Ji Longfeng hid on the watchtower, staring at the tower opposite, unable to advance and unwilling to retreat.

The enemy tower was one hundred fifty or sixty steps away from the Ming army's tower, and shotguns were almost out of reach.

It was safe, but he had no idea how to attack.

But before his thoughts had settled, he heard the sound of cannon fire from the opposite side again, and he couldn't help but feel strange.

Ji Longfeng took a sneak peek under the cover of the ultimatum board on the enemy tower.

Seeing dozens of artillery shells swarming towards him, he couldn't help but quickly shrink his head and exclaimed: "My life is at risk!"

Then there was a sound of artillery shells hitting masonry. For a while, gravel flew and screams continued. It was unknown how many people were killed and injured.

After finally waiting for the bombardment to end, Ji Longfeng quickly checked her body and found that there were no missing arms or legs, and couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Then, he looked at everyone and found that except for a few soldiers who were injured by gravel, most of them had no casualties, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Where are you?

It turns out that Pingyang Mansion has not experienced military affairs for a long time, and there are only a few people in the Pingyang Guards who are good at using swords, guns, fire and artillery, let alone more professional artillery.

Let these people load some gunpowder shotguns and release them. Regardless of accuracy, there is no problem.

However, if they were allowed to load solid bullets and shoot accurately, it would cost them their lives.

The artillerymen, under the command of deputy envoy Li Yi'ao, fired randomly, but none of them was hit.

When Ji Longfeng saw that he understood, he was glad and prepared to lead his soldiers to retreat.

But then he thought about it, this time his efforts were in vain, and his status in King Shun's mind might become even lower than that of Wukong, Wang Jinyi and others in the future.

He couldn't help but think about it: "I see that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are mediocre in martial arts and find it difficult to fight. Now that I can't attack, the Ming army may not be able to attack. In this case, why don't I stay here temporarily and wait for changes."

Thinking of this, Ji Longfeng couldn't help but point to dozens of people and said: "You guys stay here with me for the time being. I will ask King Shun for credit for you later."

"The rest of the people will retreat to the place where we boarded the city to wait for the opportunity to fight."

"If this enemy tower can be defended, you will come to help me. If the enemy tower cannot be defended, you will either withdraw to the city or guard the ladder to climb the city, depending on the situation."

The other soldiers were all "men who dared to die". When they heard that Ji Longfeng was in danger, they were moved and said: "If the general doesn't come back, we will definitely defend and not retreat!"

"Today we will live and die together. Whoever dares to abandon his comrades and leave will be attacked by everyone in the world!"

Seeing that his morale was available, Ji Longfeng sent everyone to evacuate and led thirty people to hide in the enemy tower.

Sure enough, after the officers and soldiers on the tower fired several rounds in succession, they saw that they could not hit the enemy tower. They could only watch the rebel soldiers retreat and couldn't help but become anxious.

Wang Shunzheng, the prefect of Pingyang, couldn't help but said anxiously: "What should I do? In the world, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, so how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?"

Unexpectedly, the commanding officer Tang Yao did not take it seriously. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, magistrate. There is no food or water in this city. How will he treat it?"

"Even if they can go without food or drink, even if they stay for a hundred years, how can they help?"

Wang Shunzheng's face darkened when he heard this and said that he had refuted his feelings in public.

When the deputy envoy Li Yiao saw the two were having a disagreement, he quickly explained: "The commander is unaware of something. While you were resting last night, the prefect and I happened to receive a letter from Yueyang Magistrate asking for help."

"Nazhi County claimed that thieves suddenly appeared below the city and were violently attacking Yueyang County."

"If this matter is true, we cannot be allowed to slowly resist."

Tang Yao was stunned when he heard this, and then understood what deputy envoy Li Yiao meant.

If there are really thieves attacking Yueyang County, it means that he and others will soon be surrounded in the isolated city of Pingyang.

It's hard to defend the city alone. If they really end up in that situation, I'm afraid they will all die without a burial place.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao frowned and couldn't help but ask: "It's just that our Pingyang soldiers are not as fierce as the thieves. What can I do about it?"

What you said is nice, but the key point is that if you can't beat the thief in hand-to-hand combat, what can you do?

"In my opinion, I might as well push the artillery out and fire it closer, which may relieve my worries about close combat." Wang Shunzheng hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but suggest.

"Okay, okay, this is a good idea!" Tang Yao was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the prefect, who had never known soldiers before, could be so quick-witted, and couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised.

Deputy envoy Li Yi'ao was originally a little worried that this method was unreliable, but when he saw that the commander Tang Yao had complied, he stopped talking.

The words are divided into two parts, not to mention how to fight in the city, but also to say that Zhang Shun couldn't help but become very anxious when he saw the rebels who dared to die were bombarded by the Ming army's artillery.

He couldn't help but run to the artillery position in person and asked the artillery officer Zhao Yi: "The attack of the man who dared to die in the city was thwarted. Can we use artillery to help him?"

"It's not easy!" Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "The artillery skills of the rebel army all come from your Highness. Your Highness should know that artillery can be divided into two types: direct fire and indirect fire."

"For example, field artillery, Qingtian General's artillery, etc. are all direct fire, and they will not be able to penetrate the enemy's tower for a while; while golden cannons, flying blunderbuss, etc. are all deflected fire, and because the enemy's tower has three floors above and below, it cannot penetrate the top. Come in, please forgive me for my incompetence."

Zhang Shun couldn't help scratching his head when he knew this.

How to do how to do?

"Your Highness, the Ming army's gunners are not good, but they can't hit!" While Zhang Shun was pondering, Zhao Yi, who borrowed Zhang Shun's telescope to observe for a moment, suddenly said in surprise.

"What? Let me have a look!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and quickly took a telescope and took a look. He saw that the enemy tower on the city was safe and sound, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Later, Zhang saw the people who dared to die in the city retreat in an orderly manner, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

After coming here for a while, he didn't see Ji Longfeng coming out of the watchtower, and he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart again.

What's going on? Is Ji Longfeng gone?

However, when Zhang Shun saw the retreating soldiers stationed at the entrance of the ladder, he quickly realized that it must be Ji Longfeng stationed on the enemy's platform, preparing for an opportunity to counterattack.

Can this be done?

Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment, then decided to do something: "Fei Biaoqiang, prepare, first load the ammunition into the chamber, target the enemy tower!"

"Your Highness King Shun, this is all in vain!" Artillery officer Zhao Yi frowned upon hearing this and couldn't help but admonish.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to see if there are any changes in the city!" Zhang Shun also knew that even if the powerful flying gun attacked the top, it would be impossible to penetrate the roof and floor of the three-story tower.

Since Ji Longfeng wanted to do something, then as the commander, he must provide him with the help he could.

The Feibiao gun with a curved trajectory is the best choice. No matter what happens in the city, it can provide timely fire support.

Zhang Shun was thinking while staring at the situation in the city with his telescope.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Zhang Shun’s eyes began to cry, he finally saw movement.

"Okay, it's moving, it's finally moving!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but pat his thigh and smiled.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, what is going on?" Zhao Yi was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't see clearly under the city, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun's telescope with envy and asked.

"Let Fei Biaozhu prepare and target the west door of the enemy's tower!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but calmly ordered.

"Yes!" Zhao Yi quickly dictated to the left and right, asking the Feibiao gunner to adjust the angle and gunpowder, ready to fire at any time.

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