Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1239: Attack from both sides

"Dong, dong, dong!" bursts of gunfire came, followed immediately by the sound of artillery shells hitting rocks and the screams of soldiers, and then the shouts of "thief soldiers" rushing to kill.


Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of Shenshu Camp, frowned and had a gloomy look on his face.

Although he is not as good as his father, the famous general Dong Yiyuan, nor his uncle, the powerful general Dong Yikui, he is still a veteran general and understands the power of "thieves" better than most of the officers and soldiers in the Beijing camp.

The first thing is to be quick, the thief comes too fast.

Originally, according to the plan, the Shenshu Battalion should rush to Huozhou before the rebel army conquered Pingyang.

As a result, he never expected that he would hear the news of the fall of Huozhou before he arrived in Huozhou. The progress of these "thieves" was so fast that everything was caught off guard.

The second is fierceness. The thieves' artillery is too sharp and violent.

In fact, the Ming army was equipped with a lot of artillery. Even under the Ming army's guiding ideology of "replacing gunfire with artillery", the Ming army each had tiger squat artillery, flannel machine, prisoner-killing artillery and large and small general artillery. The amount of equipment was really amazing.

However, the thieves' tactics were completely opposite to the Ming army's. Although they did not have many cannons, they all had heavy artillery.

One battalion of them can be equipped with more than ten "Hongyi Cannons". They fire fast, urgent, fierce and far. It can be said that one is worth ten, and the suppressed Ming army cannot lift its head at all.

The third is cleverness. The thief's tactics are simply ingenious and unexpected.

Whenever thieves engage in battle with officers and soldiers, they will first attack them with cannons, and then follow them with soldiers.

Every time, he could take advantage of the moment when the officers and soldiers were in confusion by the cannons, and rush up to kill them.

This is too terrible. How can a body of flesh and blood withstand iron and stone cannonballs?

Every time, it was this "Cheng Yaojin's three-blade ax", which was simple and crude but effective. It made the left deputy general Dong Yongwen lose his temper.

"General, the thieves' artillery is too fierce, and the brothers have suffered heavy casualties!" At this moment, deputy general Wang Yuncheng came panting to report.

"Some cannonballs hit the rocks and the rocks were completely shattered. The scattered rocks were a hundred times better than lead shot."

"Some shells fell to the ground and exploded, and lead pellets were fired in all directions. I don't know how many heroes were killed on the spot inadvertently."

"The thieves' cannons are so sharp, how can we resist them?"

It turned out that when Sun Chuanting led Zhang Damou and his 3,000 elite soldiers through the Shuque Valley by water, Wei Zhiyou also led 3,000 soldiers under his command over the mountains and ridges to storm the Shenshu Camp stationed in Hanxinling.

It turns out that Hanxinling was also called Hanhouling and Gaobiling. It was named Hanxinling because Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, was buried here.

The place is less than twenty miles away from the Lingshi. The mountains are steep and the terrain is dangerous. It is a place where one man can guard the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Originally, this kind of terrain was not conducive to the attackers taking advantage of their numbers. They could use a small number to defeat a large number, one against ten.

But Dong Yongwen never expected that the rebel artillery was so sharp that it would become an extremely difficult problem to deal with in such a narrow and dangerous terrain that required a head-on confrontation.

Therefore, the two sides fought fiercely for a day and a night. Although the rebels could not advance an inch, the Ming army also suffered heavy losses.

"It's hard for me, but it's even harder for the thieves!" Dong Yongwen couldn't help but encourage him, "If we hold on for a few more days, everything will be fine when Zuo Commander Zhu Xieyuan's army arrives!"

Is Dong Yongwen right? Quite right!

Just when the officers and soldiers could no longer withstand the rebel artillery, the rebels themselves could no longer withstand this fierce attack tactic.

"Commander, it can't be done. Such a forced attack will cause too many casualties among the soldiers!" The same officer repeatedly warned Wei Zhiyou.

"The rubble broken by the artillery does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and the damage is staggering. Seven or eight brothers have been killed or injured as a result."

