Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1220 The second step of the plan

Fu Dingchen, whose courtesy name was Qingzhu, was a native of Taiyuan.

When Dingchen was young, he was knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and could recite the book after reading it several times.

At the age of fifteen, he became a disciple of the Ph.D., and at the age of twenty, he took the advanced examination.

Later, he studied at Sanli Academy, where he was favored by Yuan Jixian, a scholar from Shanxi Province, and became one of his favorite students.

The above content is all the information Zhang Shun obtained from Han Lin about Fu Dingchen.

He sounds like a talented person, but he doesn't have any working experience, so Zhang Shun is not that urgent.

In fact, for Zhang Shun now, it doesn't matter whether he recruits Sang Gongyang or not, or even whether he recruits Fu Dingchen.

The most important thing is to recruit a group of grassroots officials who can serve as state and county officials to restore Shanxi's administrative system as soon as possible.

Of course, as the leader of the rebel army, Zhang Shun must not write this on his face.

He must do his best to act like a courteous corporal in order to undermine the resistance of the Ming gentry and attract more talents to join him.

"Let's go, it's time to go!" Zhang Shun obeyed Sang Gongyang, said goodbye to his old mother, and then shook his head and ordered.

In fact, Zhang Shun didn't have much regret in his heart for failing to recruit Sang Gongyang.

Maybe he is indeed quite talented, but he does not have any experience in pastoring and guarding a place, so he cannot be of great use for the time being. It can even be said that ten Sang Gongyang may not be able to match one Jiangzhou magistrate Lei Chong.

Just after returning to Jiangzhou City, a soldier came to report: "General Zhang Fengyi, the right commander Zhaode, has arrived and has already moved into the state government office."

It turned out that Zhang Fengyi's first task of leading more than 10,000 troops on the left was to capture Hejin, Jishan and Jiangzhou.

As a result, she not only completed the task brilliantly, but also used her spare time to capture Quwo east of Jiangzhou.

Now that he heard that Zhang Shun had arrived in Jiangzhou, he privately led a group of people back.

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this, fearing that she would have a conflict with the Huang family, Da Zhu family and the female servants who stayed in Jiangzhou Prefecture, so he quickly said goodbye to everyone and ran back.

Zhang Shun just pushed the door open and saw a majestic female general with a golden sword sitting in the main hall, accompanied by three beautifully dressed women with bright smiles.

The female general in the middle was holding a huge teapot with both hands, raising her neck and drinking from the cow.

"Oh, my female general has returned triumphantly!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"King Shun?" Zhang Fengyi was startled when she heard the sound. She quickly put down the teapot in her hand and hurriedly wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth. However, she managed to burp again.

Zhang Fengyi was stunned by this, and for a moment she was so embarrassed that she wanted to get under the table, but the three ladies Huang, Da Zhu and the secretary all covered their mouths and smiled.

"We are already an old married couple, what's there to be embarrassed about?" Zhang Shun chuckled, nodded to the three women, then stepped forward and took Zhang Fengyi's rough big hand, and asked with concern.

"You're not injured, are you? How was the battle? Did it go well?"

Zhang Fengyi knew that she had been in a dusty journey, and now that she had drank so much tea, she was already sweating profusely, and being so stifled by the armor on her body, the smell would definitely not be good.

She hid outside for a little while, and then said seriously: "Our army is devastated, and the Ming army is vulnerable to a single blow."

"Before I came back, my Sichuan soldiers had captured Houma Station and are now besieging Quwo County. I hope there will be good news in the near future."

"Okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing when he heard this, "This just cuts off the connection between Xiezhou and Puerzhou and Pingyang and Taiyuan. I will give you a great credit!"

Houma Station is the location of Houma County in later generations. It is the only place that must pass through the 12 counties of Xie and Puzhou in Pingyang Prefecture on the way to Pingyang.

The rebels cut off this area, which meant that the 12 counties of Jiezhou and Puzhou had no reinforcements and could only be slowly defeated by the rebels one by one.

