Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1240 The situation has changed drastically

"In the first month of the year, Anyi was hit by strong winds, thunder, lightning, snow, and this month it was hit by a severe drought." Lei Chong, the new prefect of Pingyang, reported to Zhang Shunhui in a matter-of-fact manner.

"The plague of nymphs in Jishan is worse than that of locusts; there is a severe drought in Xia County due to locusts, and there is severe famine in Hejin, Wenxi, and Jiangzhou!"

Lei Chong also knew that it was inappropriate to mention these things now, but he still couldn't help but report the truth to Zhang Shun.

"Jiangzhou?" Zhang Shun still remembered the scenes of men and women laughing and chatting in late spring outside Jiangzhou City a few days ago. Is there any sign of disaster?

"Everyone's joys and sorrows are not the same. There is 'the wine and meat smell of the rich family', and of course there is also 'the road is frozen to death.'" Lei Chong was silent for a moment and whispered.

"There are gentry and rich families in the city who are well-dressed and well-fed, and naturally there are foolish men and women outside the city who sell their children and girls."

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he reacted and couldn't help but salute and said: "I have been taught!"

Lei Chong was startled, and quickly avoided and knelt down, repeatedly saying "death penalty".

Only then did Zhang Shun realize that it was no longer the time when he had just launched his army. There was probably no one in the world who could deserve such a courtesy from him.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly, and shook his head as if he was nostalgic: "Hejin, Wenxi and Jiangzhou are close to the Fen River. There happen to be some large ships available, and five thousand shi of grain are allocated for emergency purposes."

"Anyi and Xia counties are close to Henan. Three thousand stones have been mobilized from Henan Prefecture to provide relief!"

"Now is the time for the rebels to use their troops on a large scale, and we are also quite short on food. Please help first!"

"The top priority now is to quickly restore order in various places and bring states and counties under the rule of the rebels."

"When the summer harvest comes in May and June, everything will be fine."

"As for Jiezhou, when Yu Chongxiao is defeated, I will transfer Li Jiqi, the magistrate of Huazhou, to take charge of the salt law."

"Part of the proceeds from the Salt Law will be used for disaster relief, and part will be used as military pay. I wonder what Magistrate Lei thinks?"

Li Jiqi was among the first batch of scribes recruited by Zhang Shun during the Shangyuan Festival when he was in Henan Prefecture.

This man was very capable and was promoted from county magistrate to prefecture magistrate in just two or three years, so Zhang Shun promoted him again this time to the post of Hedong Salt Law Participant.

How could Lei Chong be dissatisfied when he saw that Zhang Shun was so benevolent and caring for the people?

He quickly responded: "King Shun is benevolent and righteous, and I will do my best to assist King Shun."

"In the past few days, Taifu Han has recruited more than 20 students in the government school. In addition, he has been demoted from various places. Most places have been brought under the rule of the rebel army. Please rest assured, King Shun."

"Okay, I heard that Pingyang Mansion is the second largest in the world, with a tax of one million, which is almost equivalent to half of Shaanxi. I also asked Magistrate Lei to encourage me to do it." Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

In fact, just from the fact that Lei Chong was able to report disasters in various places to Zhang Shun and ask for relief, it can be seen that the rebel army established preliminary rule.

These are inseparable from Zhang Shun's courtesy and virtuous corporal, the good military discipline of the rebel army, Han Xu's advocacy and recruitment, and Lei Chong's careful management.

Seeing that everything was almost done, the prefect Lei Chong resigned in good faith.

Zhang Shun took a sip of the remaining tea and couldn't help but stood up and looked north.

"Are you worried about the war in the north?" Seeing the guests leaving, the waiter stepped forward to clear away the tea bowls. Seeing Zhang Shun's expression, he couldn't help but ask.

"Dilemma!" Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this.

"After all, it's nothing compared to the wars in the north and south. I did it all by myself. I have my own sense of whether I can fight or not, whether I can win or not."

“Nowadays, everything is delegated to others, and it always feels a bit difficult to control.”

The servant was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help being horrified.

The word "control" is the most important to Renjun. Once he feels that things are out of control, he will probably bleed like a river.

Therefore, the difficulty of being a minister is not to be loyal, but to win the trust of the king.