It turned out that due to the dangerous terrain of Hanxinling, when the rebels attacked with "infantry and artillery coordination", many artillery shells shattered the Ming army's masonry camp and scattered stones, thus injuring many of their own people.

"The storming of Han Xinling is the original plan of the rebel army. If it is violated, military law will be followed!" Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but said coldly after hearing this.

Now Sun Chuanting and Zhang Damou are passing through the "dangerous" Ratque Valley, and they don't know what the progress is.

Wei Zhiyou had no choice but to adopt this method to support him in accordance with the previous agreement.

"Is this okay?" The officer hesitated after hearing this and whispered.

"The Rat Bird Valley has not been inhabited for three to five hundred years. What if they turn there and we suffer too many casualties?"

Wei Zhiyou frowned when he heard this and shouted in a low voice: "It is a taboo for military officers to be suspicious of everyone!"

"In every battle, there must be a sequence and a priority. How can we win the battle if everyone is suspicious!"

The man was stunned for a moment, then realized his mistake, and quickly admitted his mistake: "What the general said is true. I was shaken in my mind and almost ruined something big. Please punish me."

"Let's record the rights and discuss merits and demerits after the war!" Wei Zhiyou shook his head and said.

To be honest, he may not be shaken at all, but he knows that the military order is like a mountain, how can it be a child's play?

Whether it succeeds or fails, we have to bite the bullet and fight to the end, waiting for the final result.

"I can't trust Sun Chuanting, but I can trust King Shun!" Wei Zhiyou muttered to himself, suddenly raised his head, and shouted loudly: "The artillerymen listen to the order and prepare for the next wave of infantry and artillery to coordinate the attack!"

Wei Zhiyou gave the order, and the officer who had just questioned him quickly received the order and asked the soldiers to help him put on his armor.

Fighting hard like this usually requires wearing double armor, and someone must help to wear it neatly.

He put on the double-breasted cotton armor, and then put on the chain mail armor, then hesitated, and finally put on the battle coat again.

Suddenly the whole person bulged, looking like a black bear.

He walked up to Wei Zhiyou and whispered: "I'm going. If I can't come back, please send my body back to Baode's hometown!"

Without waiting for Wei Zhiyou's answer, the officer strode away without looking back.

As he walked, he shouted loudly: "The Fourth Division is ready, follow me and prepare to attack!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely win!" Looking at his leaving figure, Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but whispered in response.

In fact, he was already used to it. He was used to the familiar people around him leaving one by one. He was used to the soldiers and officers who were talking and laughing with him in front of him, and then turned into a corpse.

However, it is all worth it, because only by filling in their lives can this troubled world end.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Just when Wei Zhiyou was thinking a lot, the violent sound of artillery sounded again, fierce and fast.

This is the artillery of the rebel army, indestructible and invincible!

Wei Zhiyou looked at Han Xinling, which was once again filled with gunpowder smoke not far away, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "Sun Chuanting, Zhang Damou, have you arrived at Lingshi County and occupied Lingshi City? How much more do I have to fill in with my own hands? The lives of the rebel soldiers will go in!"

However, this time, as usual, the Ming army's position was first torn open with artillery, and then the rebels who dared to die rushed forward.

"One, two, three..." Wei Zhiyou kept counting silently, waiting for the attacking officer to send a signal to guide the artillery to block the Ming army's pursuit and help them retreat.

However, this time, after waiting for a long time, Wei Zhiyou never waited for the signal to request to stop the Ming army's pursuit.

What's going on? Did something happen?

Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but wait eagerly, liking that he could still see the figure who left just now.

The days passed like years, and no one knew how much time had passed. When Wei Zhiyou was getting more and more depressed, he suddenly saw a signal rising high on the battlefield.

Wei Zhiyou was overjoyed at first and quickly ordered loudly: "The artillery is ready... wait, this is not blocking the signal!"

He was stunned for a moment, but immediately responded: "This is a signal to request a flanking attack."

"Could it be that Sun Chuanting and Zhang Damou have already gone behind enemy lines? How could it be so fast!"

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