Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 125 I am a spearman

My name is Lin Qiang, I am not a spearman, I am just a slave. Previously, I worked as a hired worker for the Zhang family, a wealthy family in the town, and we both agreed to settle my salary on a monthly basis. However, as I continued to do it, my employer became unwilling and said that the contract would be revised due to "bad times".

I felt that I had to do my duty as a human being, and I thought that it wouldn’t be stable to work as a hired worker elsewhere anyway, so I’d better calculate less. The rich family should not be short of my salary, so I agreed. Although life is a bit tight, I can still make ends meet.

As a result, the second master of the Zhang family, who was a high-ranking official in other places, came back from other places a few days ago and heard that all the employees in the family were revising their contracts. I wasn't very illiterate, so I had to ask a young man from the town to read it to me. I could understand every sentence, but I didn't understand what the contract said.

I have no choice but to spend a little money and ask the younger generation to explain. The young man sneered and said: "You are selling yourself on a contract. After you sign this contract, you will become a member of the Zhang family. However, the Zhang family is not responsible for your food, clothing, housing and other matters. If you are sick or injured, you still need to You spend your own money for treatment.”

When I heard this, I was surprised and asked: "Listen to what you said, didn't I sell myself to the Zhang family and become a slave? Why don't you pay for food, clothing and medical treatment?"

After hearing this, the later generation smiled and said: "You want to be a slave, but the old Zhang family doesn't want it. Have you heard of Hou Jin? Where people want to call themselves slaves, they must be high officials, and it is best to be Manchu." You still want to be a slave of the old Zhang family, and you don’t want to take a pee and take a picture of yourself?"

"Then what is written in this contract?" I was even more surprised. I knew that my life was cheap, and I would sacrifice my life for others even if they didn't accept it, so why should I wait?

"You are just a gunman! A spearman." The later generation smiled, "The housekeeper of the old Zhang family will give you a spear in a while, and you just use it to work for the old Zhang family."

"Ah? This is going to be a war!" I was so frightened that my two legs trembled, and I quickly asked, "I am not a military officer, how can I fight a war? Master Zhang Er is not afraid that I will miss his business?"

"I don't know. Mr. Zhang Er has read a lot and has a high official position. Just listen to him. I guarantee you won't suffer any loss!" Later generations laughed.

"Are there any other things? Such as food, salary, armor, etc.?" I asked unwillingly.

"I don't know, it's not written in the contract anyway!" Later generations gently persuaded, "But after all, this is the old Zhang family, a rich person! A powerful person! Can I give you this thing? As the saying goes, ' The emperor is not hungry enough to send troops, let alone the old Zhang family of Dayang in the Ming Dynasty!"

When I heard the same idea, I made a hasty sign and pressed my fingerprints. Unexpectedly, just two days after signing the contract, the housekeeper of the old Zhang family led someone to kidnap him to the Zhang Mansion. The second master Zhang, wearing an official robe and an official hat, sat in the high hall and said impassionedly to us: "Now the thieves are besieging the city, and we are in danger! If the city is breached, you will suffer the tragic situation of the first two times." I know. As long as you are loyal to the country and die for justice, your life in this world will not be in vain!"

"Now you are all gunners under Zhang Guangkui, the right political advisor of Shandong Province in the Ming Dynasty. After a while, each of you will go to the housekeeper to get a spear. You are all soldiers of my Ming Dynasty! When fighting the rogue bandits, you must not disobey the military orders and make noise everywhere. Seeing the enemy flee! If not, don't blame me for being ruthless in military law!"

This old man is so old that he talks nonsense! I am just a civilian, how could I become a gunman? I didn't know how to respond to him, so I could only look around boredly. As a result, I miraculously discovered that there seemed to be a big white goose embroidered on the front of his official robe, so I secretly only showed it to the "gunman" next to me. As a result, he stared at it for a long time and told me that it was a peacock!

Nonsense, why does a peacock have white feathers and a black tail? I firmly believed it was a big white goose, but the man laughed at me and called me a "dressed beast". I don't know what he means. I suspect that he is scolding Mr. Zhang Er, but I have no evidence.

Finally Mr. Zhang finished his speech. I thought I could have a full meal. As a result, Mr. Zhang came up again and started talking about "loyalty, filial piety, justice, etiquette, justice and integrity", which made me sleepy.

Finally, when it was getting late, the gentlemen finished speaking, were untied, and each of them was given a spear as a weapon. At this time, I was very hungry, so I asked the housekeeper for a meal. As a result, the butler rolled his eyes at me and said, "Everyone is worried about national affairs, but if you still care about a meal, are you still a human being?"

I don’t understand, why am I no longer a person after eating? Could it be that Mr. Zhang’s Hericium, bird’s nest, sea cucumber and abalone are just a person? Besides, even if I’m not a human being, I still can’t have a meal?

After everyone was fussing for a long time, the housekeeper got impatient and sent someone to cook two pots of porridge and bring them out for everyone to eat. I ran fast and finally grabbed a bowl. I took a nice sip and then it was gone. When I thought about filling it again, I saw that the two large iron pots were completely empty.

I was so angry that I cursed "son of a bitch" a few times, but the housekeeper heard me. He grabbed my clothes and wanted to order the servants to come and beat me. I argued: "I didn't say who I was scolding!"

"Don't lie to me. I have been a housekeeper for so many years. Do you think I don't know who the son of a bitch is?" the housekeeper said viciously, and then ordered the servant to beat me hard.

However, fortunately, I didn't hurt my muscles and bones, and I can still work as a cow and horse for the old Zhang family.

Originally, I thought that this day would take a few more days to arrive, but it turned out that there was a lot of noise inside and outside the house that night, which made it difficult for me to sleep. After finally closing his eyes, he was yelled at by the housekeeper again.

I got up in a daze and was kicked twice by the Zhang family's housekeeper. He cursed: "You gunmen are so lazy. The rooster is almost crowing and you still don't get up! The thieves are attacking at night. Quickly pick up your spears and defend the city for me."

I don’t know why this thief is so diligent. It’s late at night, can’t everyone just have a good sleep? It’s fine if they don’t sleep themselves, why don’t they let us have a good sleep?

I had no choice but to carry the spear and follow everyone in a daze. After finally getting up to the city wall in the dark, there was a burst of fighting outside. I saw that no one else noticed me, so I secretly stretched my head and took a look outside.

Although it was dark outside the city wall, I had good eyesight and could see a large number of people in the moonlight, being hacked here and there by men on horseback. These thieves looked so miserable that they couldn't help but whisper to the people next to them: "What are these thieves here for? Isn't this how you die? Look at how miserable they are!"

"Shut up! Those who ride horses are thieves." That man was Master Zhang, and I was so frightened that I immediately stopped talking.

Thanks to the fans "Lands and Rivers Meet 4020", Lord Gu Du and Five Poison Heartbreakers for their rewards. The author was busy today and delayed the update. I really can't forgive everyone. There is only one update today, the remaining one will be made up tomorrow, sorry!

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