Zhang Shun held up his telescope and couldn't help but smile as he watched the unexpected progress in the city.

This telescope was made by Gao Yizhi when he heard that Zhang Shun was looking for "novel Western objects". He wrote to missionaries such as Tang Ruowang and Jin Nige, seeking related objects, and finally purchased it from a man named Bo Jue in the south of the Yangtze River. I asked Wang Zheng to send this to Zhang Shun.

Although the lens of this telescope is not as clear as in the previous life, and the magnification is not high, it is still a rare treasure for Zhang Shun, who often uses troops.

Through this treasure, which cost only one or two hundred yuan in his previous life, Zhang Shun could easily see the battle situation in the city.

"Yes, Ji Longfeng is good at martial arts!" He hit ten and killed seven of them. He is indeed a good fighter.

Don’t think that personal bravery and courage are useless after the emergence of firearms. On the contrary, because we are in the alternating era of hot and cold, the requirements for personal bravery and courage are higher.

In fact, the problems faced by the army in this era are quite similar to the game "Mount and Blade: Fire and Sword" that Zhang Shun played in his previous life.

If you don't wear heavy armor, a stray arrow may come from nowhere and kill you.

And if you wear heavy armor, it will be difficult for ordinary swords and arrows to hurt you, but projectiles flying from nowhere can still kill you.

Attack outweighs defense. This is the first time in the more than a thousand years since armor has appeared that this terrible situation has occurred.

This also led to the Ming army beginning to develop in the direction of "heavy firearms and light armor". However, the result of this development will inevitably lead to a situation of strong firepower and weak hand-to-hand combat.

In fact, in order to target the Ming army with such characteristics, both Hou Jin's Eight Banners and Zhang Shun's rebels began to intensify physical combat intentionally or unintentionally.

Later Jin's strategy was to plunder a large number of young men from the less civilized tribes such as the "Savage Jurchens" and "Sauron Tribe" in the north.

Soldiers from these less civilized tribes are characterized by bravery and desperation for death. They were often incorporated into the Eight Banners by Hou Jin, given heavy armor, and driven into battle.

As for the rebels, Zhang Shun also began to explore the formation of heavy armored troops, represented by the newly formed Li Jiyu Department and this time the "First Death Squadron" led by Ji Longfeng.

However, although heavy armored soldiers are said to "dare to die", they are not "sending death". Only after adequate protection has been provided can soldiers dare to fight to the death.

After Li Jiyu established the heavy armor battalion, Zhang Shunhe discovered that the cold-forged fine armor already has very good protective capabilities. If it is put on the outside with a battle jacket made of cotton or silk, it can basically withstand most projectiles. .

This is also the reason why after Ji Longfeng ascended the city, even though he had only one bullet and two arrows, he seemed to be fine.

With excellent armor protection and strong generals leading the way, it will be easy for the rebels to use tactics such as trapping and attacking first.

Just when Zhang Shun was thinking long-term, a sudden sound of gunfire woke him up from his meditation.

"Who is setting off cannons indiscriminately!" Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows and said angrily.

Military discipline is the first combat force. As an artilleryman, firing cannons indiscriminately without waiting for orders will be punished by military law.

Sun Chunchuan understood clearly and responded quickly: "This cannon was not fired by the rebels, but by the city!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and saw smoke rising from the tower of Mingde Gate at the south gate of Pingyang.

"This" Before Zhang Shun could understand what was going on, he heard the roar of cannons, and the Mingde Gate Tower was filled with smoke for a while.

"No, Ji Longfeng is in danger, the death squad is in danger!" Zhang Shun's heart skipped a beat, and his expression suddenly changed.

Sun Chuanting, Zhang Tianlin, Zhang Rukui and others could not help but beat their chests and stamp their feet, shouting "It's broken".


It turned out that after Ji Longfeng led two hundred people who dared to die to climb the city, they must first stabilize their footing, then seize the city gate and let the rebel army enter the city before they can succeed.

Ji Longfeng used her personal bravery to attack the city wall. The next step was to seize the Mingde Gate, the south gate of Pingyang.

As a result, at this moment, the sound of cannons sounded continuously from the Mingde Gate Tower. It was obvious that the Ming army was shelling the rebels who dared to die.

Zhang Shun quickly picked up the "Telescope" and could immediately see everything in the city.

