Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1219 Emphasis on Confucianism

After receiving Zhang Shun's encouragement and promise, Song Xiance and Han Lin couldn't help but be satisfied, but Sun Chuanting couldn't help but hesitate.

"Does King Shun want to replace Confucianism with Taoism and Confucianism with teaching?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but wonder.

"How is it possible? Why did Mr. Sun say such a thing?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be stunned.

Are you kidding me? There are thousands of people studying and becoming officials in this era.

They are not only the masters of knowledge, but also thousands of small and medium-sized landowners and gentry.

Without their support, a standard feudal regime would soon fall apart.

In the original history of Zhang Shun's previous life, the Manchu Qing Dynasty accelerated its own demise because of its hasty abolition of the imperial examination.

Zhang Shun is not a fool, he can still distinguish clearly which is more important.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "The 'God-worshiping Sect' is responsible for communicating with the Far West and communicating with all directions; the 'Tiandao Sect' is responsible for exploring the way of heaven and studying things to gain knowledge; and the Confucianists are responsible for educating the people and guarding the heavens."

"Everyone performs his duties and everyone has his own place, so what's the point of doubting it?"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he realized the same thing.

If Confucian scholars are not needed to govern the world, how can anyone else be used in the world?

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Han Lin seemed to have remembered something and couldn't help but said: "If we talk about Confucian scholars, there is also a famous scholar here, called Sang Gongyang, whose courtesy name is Huisheng."

"He followed the teachings of Cheng and Zhu and advocated Ming Hedong. Hundreds of people followed him, and he was very fastidious. He studied constitutions, governors and state roads hired lecturers as gifts, no less than dozens of times. I wonder if King Shun had any intention?"

Han Lin "dropped" these "book bags", which was very good.

He not only used this to show his identity as a Confucian scholar, but also helped Zhang Shun get out of trouble.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile when he heard this, nodded and said: "Since he is a talented person, how can he be left in the wild?"

Some words don’t have to be said explicitly, but expressing them directly with actions is easier for others to believe.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it. In that case, why don't we wait and follow King Shun for a while?" Sun Chuanting obviously understood what Zhang Shun and Han Lin meant, and couldn't help but smile.

"That's great!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nod, and he and everyone got off the boat and went down the Fen River.

Sang Gongyang was from Sangwan Village, Linfen, two miles southwest of Jiangzhou.

When everyone arrived at the door of the Sang Family Courtyard in Sangwan Village, they saw a young man in his twenties lying on a lounge chair in front of the door, half-squinting his eyes and leisurely basking in the sun.

After Han Lin's guidance, it turned out that this person was none other than Sang Gongyang, who Zhang Shun was looking for.

Zhang Shun stopped Han Lin who was about to step forward, and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "My dear friend, why are you enjoying such a good time here?"

Na Sang Gongyang glanced sideways at Zhang Shun and couldn't help but sneered: "The sun is shining brightly today and I am posting books. How can you say that I am enjoying my leisure time?"

"Book? Where's the book?" Zhang Shun glanced at it and saw that there was almost nothing in front of him.

"Here they are, they're all here!" Sang Gongyang said, patting his belly.

Nima, what an old joke!

Zhang Shun secretly complained, but smiled and said: "It's really time to show off!"

"Confucius said: "Learn and practice it from time to time."

"You don't learn enough, and your books are almost getting moldy!"

"Without learning, there is no skill; without learning, there is no skill!" Na Sang Gongyang lectured too much, and he also got the habit of being a teacher.

Hearing Zhang Shun's random interpretation of the sage's words, he couldn't help but ignore the rudeness and refuted it loudly: "Zhu Zi explained it in the "Annotations to the Four Books": "Study and practice it from time to time, then the student will be familiar with it, and the heart will be happy." It is said that the progress cannot be stopped."

Zhu Xi is Zhu Xi. The full name of "Collected Commentary on Four Books" is "Collected Commentary on Four Books: Chapters and Sentences". It is the question bank and standard answers for imperial examinations since the Song Dynasty.

Zhang Shun originally knew nothing about this, but as he had been the leader of the rebel army for a long time and had presided over the imperial examination, he had some understanding of it.

"That's why I said you're still old-fashioned!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile.

""Shuowen Jiezi" says: Xi, number flies!"

"When a chick first flies, it first learns from its parents and then practices it, so this can also be used as a practice."

"Your Excellency, you are now just like a young bird taking flight for the first time. You only learn how to spread its wings, how to jump and how to flutter every day, but you never practice it. How can you soar into the sky?"

"There is something in your words!" When Sang Gongyang heard Zhang Shun's words, he couldn't lie still and couldn't help but jump up.

"I, Zhang Shun, are the leader of the rebel army. I have heard for a long time that you are a great talent, and I would like to ask you to please serve the people and protect the country."

scare! Sang Gongyang couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He pointed at Zhang Shun with a trembling finger and said, " did you get here?"

The rebel army came so fast that Sang Gongyang, who lived in the countryside, did not know that the rebel army was attacking.

"Hui Sheng, long time no see!" Han Lin couldn't help but step forward when he saw this.

"Han Yugong? You have indeed become a thief!" Sang Gongyang was stunned when he saw Han Lin, and then shouted loudly.

Han Lin was even more stunned. He never expected that Sang Gongyang would not give him even half of his face. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun with an embarrassed look.

"As you said, who was not a thief more than two hundred years ago?" Zhang Shun said happily.

"How come his family can do it but mine can't?"

"you you you!"

Sang Gongyang had never seen such a shameless person and was speechless for a moment.

"I don't care. Anyway, Sang Gongyang has no reason to be a thief!" After thinking for a long time, Sang Gongyang simply said rogue.

No matter what you say, I won't play with you anyway!

Zhang Shun has seen many die-hards like this. In the end, who wouldn't work for him honestly?

He couldn't help but turn his head and smile to the left and right: "Did you see this? Send me ten people over tomorrow morning."

"From now on, Mr. Sang's father will be my father, Mr. Sang's mother will be my mother, and Mr. Sang's wife will be... still his wife. You must take good care of her and make no mistakes."

"Yes, the general will take your orders!" Wang Jinyi has been following Zhang Shun for a long time and is quite aware of his habits, so he quickly agreed with a smile.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?" Sang Gongyang was shocked when he heard this, "Are you trying to threaten me?"

"Mr. Sang misunderstood. I have heard of Mr. Sang's name for a long time, so I specially sent soldiers to listen to him." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"What the hell..." Sang Gongyang was furious when he heard this and was about to step forward to argue.

But unexpectedly, a word suddenly came from the room: "Son, why are you making so much noise with others? Did you read into the dog's belly when you read?"

"Mom, there are some thieves here..."

"It's nonsense. If there are thieves outside, how can you be okay?"

An old voice rang in the room, "Guests, my child is ignorant, so don't be offended!"

"Old man, it's nothing, just keep your heart in mind!" Zhang Shun also shouted a few words into the room after hearing this.

"I have some small things to do with your son, so I won't embarrass him!"

"That's good, that's good!" The room murmured a few more words, then fell silent.

When Sang Gongyang saw that all the ladies at home had spoken, he felt a little worried.

He hesitated for a moment, then bowed to Zhang Shun and said: "The person I admire in my life is Fu Dingchen of Taiyuan. If King Shun can get his help, Sang will be willing to help him."

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