Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1223 Internal Friction

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" Zhang Tianlin, the "Guo Tianxing" who had been attacking for a day during the day, had just laid down when he suddenly heard that the soldiers were coming to report that "King Shun" had arrived, so he hurriedly dressed up and went out to greet him.

"How is the battle going now? How many more days will it take to conquer Pingyang Mansion?" Zhang Shun entered the camp and couldn't help but ask after he sat down.

Seeing Zhang Shun arriving overnight, Zhang Tianlin knew that the matter was serious, so she couldn't help but ponder for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, King Shun."

"There are strange things in Pingyang City for twelve miles. It is four feet and five feet high and the pool is two feet and five feet deep."

"The city walls are all covered with bricks and have four gates. It is called Wuding in the east, Heyi in the west, Mingde in the south, and Zhenshuo in the north."

"There is an urn outside the city gate, a tower above the gate, and a turret at the corner of the city. In addition, there are enemy towers, dens and other facilities."

"In the seventh year of Zhengde, the Ming Dynasty established Dongguan City to the east of the original Pingyang City."

"There are strange things in the city on Saturday. The city is three feet high and one foot eight wide at the top. They are all covered with bricks. There are six city gates on three sides, four turrets on each of them, and seventeen enemy towers."

"The city is bordered by the Fen River to the west, the Lishui River to the north, and Guo City to the east. The rebel army was at a disadvantage when it came to siege. They could only attack from one place in the south, so the progress was quite slow."

After listening to Zhang Tianlin's detailed explanation, Zhang Shun understood the difficulty of attacking Pingyang City.

This place faces water on two sides, and there is a new outer city outside the city, forming a twin-city structure. These three places are not conducive to the attacker's attack.

Originally, a large city like Pingyang City with few soldiers was very unfavorable for the defenders to defend.

However, due to the special terrain of Pingyang City, the advantage of the rebel army's large number of soldiers and generals was circumvented.

"How are the artillery preparations going?" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"The number of 'Qingtian General Cannons' has reached ten, six have been unloaded now, and the remaining four are expected to be unloaded tomorrow morning." When Zhang Tianlin heard Zhang Shun's words, why didn't she understand what he meant?

"There are now twelve 'Flying Cannons', ten 'Golden Cannons', and fifteen 'Field Cannons'."

"Almost all the artillery from the three battalions under my command were transferred over. Only Dang Shousu left five 'golden cannons' for him, just in case."

According to the establishment of the rebel army, a battalion is equipped with ten "battalion cannons", including five "golden cannons" and five "field cannons".

Although Zhang Tianlin has many troops and elite soldiers, they are not Zhang Shun's direct descendants after all, and the soldiers are not fully organized according to the standard organization of the rebel army.

Therefore, although the number of troops in his camp was 5,000, the actual artillery equipment was only the same as that of Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui.

"By the way, where is Zhang Rukui?" Zhang Shun came for a long time, but did not see another rebel general.

"He selected two hundred elites and prepared to steal the city!" Zhang Tianlin hesitated and said.

"Nonsense! Now when the enemy is on alert day and night, how can they take advantage of it? If you insist on doing this, wouldn't it be a waste of money and life!" Zhang Shun keenly felt that Zhang Rukui's action was inappropriate and could not help but give the order directly. road.

"Send someone to call him over, and tell him that I want to see him, and I have to hit the wall and not look back."

"General, take your orders!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianlin quickly sent soldiers to look for him.

Zhang Shun frowned and said, "Since we can't take any tricks this time, we can only go head-on. We can't expect the enemy to surrender every time we go."

“We can fight skillful and wise battles, but we must also be able to fight hard and vicious battles.”

Zhang Tianlin couldn't help but tremble when she heard this. The so-called "tough battle" and "bad battle" naturally require a lot of lives.

"Who is the artillery officer this time?" Zhang Shun asked again.

"This person's name is Zhao Yi. He is a general sent by Li Shi'an, the commander of the Second Artillery Regiment. The general is not very familiar with him." Zhang Tianlin said quickly.

