Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1221 Different thoughts

Just as the rebel army was in full swing to attack the city, Zhu Xieyuan in Taiyuan City looked at the urgent documents piled up in front of him. He was already exhausted and exhausted.

It turned out that Yang Wenyue, the governor of Shanxi, had been sent to Luzhou by him to resist the troops of Li Xin, the left commander of the rebel South Route Army.

Now he has everything under his control. He only has two battalions of troops, Luo Xiangqian, who was transferred from Sichuan, and Li Fuming, who was just transferred from Piantou Pass, with a total of only 6,000 troops.

"How's it going? Is Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi here?" Zhu Xieyuan was like an ant on a hot pot, spinning around anxiously.

"Supervisor, there is no news from Governor Xuanda yet. But by chance, Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of the Shenshu Camp in the capital, has arrived with five thousand elite troops!" The messenger who had just arrived at the Governor's Mansion hurriedly reported the news.

"Oh? Okay, that's great!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

He knew that the situation in Shanxi was difficult, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

Before he took office, in just a few months, first Shanxi Town's fierce general Hu Dawei and as fierce as a tiger were taken away by Shanxi Governor Wu Gang, and then Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong and Shanxi Governor Sun Chuanting "subdued the thieves".

After going back and forth like this, there were actually less than ten thousand elite soldiers.

This left Shanxi Town, which originally had only more than 20,000 troops, in an extremely empty situation.

As a last resort, Zhu Xieyuan quickly wrote to the court, requesting the recruitment of Jiliao guest troops to Jin; at the same time, he urged Zhang Fengyi, the governor-general of Xuanda, to come to help.

However, with the Jin soldiers frequently moving outside the Pass, how could the imperial court dare to send troops into the Pass?

After repeated quarrels, they finally had no choice but to take the risk of deploying some elite troops from the Beijing camp to support Shanxi.

Although the Ming Dynasty's capital camp had long been out of use, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian still did not give up his efforts to reorganize the capital camp.

The general who led troops to help this time was named Dong Yongwen, who was the third son of Dong Yiyuan, a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty.

This Dong Yiyuan was from the vanguard of Xuanfu, and he and his brother Dong Yikui were famous generals during the Jiajing and Wanli years.

And he himself is also known as the four generals Ma Gui, Zhang Chen, Du Tong and Dayun.

His son Dong Yongwen Enyin joined the army. Although he was not as wise and brave as his father, he also traveled to Xuanfu, Shaanxi, Jiliao and other places.

He fought against both the Tartar thieves one after another and made many achievements before being promoted to the left deputy general of the Shenshu Camp of the capital.

After Dong Yongwen took office, he rectified military affairs and performed well in defensive operations during the "Jisi Incident", so he was reused by Chongzhen.

The predecessor of Shenshu Camp was the Three Thousand Guards Camp of Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, all composed of horse teams.

Therefore, although Taiyuan is thousands of miles away from the capital, it still arrives suddenly.

"Let's go and meet him!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't hold himself back anymore and quickly stood up and ordered.

In fact, according to the official position of the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, even if the left deputy general of Shenshuying was in person, he did not have to welcome him.

It's just that now is the time for troops, and Dong Yongwen's arrival is a timely help for Zhu Xieyuan, so he gave Dong Yongwen the greatest courtesy.

Not long after, Zhu Xieyuan dressed neatly in formal attire and personally welcomed him outside Taiyuan City.

Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, had just left Taiyuan City when he felt the ground was shaking and he was almost unable to stand.

He also heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, which was like a landslide and tsunami. Zhu Xieyuan was deafened by the shock.

After a while, I saw flags waving in the distance, war horses galloping back and forth, mountains and valleys full, and I didn’t know how many people came.

Originally, Zhu Xieyuan was a little disappointed when he heard that he had come to Beijing Camp.

He never expected to see the scene of tens of thousands of horses galloping in the Shenshu camp, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Master Zuo!" Seeing the cavalry in front of him approaching from afar, a general rushed up to him with escorts on the left and right. He couldn't help but dismounted and bowed.

"Okay, okay, good time!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but took two steps forward, helped the burly general in front of him and praised.