I saw several rows of artillery densely protruding from the tower of Mingde Gate, firing at Ji Longfeng and other people who dared to die coming from the city wall.

On the city wall of Pingyang Prefecture, there are female walls and ultimatum boards to cover the horizontal direction, but the vertical direction is flat.

Although Ji Longfeng and other death squads were wearing heavy armor, they were still unable to withstand artillery fire.

The death squad was suddenly attacked, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured immediately.

The brave Ji Longfeng survived because he was a little slow when rushing to the tower.

Ji Longfeng finally raised her head from the ground, her face changed drastically, she rolled and crawled, and ran away without looking back.

Why do you think so?

It turns out that the tower above Mingde Gate is three stories high, and it is actually densely packed with artillery.

Although Ji Longfeng has good martial arts skills but is not indestructible, how can she withstand it?

However, although his "lazy donkey rolling" method is not very pretty, it is practical.

Just as the rebels were retreating, artillery fire from the Ming army's tower rang out repeatedly, and he was only hit twice by stray bullets.

Once at the waist and once at the back, both were cushioned by the jacket, so it didn't matter.

Ji Longfeng rolled and climbed for more than twenty steps. He happened to see a watchtower and quickly hid in it.

The enemy tower is a small tower built on the enemy's platform. Although it is not tall, it is strong and can shield the bullets.

The other soldiers obviously saw this and rushed over and hid.

The soldiers who really couldn't hide would go around the enemy tower and hide behind the enemy tower to avoid being hurt by projectiles.

"Idiot, it's dangerous, get out of there quickly!" Zhang Shun looked anxiously at the bottom of the city and shouted loudly.

It's just that the distance is too far, how can Ji Longfeng and others hear it?

"The flag-bearer listens to the order and quickly orders the death squads in the city to withdraw from the enemy tower!" Zhang Shun suddenly remembered something and ordered quickly.

"What's going on? How come there are so many artillery pieces suddenly appearing in Pingyang Mansion!"

This rebel attack was so sudden and rapid, and Pingyang is not a major military town, so where did all these artillery pieces come from!

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting smiled bitterly after hearing this, "This time it was Sun who was negligent and did not report it to King Shun!"

"When I was here as the governor of Shanxi, in order to fight against the rebels, I ordered Li Yi'ao, the deputy patrol officer in Hedong, to forge a hundred cannons and make more than a thousand pairs of armor, preparing to be incorporated into the camp for use in the future."

"I never... never thought that I would lose my job later. I had already given up on this matter. I never thought..."

Zhang Shun was about to cry when he heard this, but he couldn't help but said angrily: "Why don't you make it elsewhere, why did you choose to make it here in Pingyang City?"

"Your Majesty, King Shun!" Sun Chuanting almost cried.

Although he had issued the order at the beginning, according to the virtue of the Ming Dynasty's ruling and opposition parties, how could it be implemented cleanly and efficiently without anyone's supervision?

Sun Chuanting couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "King Shun didn't know that there were originally five iron smelting plants in this land in Shanxi, including two in Pingyang Prefecture alone."

"These two places are called Shanxi Fengguo Iron Smelting Works and Shanxi Fuguo Iron Smelting Works respectively."

"This is one hundred and fifty miles east of Jizhou where Fengguo Iron Smelting is located, and fifty miles east of Ningning, where Fuguo Iron Smelting is located."

"In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, it was established and then abandoned, but it did not last long."

"At first I thought this place was the first place for the rebels to attack, so I smelted and forged it nearby to avoid the hassle of transportation."

"My subordinates then restarted the Second Iron Smelting Works in order to build armor and forge artillery. Unexpectedly, there will be a disaster today. Please ask King Shun to punish you!"

Punishment? What's the use of punishing Sun Chuanting at this time?

Not to mention that it was natural for everyone to be his own master, so there was no reason to punish him!

Ji Longfeng and the two hundred men under his command who dared to die were the elites selected from the two battalions of Zhang Tianlin and Zhang Rukui. If they were all lost here today, I am afraid that the combat effectiveness of these two battalions would also be greatly affected.

Zhang Shun remained calm and did not speak. He simply turned a blind eye and stared at the artillery on the tower with his telescope.

The "chichi" sparks popped up again, and Ji Longfeng and others were still hiding in the watchtower without moving.

I don’t know if they can survive this time!

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