"That. That document I intercepted at Houma Station shows that General Cao Wenzhao is about to capture Wenxi, but Yu Chongxiao's attack on Jiezhou is not going well, and there are still three places in Jiezhou, Anyi and Xia County that have not been occupied by the rebels. ." Zhang Fengyi hesitated and couldn't help reporting.

"Oh?" The documents reported by Cao Wenzhao, Yu Chongxiao, Li Xin and others should have arrived in the past few days. Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this.

"It's true that 'unsatisfactory things happen in life, nine out of ten times!'"

"Is it going to have a big impact? Is there anything I need to do?" Zhang Fengyi frowned upon hearing this and asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, all the variables are within the acceptable range!" Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head.

"You go and wash up. The military situation will arrive soon. Let's discuss it again!"

Jiangzhou is the first node of the rebel army's "Great Depth Operation" plan. According to the military order before the war, on the tenth day of the war, regardless of the progress, the combat situation must be reported to Jiangzhou City.

Today is the tenth day, and the battle situation in various places should be reported.

After Zhang Fengyi finished washing up and changed into casual clothes, the two of them went together to find Sun Chuanting, Xu Ziyuan and others.

"King Shun, General Zhang!" Now Xu Ziyuan is in charge of Zhang Shun's staff, and Sun Chuanting is planning it. The two met Zhang Shun and Zhang Fengyi hurriedly.

After the two sides were polite and settled down, Zhang Shun asked: "Has the military information from various places been sent over? What is the situation now?"

"Reporting to King Shun, General Zhang's troops on the left wing have successively captured Hejin, Jishan, and Jiangzhou, and are now attacking Quwo. They have made the greatest contribution!" Xu Ziyuan couldn't help but step forward to report, and by the way, he silently complimented Zhang Fengyi.

"The forward Cao Wenzhao has captured Linjin and Yishi successively, and now Wenxi has just been captured again."

"The right-wing Yu Chongxiao tribe has successively captured Ruicheng and Pinglu, and now it has been unable to attack Jiezhou for a long time. The troops have been divided again to besiege Anyi, and it is expected that they will be captured within three to five days."

"Li Xin, the left commander of the Southern Route Army, dismounted Jinzhong and captured Jiangxian County, but failed to attack Xiaxian County."

"Li Xin, the left commander of the Southern Route Army, divided his forces to attack Yueyang. I don't know who commanded which camp. How is the progress now?"

"The new forward general Zhang Tianlin has now captured Xiangling and is only one step away from Pingyang Fucheng."

"Well, although there were some twists and turns, we have generally completed the first step of the mission." Zhang Shun nodded and concluded expressionlessly.

Of course, the actual situation is not as easy as Zhang Shun said.

Jiezhou and Anyi are the locations of the Hedong Salt Pool, which almost supplies salt to Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places, and is even sold in Huguang and beyond the Great Wall.

If the rebels can seize this place as soon as possible, they can resume production as soon as possible.

On the one hand, it can maintain the stability of salt prices, and on the other hand, it can relieve the financial pressure of the rebels and obtain salt income.

"According to Cao Wenzhao's command, Cao Dingjiao's battalion was sent to assist Yu Chongxiao in capturing Jiezhou, Anyi and Xia County." Zhang Shun pondered for a while and slightly modified the original second plan.

"The headquarters fell to Jiangzhou for some repairs. We are preparing to leave Quwo and seize Yicheng and Fushan to the east to connect with Zezhou."

"Yu Chongxiao continues to attack Jiezhou, Anyi and Xia County. The priority must be to capture all areas. There is no need to be too hasty."

"Feng Yi, your Sichuan soldiers are good at mountain warfare. Please go north to seize Taiping, Xiangning, and Jizhou, and then march into the three counties of Xizhou."

"I take orders!" Zhang Fengyi's attack route remained unchanged as planned, so she naturally had no objections.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Zhang Shun then said again: "Military law is like a mountain, I will not be verbose anymore. If you continue to pass on the order, if anyone dares to disobey and miss the military plane, don't blame me for the military law's handling!"

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