"Is this General Dong? With the general's help from thousands of miles away, Taiyuan City will be worry-free, Shanxi will be worry-free, and the world will be worry-free!"

Zhu Xieyuan then welcomed Dong Yongwen and others into Taiyuan City, and the two sides sat down in order of priority.

Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of the Shenshu camp, couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master, please take it seriously, my five thousand elite cavalry are carefully selected from the fifty thousand soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp."

"All of them are good men who climb mountains like apes, swim like dragons in water, and ride horses like tigers with wings. They will definitely not let 'shun thieves' run rampant like this."

Although Zhu Xieyuan was good at using troops, most of his combat experience was in the southwestern mountainous areas, and he was not very familiar with the use of cavalry.

This time he saw five thousand fine cavalry galloping with his own eyes. He was greatly shocked, and he couldn't help but feel confident in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then told Dong Yongwen about the military situation: "This time, there are about 100,000 thieves invading Shaanxi, of which there are about 30,000 to 40,000 in the south of Shanxi. These two people also have news that there are another 50,000 to 60,000 in the southeast of Shanxi." Centaur.”

"Shanxi Town has been hit by disasters many times, and now there are no more than 10,000 people in total. In addition to the defenders from various places, there are only 6,000 people in Taiyuan City under my command, Biaoying Luo Xiangqian's 1st Battalion, and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Li Fuming's 1st Battalion."

"Now that I have received the help of General Dong, I am very relieved!"

Damn it, Dong Yongwen, who was still talking shamelessly at first, felt like a basin of cold water was poured down on his head when he heard this, and his mind suddenly became clearer.

"How. How could this be so?" Dong Yongwen couldn't help but stammered.

Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, quickly told Dong Yongwen about the "good deeds" of Wu Di, the former governor of Shanxi, and Sun Chuanting, the former governor of Shanxi.

Dong Yongwen was a martial artist, but he was not as elegant as Zhu Xieyuan.

After learning that one of the two men had taken away the Shanxi warriors Fierce as a Tiger and Tiger Dawei, and the other had "taken" Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong to "surrender the thieves", they started to curse on the spot.

He only scolded these two people so much that they couldn't help but sneeze even from hundreds of miles away.

Not to mention how these two people sang and cursed Wu Di and Sun Chuanting.

Let's talk about the war in the world. There is no reason to sit still and wait for death.

When Zhu Xieyuan saw the arrival of the two battalions of Shenshu Camp in Beijing, he discussed letting Dong Yongwen go to Pingyang to fight against the thieves.

Of course, at this time, the left governor Zhu Xieyuan did not know that the rebels had occupied Jiangzhou, almost all of them were in Jie and Puzhou, and they still dreamed of "repelling the enemy in Pingyang".

"Superintendent, it's not that Dong is unwilling, it's just that the thieves are quite powerful now. I'm afraid that the battle will be unfavorable and miss the important event of the Superintendent." Are you kidding me? There are 50,000 or 60,000 thieves. You asked me to lead 5,000 soldiers and horses. To resist?

"Just being a vanguard!" Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "Now Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, has led 30,000 elite troops and is traveling day and night. He will arrive soon."

"At that time, I will personally lead the army out of Taiyuan, go down to Fenzhou, and go down the Fen River to join forces with the general."

The left deputy general Dong Yongwen looked slightly relieved when he heard this, and he calculated carefully in his mind: If Zhang Fengyi can lead 30,000 elite troops here, plus the 6,000 troops and horses in Taiyuan City, I will have 5,000 elite cavalry. "

"Although the number of soldiers is not as high as that of thieves, they are still more elite, and common people can fight!"

"Besides, I have many horses under my command. If I can fight, I will fight. If I can't, I will leave. What should I be afraid of?"

Thinking of this, Dong Yongwen couldn't help but said seriously: "In that case, the general will be waiting for the supervisor in front."

When Zhu Xieyuan heard this, he was very happy and the two of them were enjoying themselves for a while.

Dong Yongwen thought he had a plan, but he didn't know that Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, had cheated him in terms of the number of reinforcements.

Zhu Xieyuan thought he had a plan, but he didn't know that Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of Shenshuying, was ready to "sell" him at any time.

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