Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1222 The Second Impact

Today, Zhang Shun is the leader of the three armies. Although he does not have to go to the front line to command operations as before, he now needs to do more work in the rear.

For example, preside over the formulation of strategies, campaign plans, and command of campaign operations.

Another example is to be in charge of rewards and punishments, to reward the three armies, and so on.

A few days ago, because Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi had made great contributions to the capture of Jiangzhou, Zhang Shun personally rewarded him and expressed his condolences.

At dawn the next day,

Huang glanced at Zhang Fengyi enviously, lowered her head and began to help Zhang Shun dress.

She and Zhang Fengyi were in a similar situation. Both of them were getting older and worried that they would be old and lose their beauty and would be helpless in the future.

Therefore, they all seized every opportunity to serve Zhang Shun in order to have children as soon as possible.

It stands to reason that there must be nothing wrong with their health, and there must be nothing wrong with Zhang Shun's health.

But for some reason there was still no movement in their stomachs.

Zhang Fengyi still has more than ten thousand Sichuan soldiers under his command, so he still has some confidence.

She, Mrs. Huang, is just a weak woman. Besides entertaining people with sex, what else can she do?

However, even the only color she had now would probably be lost within a few years, so she couldn't help but feel worried.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhang Shun didn't know what she was thinking.

"There's someone here!" Huang said with her lips pressed to Zhang Fengyi, who was sleeping on the bed, and she rolled her eyes at him.

Song Xiance, Sun Chuanting, Han Lin and other old people had all come here before, and they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Only the newly surrendered Han Xu, Wu Aheng, Lei Chong and others did not understand the reason. They had the intention to step forward and advise a few words such as "a king should be diligent in political affairs", but due to their status, they had to give up.

In fact, Zhang Shun's behavior is considered a relatively low-level "hobby" in their eyes.

Beauty, which may be out of reach for the lower class, seems to them to be as common as eating and drinking every day.

Do you maintain a strong enthusiasm for ordinary things like eating and drinking water all year round?

Of course, from Zhang Shun's perspective, these people's "hobbies" are even lower.

There are so many things like flying eagles and horses, buying fields and houses, raising geishas, ​​etc. It feels like I might as well take care of my own wife!

Not to mention whose hobbies were more vulgar, Zhang Shun left Han Lin in Jiangzhou as the magistrate and led his troops up the Fen River.

After traveling about fifty miles, Zhang Fengyi, General Zhaode and the second concubine of King Qin, had no choice but to say goodbye to Zhang Shun and led his troops to disembark and go straight to Taiping County.

Zhang Shun knew that after this separation, he might not be able to see each other for several months.

He couldn't help but reluctantly bid farewell to Zhang Fengyi, and then continued up the Fen River to Xiangling County, which had just been occupied by Zhang Tianlin.

Xiangling County is adjacent to Fenhe River in the east and Gush Mountain in the west. It is only thirty miles away from Pingyang Prefecture.

When Zhang Shun and his men arrived in Xiangling County, the rebel general Dang Shousuzao rushed to the port to greet them.

"How is the battle situation now?" Both sides were slightly polite, and Zhang Shun asked straight away.

"Pingyang prefect Wang Shunzheng, guarding the road Li Yi'ao and Pingyang guard commander Tang Yao gathered three to five thousand soldiers. They refused to surrender and defended Pingyang." Dang Shousu couldn't help but responded after hearing the words.

"General Zhang has been unable to attack for a long time and is preparing to apply for the use of the ten thousand catty Hongyi cannon 'Qingtian General Cannon' to attack the city."

"That's right!" Zhang Shun knew that now was not the time for hypocrisy, so he couldn't care less.

It turns out that although this "big depth attack" tactic is refreshing, there are also many difficulties that need to be overcome during its execution.

The first of these is the issue of the limits of forward advancement.

People need to eat and recuperate, war horses will fall down from exhaustion, and even later tanks and artillery will stop eating after advancing one or two hundred kilometers due to lack of fuel, mechanical failures and other reasons.

Therefore, before the rebels launch an attack, the first thing they must consider is how to maintain the offensive momentum.

Zhang Shun's solution is very simple. It is called "repeated charge", which is very similar to the "repeated charge" in cavalry tactics.

The specific method of operation is to divide the assault force into several parts.

When the first part of the assault force reaches its limit, it will defend and repair in place according to the plan, and at the same time consolidate the newly occupied territory by the rebels.

The second part of the assault force will continue to launch a second powerful assault where the first part stayed.

Since then, the traditional offensive and defensive rhythm has been completely disrupted.

Traditional battle operations generally start from the beginning, to the battle, to the pursuit and the conclusion.

After the battle, both sides will enter a period of "quiet period."

The winner consolidates the gains, while the loser licks his wounds and prepares for revenge.

However, there is no "quiet period" in Zhang Shun's "Grand Deep Offensive" combat plan.

The rebel army's tactics have always been to attack, attack, and attack again, until they reach the limit of the "big depth offensive" assault.

Specific to the actual operations of the rebel army, the three forces of Zhang Fengyi, Cao Wenzhao and Yu Chongxiao served as the first part of the assault force.

The second part of the assault force was Zhang Tianlin's troops who attacked from Jiangzhou City.

Zhang Tianlin's subordinates have three battalions of troops including the headquarters, Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu, with a total of 11,000 troops.

However, due to the newly-built battalions of Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu, the actual combat strength was still led by Zhang Tianlin's 5,000 elite troops.

Unexpectedly, Pingyang Mansion was in such a hurry that it was difficult to leave, and the rebel offensive momentum was curbed.

"We must capture Pingyang Mansion as soon as possible!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but emphasize.

"Tell him Zhang Tianlin that if he doesn't have the ability to win, then replace him with someone who dares to fight and win for him as soon as possible!"

It turns out that due to limitations in logistics and transportation, the second part of the rebel army's assault force was deployed along the Fen River and was not as comprehensive as the first part.

Now that the rebel army is really engaged in a "Suiyang Defense Battle" by the Ming Army, Zhang Shun's "big deep attack" plan may be greatly affected.

"Don't worry, King Shun. General Zhang has said that if Pingyang Mansion cannot be taken within five days, he will come to see you!" Dang Shousu was stunned when he heard this and quickly promised.

Just kidding, King Shun led 100,000 troops on an expedition this time, and everyone was gearing up to show off their skills.

If you don’t dare to go all out, there are many people who dare to go all out.

King Shun always allowed Jue to hold the position, and his military discipline was strict, and he rewarded meritorious deeds and punished delinquents.

If the generals cannot take advantage of this opportunity to stand out, how can they have their own share when they are awarded titles and offices in the capital in the future?

"Okay, if you are sure of this, then I will order the two battalions of Zhang Damou and Li Wanqing to bypass Pingyang and attack Huozhou!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said seriously.

"This..." Dang Shousu couldn't help but hesitate when he heard the words. He pondered for a moment and couldn't help but take the initiative.

"This matter cannot be decided by me alone. It would be better to send soldiers to recall General Zhang and ask him face to face."

Zhang Shun thought, it was indeed the case, but he was impatient.

There is a saying that "one careless move will lead to losing everything". The geographical location and symbolic significance of Pingyang Mansion are so important that I cannot attach too much importance to it.

"Okay, let's do it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded.

"However, instead of recalling Zhang Tianlin, I will go to the front line in person to interview him."

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