"Oh? It seems like we can almost use the 'infantry and artillery coordination' tactic!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded.

Zhang Tianlin, Zhang Rukui, and Dang Shousu were all rebel leaders who took refuge with Zhang Shun, and their tactics and tactics were not as sophisticated as Zhang Shun's direct lineage.

However, the key to "infantry and artillery coordination tactics" lies in the artillery.

Since the gunner is one of our own, it is not impossible to select some soldiers who dare to charge and kill to cooperate, and it is not impossible to achieve corresponding effects.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, why are you here?" While Zhang Shun was thinking, he heard a call that pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Why are you here? If I were late, I might not be here to collect the body for you!" Zhang Shun sneered.

"You actually dare to steal the city without any chance. Zhang Rukui, you are very brave!"

"Ah, King Shun, I don't think there has been any progress." Zhang Rukui scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"You are also an old rebel, how could you make such a low-level mistake?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder.

Among the leaders who came from the rebel army, there were only a few who were strong-willed. Those who were strong-headed had already had their heads chopped off by the Ming army.

"He...his nephew was accidentally hit by the Ming army's artillery when he was attacking the city during the day..." Zhang Tianlin explained in a low voice.

"Then you won't persuade him?" Zhang Shun asked subconsciously.

He immediately realized that these people were all rebellious people. Even if Zhang Tianlin, the "Crossing Star", had a great reputation, they might not be able to obey him.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianlin curled her lips and said nothing.

If these two people didn't obey military orders, Pingyang City wouldn't be so difficult to defeat.

"One person does the work and the other takes responsibility. This is none of General Zhang's business!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Rukui couldn't sit still and couldn't help shouting.

"That dog officer killed my nephew, I will kill him to avenge him!" Zhang Rukui couldn't help shouting.

It turns out that Zhang Rukui and Dang Shousu have been working together all year round, and their relationship is extraordinary.

After Zhang Shun promoted these two men to the rank of commander-in-chief, they each commanded a battalion and had the ability to compete with Zhang Tianlin, so they were a little reluctant to obey his orders.

In fact, Zhang Tianlin is not entirely to blame for this matter. If Zhang Shun hadn't tried to balance power, Zhang Tianlin might have been able to direct her with her prestige and strength.

Of course, if a general like Zhang Tianlin commands others, then it will be his turn and Zhang Shun will not be able to sleep.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but said angrily: "Are you still reasonable? If you act against orders, you should be executed according to the law!"

"Zhang Tianlin, tell me whether he should be killed or not?"

"Guo Tianxing." As soon as Zhang Tianlin heard Zhang Shun's words, she knew that this was to support him. He quickly smiled and said: "It should be like this according to the law, but this time I did not order to stop General Zhang, and asked King Shun to Punish them all together.”

"Okay, okay, very good!" Zhang Shun said with an angry smile, "Zhang Tianlin's command is not good, and Zhang Rukui's improper use of troops, according to the law, he should be punished fifty times with a staff."

"Since now is the time to employ people, I have the right to allow you to make meritorious deeds."

"If we can capture Pingyang City in the next few days, let's forget about anything else. If we can't capture it, we will settle the old and new accounts together, and we won't argue with you again!"

After hearing this, Zhang Rukui glanced at Zhang Tianlin gratefully, and quickly promised: "Your Highness King Shun, please rest assured. If Pingyang City cannot be captured within three days, my subordinates will come to see you!"

No, I haven't set a deadline for you yet, so you're just putting it aside to increase the stakes for yourself?

Could it be that the birthday boy hanged himself because he was tired of living!

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He never thought that there was such a fool in the world.

In fact, Zhang Shun underestimated this person.

This guy and Dang Shouxu had their own way of survival by being able to keep their lives while the rebels were losing their property and lives one after another.

When Rukui saw Zhang Shun in person, how could he not know that he had hated King Shun?

Therefore, he quickly put more pressure on himself, hoping to take the opportunity to restore his image.

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