Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1228 Defeat the Enemy

"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster!" Tang Yao shouted sternly with a whip in his hand.

In front of him was a group of obedient guardsmen, who were pushing and pulling the artillery pieces with all their might.

These artillery pieces were red barbarian-type cannons commonly seen in Ming military camps. They weighed about five hundred kilograms and had a caliber ranging from one inch six cents to two inches two.

Most are carried on four-wheeled carts, and generally use goose egg-sized solid bullets or hundreds of small lead bullets as the main means of attack.

Because the Ming army did not establish a scientific and sound artillery system like the rebel army, this relatively lightweight artillery was widely used in attacking and defending cities and in field battles.

The rebels had been fighting the Ming army for many years and had captured a lot of them.

They were all distributed by Zhang Shun and used as firepower for the camp troops themselves, and were not under the direct jurisdiction of the "Second Artillery Regiment".

The advantage of this kind of artillery is naturally that it is light and easy to maneuver; the disadvantage is that its caliber is small and its power is worrying.

Judging from the sudden attack on Ji Longfeng and other death squads this time, the casualties were only a dozen or so.

Although it was tragic, it did not lose its combat effectiveness.

If the situation were the same, if it were replaced by the rebels' three-inch field artillery, I am afraid that one shot would cause many casualties.

This is one of the main reasons why Ji Longfeng and others dare to hide in the enemy tower.

After all, even if this type of artillery hits the enemy tower, it cannot be easily destroyed.

Tang Yao urged the officers and soldiers of the guard station to push the prisoner-killing cannon forward more than fifty steps, more than a hundred steps away from the enemy tower. Everyone was afraid and did not dare to move forward.

He then ordered his soldiers to launch artillery fire on the spot and shoot at the enemy towers.

The distance was much closer, and the hit situation was much better. Three or four consecutive rounds were concentrated on the enemy tower, and the masonry outside was shattered and splashed.

However, there was no movement in the enemy tower, which made all the officers and soldiers stunned.

"Commander, did the thieves escape just now and there was no one among them?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but wonder.

In fact, Tang Yao still had this suspicion in his heart, and the cannon fired just now was just a way to arouse the enemy.

Seeing that the "grass" was making a "squeaking" sound when he hit it, but no "snake" came out, Tang Yao became more and more sure of his judgment.

However, in order to be cautious, he couldn't help but order: "You, you and you, each of you lead a few troops and go to investigate."

The garrison soldiers are still the old organization, but they are different from the current popular camp system.

The three chief ministers got the order, so they moved forward cautiously with swords and guns.

"General, are we just going to wait like this?" Just when the soldiers of the Sanshi Guards of the Ming Army came over, the rebel soldiers in the enemy tower could not hold themselves back for a long time and couldn't help but urge Ji Longfeng.

"Don't worry, the enemy's artillery is too powerful, let's get closer and attack!" Ji Longfeng sneered, showing no fear.

In fact, in order to confuse the enemy, the rebel soldiers in the enemy tower did not dare to raise their heads and wait and see, and did not know the reality of the Ming army.

If a large number of elite Ming troops come this time, or if artillery fires at close range, today next year may be their memorial day.

However, Ji Longfeng had fought against the defenders of Pingyang City before. He firmly believed that the defenders were incompetent in martial arts and cowardly in combat. They would not dare to fight hand-to-hand with him and others, so he gritted his teeth and continued to wait.

As the defenders got closer and closer to the enemy tower, Ji Longfeng finally heard the enemy's footsteps on the noisy battlefield and couldn't help but feel happy.

No sound of wheels! There were not many footsteps, so there was no artillery approaching, and there was no need for a large number of enemy troops to approach. Sure enough, the bet was right!

He couldn't help but order in a low voice: "Are the fire guns loaded? Don't release them when the enemy approaches later. Prepare for melee combat."

"Wait until the enemy is repulsed, then use the fire blunderbuss to kill the defeated troops!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and each of them grasped the weapons in their hands, preparing to meet the coming Ming army infantry.

At the same time, Zhang Yi, the artillery officer below the city, couldn't help but asked anxiously: "The enemy has arrived in front of the enemy tower. Should the artillery fire or not?"

"No!" Zhang Shun refused.

"Since Ji Longfeng and others didn't take action, let's not take action either!"

"If they win, our cannonballs will clear the way for them; if they lose, our cannonballs will cut off their rear!"

"You ordered the six flying guns to be set to the opening angle, and the remaining six flying guns to be set to the rear angle."

"Once the game starts, the remaining half will still have time to adjust."

"Okay!" Zhao Yi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. This time he had learned the strategic determination of King Shun and Ji Longfeng.

I saw the city defenders slowly surrounding the watchtower, but still no movement was seen.

One of them couldn't help but stretched his head to look inside, and what greeted him was the sharp light of a sword.

There was a "puff", blood spattered, and then a big head fell to the ground.

"Ah, there is a thief!" The defenders were startled and were about to kill the generals when they saw three or five spears suddenly stretched out and assassinated three soldiers from the door and window respectively.

These people were immediately frightened and rushed towards the enemy tower. However, as the enemy tower was a specialized defense facility, the entrance was quite small and they could not squeeze in for a while. They were shot one by one by the people inside, knocking over several people in a row.

The defenders couldn't help but be frightened and frightened. Who could stand this situation where they couldn't beat people but were beaten?

I don't know who shouted "Back off and let us fight", but as soon as everyone retreated they couldn't stop and it turned into a rout.

"Commanders, please follow me and charge to kill!" Ji Longfeng gained the upper hand and rushed out with a loud shout.

Seeing that Ji Longfeng was as fierce as a hungry tiger, the other rebel soldiers couldn't help but rush out after him.

"Set the firecrackers, fire the firecrackers!" Tang Yao couldn't help but said anxiously, having never seen such a scene before.

When the gunners saw an enemy suddenly charging towards them, they quickly lit their cannons without having time to think.

In order to bombard the enemy towers, most of the artillery pieces were loaded with solid bullets. It didn't matter. Seven or eight goose egg-sized shells flew over immediately.

Three of the retreating Ming troops were immediately killed, and two unlucky ones from the rebel army were directly pierced to death by artillery shells.

Everyone was shocked. They never expected that Tang Yao could be so cruel and would not even spare his own people.

Ji Longfeng was also frightened, but when he saw the other side seemed to be frightened, he had an idea and shouted loudly: "The artillery has been fired, how long will it take if we don't charge now?"

Only then did everyone realize that the shells on the opposite side had been fired, and it would take time to reload.

"Come on!" At this moment, both the enemy and ourselves reacted.

In particular, the guardsmen who had just been defeated by the rebels and shelled by their own family members ran back desperately.

Tang Yao also reacted at this time and shouted loudly: "They only have twenty or thirty people, so they are very afraid of birds!"

"Anyone who dares to charge into the battle will be killed without distinction between friend and foe. For every person killed, a reward of five taels of silver will be given!"

When Ji Longfeng waited for this military order, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He felt bad and ordered the soldiers to shoot with fire blunderbuss.

There are only seven or eight muskets, how can they be an opponent of the infantry in formation?

At this time, it turned out that Ji Longfeng was sent to defend the ladder, but the distance was too far and there was no way to support him.

What should I do? Am I, Ji Longfeng, going to die here today?

He looked up at the sky, really unwilling!

However, at this moment, there was suddenly a dull sound of artillery. Ji Longfeng was stunned for a moment, and then saw two large iron bombs falling from the sky, landing on the opposite formation, and then a violent explosion occurred.

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