The servant pondered for a moment and could not help but persuade in a low voice: "I, a woman, cannot comment on the matter of using troops."

"But I heard that since ancient times, benevolent kings have been able to conquer the world by not being suspicious of others when they employ them. I ask King Shun to be careful about this!"

Zhang Shun originally just expressed his thoughts casually, but unexpectedly, Shi Shu actually said such truth.

To be honest, this kind of person is very unpleasant. He will get up to speed and preach to you like an old mother. Who can stand it?

However, you can't let others talk nonsense, so Zhang Shun decided to accept her words first, then find fault with her, and then slowly come back with revenge.

For example, tonight would be a good idea. Find a stick and teach her a lesson.

"Your Highness, urgent military situation!" Just when Zhang Shun was feeling fascinated, an unexpected shout interrupted his reverie.

"Come in!" Zhang Shun smacked his lips regretfully and couldn't help but say.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a creak and the door opened a crack. Then he glanced in with one eye, then opened the door and walked in.

No, what do you mean?

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was about to reprimand him when he saw Wang Jinyi reporting with a serious face: "Pioneer Sun Chuanting sent an urgent report. The rebels have occupied Huozhou and Lingshi successively, and have destroyed the Shenshu Camp of the Ming Army."

"We successively captured Wang Shunzheng, the prefect of Pingyang, Wei Quanzhong, the prefect of Huozhou, beheaded Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of Shenshuying, Wang Yuncheng, the general in charge, and captured Sun Yingyuan, the general in charge."

"There was only a remnant of about a thousand cavalry, and they fled northward under the leadership of their general Huang Degong."

"Sun Xianfeng knew that it was empty, so he led two battalions of Zhang Damou and Wei Zhiyou to pursue them all the way north."

"Li Wanqing, who shot the sky and fell to the ground, was left alone to besiege Hongdong and Zhaocheng counties. In addition, Zhang Dasheng's two thousand men and horses were stationed in Huozhou."

"Tsk!" Zhang Shun couldn't believe his ears when he heard this. Is this the end?

The entire Pingyang Prefecture is actually a complete land mass composed of Linfen Basin and Yuncheng Basin.

Lingshi County, north of Huozhou, is the dividing line between this complete land mass and the Taiyuan Basin.

Regardless of the fact that the rebels have made rapid progress in attacking the city and plundering territory in more than half a month, if they cannot seize and defend the key areas near Lingshi, once the Ming army arrives, they will still be in a strategically passive position.

He never expected that Sun Chuanting not only occupied Huozhou before the officers and soldiers arrived, but also took back the spirit stone and led the war to the hinterland of Taiyuan Basin.

Zhang Shun quickly took Sun Chuanting's letter and glanced at it, only to realize that the capture of Huozhou was the result of Wei Zhiyou, and the capture of the Lingshi was the result of Sun Chuanting and Zhang Damou.

"If Li Wanqing shoots down the sky and ignores Hongdong and Zhaocheng, he can march into Huozhou and Lingshi. Guard these two places for me!" Zhang Shun reacted very quickly. After reading Sun Chuanting's letter, he immediately realized that Huozhou and Lingshi The stone is empty.

Although the Ming army was defeated and fled away, there was actually another Ming army stationed nearby, and that was Shanxi Governor Yang Wenyue's department who was confronting Li Xin's department in Luzhou.

If Yang Wenyue gets the news and sends his soldiers into Qinyuan and takes the Lingqin Trail to raid the Lingshi, Sun Chuanting, Zhang Damou and Wei Zhiyou may be cut off from their retreat and their troops will go deep.

"Have Yang Chengzu, Zhang Rujing and Wang Zhong board the ship as soon as possible and follow me to Huozhou!" At this time, he didn't know whether to praise Sun Chuanting for his speedy advance or to scold him for disobeying the command.

His attack didn't matter, it not only disrupted Zhang Shun's plan, but also created a gap in the originally tight front line.

Of course, this is true for the rebels, and it is even more unprepared for the Ming army in front of them.

Suddenly, a thought came out of Zhang Shun's heart: If done properly, Sun Chuanting's actions might be able to end the war between the two sides in advance!

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