Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 124 Attack on Dayang Town (Part 2)

As a result, as soon as the sound of gongs and drums started, the Zhangshun camp started to make noise, and there was a burst of shouts of "kill". I saw Zhang Shun's camp, the camp gate opened, and Jiang He's men rushed out first. Chief Qian Li Zhi'an was startled, knowing that he had been caught in a trap, and quickly ordered a retreat.

Li Zhian's subordinates were not elite to begin with. They failed to intimidate the rebels, but were instead frightened by them. The formation was immediately disrupted and they ran back in a mess. Since Jiang He joined Zhang Shun's command, as the vanguard officer with the largest number of troops, he was impatient even before he had accomplished anything, so he quickly led his team to pursue him.

Seeing that nothing could be done, Chief Qian Li Zhian took more than ten guards under his command and tried to retreat into the city while fighting. However, this tactic was too high-end and he couldn't play it at all. Before he could retreat while fighting, all the soldiers under his command had fled, leaving only him and a dozen personal guards surrounded by Jiang He.

Then when Jiang He saw that "a big fish" was surrounded, how could he still have the energy to chase down the remaining defeated generals? He immediately shouted: "Those who surrender will be spared death, and those who resist will not be killed!" Some of Li Zhian's soldiers saw the opportunity quickly, immediately abandoned their weapons, squatted aside with their heads in their hands and surrendered.

Mr. Qian Li Zhian said that he had taken the road of participating in politics in a province, and he would definitely become famous in the future. Who would have thought that before it could take off, the "little devil" stretched out his hand and pulled his legs and feet. He knew that if he died, he could still protect his descendants; if he surrendered, Zhang Guangkui, a third-grade official, might be able to confiscate his family and exterminate his family with just one word.

Thinking of this, Chief Qian Li Zhian gritted his teeth and shouted: "Kill the enemy and serve the country!" Then he rushed up with the remaining three or five personal guards, but was blocked by Jiang Heyi's shield and fell to the ground with a knife. The quality of the armor Li Zhian wore was of good quality. Although he was slightly injured, it was nothing serious. He got up and charged at Jiang He again.

Jiang He competed with him for a few times and found that this guy's martial arts were average, so he found a flaw, got in, and stabbed him in the chest with a knife. This knife was piercing the nail plate inside Li Zhian's cotton armor, and it couldn't penetrate. However, Jiang He was much stronger, and the knife stabbed him so hard that he couldn't even breathe. Jiang He didn't wait for him to react again, shook the tip of the knife slightly, slid the tip of the knife into the seam of Li Zhian's armor, and stabbed it into his chest with one force.

This knife was not fatal, but Li Zhian had no power to resist. So, Jiang He stepped forward, kicked off his helmet, and cut off his head with a knife, ending the attack and defense of the camp.

Not to mention that Jiang He killed Li Zhian, the thousand-year-old general, and hundreds of soldiers and horses under Li Zhian rushed towards Dayang Town in a chaotic manner. As a result, when they arrived at the gate of Dayang Town, they were told that the city could not open. It turned out that Zhang Guangkui was on the city tower, and he had seen Liu Cheng's cavalry army from a distance following the defeated army. If the city gate was opened at this time, Dayang City would never have the chance to close it.

Liu Cheng wandered around the outside of the city twice and saw that there was still no sign of the city gate being opened, so he ordered a group of cavalry to rush and kill the defeated troops. These soldiers are originally poor guards. Even if they form a formation, they may not be able to withstand the charge of the cavalry. What's more, the formation is in chaos and morale has been lost? Suddenly these defeated soldiers were cut to pieces.

Liu Cheng ordered the cavalry to charge back and forth for two or three times. The spirits of these already collapsed troops collapsed, and they yelled meaninglessly and ran around. Zhang Guangkui, the Shandong right political counselor, stood on the city tower and his eyes suddenly burst into tears. He watched Liu Cheng's cavalry tear the defeated soldiers below the city into several sections, going back and forth, cutting down the defeated soldiers below the city.

After the defeated troops completely collapsed and surrendered to the bandits, Zhang Guangkui came back to his senses and felt severe pain in his mouth and hands. Only then did he realize that he had bitten his lip and scratched his palm without realizing it.

He helplessly looked at the corpses and bloody blood scattered around the city. He was helpless. His hands trembled and he shouted in extreme pain: "Li Zhian, I am sorry for you!"

When his brother Zhang Guangxi heard this, he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and hurriedly advised: "You don't have to blame yourself if you can't control the army. Since ancient times, there has been no victorious general. Since Li Zhian died for his country, we must report it to the imperial court for a reward." His wife and family. But you still have to cheer up and face these brutal thieves!"

He is on the defensive, and Li Zhian is the commander-in-chief. Although there are differences in status, humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? After being together for so long, it was a big blow to Zhang Guangxi that he was gone like this. However, for this Dayang Town, he had no choice but to fight to the end.

After hearing this, Zhang Guangkui cheered up and said: "It seems that I was wrong to go out to attack the city at night. Now that half of the city's defenders have been lost, the city will definitely be difficult to defend. I want to conquer the entire city and follow the example of that man. The story of Zhang Suiyang, defend this city to the death!"

The so-called "Zhang Suiyang" is Zhang Xun. During the Anshi Rebellion during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, he defended Suiyang without food and reinforcements at home, preventing the rebels from invading south, covering the Jianghuai area, and protecting the southeast. The safety of half of the country is famous for this.

Zhang Shun didn't know yet that the main clan in the city was going to follow the example of his other clan, Zhang Xun. He just heard that Jiang He and Liu Cheng reported that they had wiped out all the troops in Dayang Town who had left the city for a night attack. He was suddenly surprised and happy, thinking that he would be able to break the city the next day.

On the next day, Zhang Shun sent a letter of persuasion to surrender into the city, waiting for Dayang Town to open and surrender. As a result, letters came back from the city. Zhang Shun sent someone to pick it up and take a look at it, and saw that it read: Since ancient times, there have been loyal ministers who died in the city, but no righteous soldiers who surrendered!

Zhang Shun laughed loudly and shouted: "Since I am a loyal minister here, I will postpone it for a day and see what your fate is?" Then he rode back.

When they arrived at the camp, they immediately ordered the production of siege equipment and prepared to attack the city tomorrow. When the Zhang brothers heard Zhang Shun's words, they didn't take it seriously, and they quickly prepared the equipment to defend the city and recruit the people in the city.

On the second day, Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to attack the city with ladder ants. As a result, more than ten people were injured and not much progress was made. So Zhang Shun repeated his old trick and ordered his soldiers to hide the artillery in pointed wooden donkeys and go to attack the city gate.

The Zhang brothers were not as capable as Zhang Daojun, so they were helpless and watched as Zhang Shun's soldiers blew the city gate to pieces. Then, Zhang Shun followed the same pattern and broke down the gate of Wengcheng.

The Zhang brothers had no choice but to go into battle in person. One led the soldiers on the city to throw stones and pour gold juice into the urn city; the other led the soldiers to block the city gate. Zhang Shun saw this and was not afraid. He ordered Jiang He to attack the city gate and ordered those who could shoot arrows to disrupt the city's defense.

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