before and knew that he was a warrior of Xiong Zhun. He couldn't help but hurriedly recruit him: "You are a good man, why don't you join the army to serve the country and do something for the people of the world? In the future, you can also win a wife." What’s Yinzi’s name?”

When Ji Longfeng heard this, he smiled and said, "If King Shun wants to recruit the Sa family, there is nothing wrong with him!"

"For one thing, Prefect He is kind to me. In the past, his money was like running water. He hired a doctor for me to treat my old mother at home."

"So please allow me to give this person a generous burial as a token of my gratitude!"

"Secondly, Prime Minister Han of Puzhou City can be regarded as half of my old master. Please forgive Ji for his incompetence and never go forward to falsely open the city gate and backfire on the old master!"

"You..." After hearing this, General Zheng Jiadong felt that every word was slapped on his face. He couldn't help but became furious and was about to step forward and kill this person.

"General Zheng, you have admired me for a long time. Even though I didn't know it before, how can I look down on you?" Zhang Shun stopped him quickly when he saw this.

"Although this person is a bit reckless, he is still a strong warrior. Why do you have to worry about him?"

"King Shun, I... I'm just a general, not..." Zheng Jiadong opened his mouth and was speechless, so he could only look to his left and say.

"What general? Now you are the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army!" Zhang Shun laughed loudly after hearing this, "How can the king's golden words be false?"

"Ah? Thank you for your grace, His Highness King Shun. In the future, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west; if you ask me to steal a dog, I will never touch a chicken..."

"Oh, are you serious? Do you dare to promise that you will never touch a chicken in your life?" Zhang Shun looked at Zheng Jiadong with a half-smile after hearing this.

"Hahaha..." The originally serious scene was suddenly filled with laughter when Zhang Shun suddenly drove a car.

Seeing that Zheng Jiadong had nothing to say, Zhang Shun smiled and asked, "If you have any other requests, please tell me."

"Don't wait until the person bleeds to death before you finish speaking."

"Only these two points, if King Shun agrees, Ji will accept it if he is shattered to pieces in the future; if not, please give me a knife quickly, so as not to waste the sore medicine." Ji Longfeng couldn't help but said plausibly.

"Unexpectedly, you are a person who knows how to live. Thank you for saving me sore medicine!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and then ordered to the military doctor beside him, "Hurry up and remove the arrow and apply sore medicine to him!"

"So, King Shun, you agreed?" Ji Longfeng couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"Half agreed!" Zhang Shun sneered.

"Which one of them did King Shun refuse to answer?" Ji Longfeng pushed away the doctor who had just untied the rope and was about to apply the gold medicine on him, and asked hurriedly.

"The first one doesn't work!"

"Why is this? But we need a good coffin? I can pay for it freely, and it won't cost King Shun a penny..." Ji Longfeng couldn't help but feel anxious.

"If you want a grand burial, I will give him a grand burial. It's your turn to intervene!" Zhang Shun said bitterly, "Just bury him opposite Emperor Shun, and let him spend all his life with his 'loved one'!"

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