Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1241 An unexpected encounter with the enemy

The post roads in Shanxi generally go north along the Fenhe River from Quwo to Lingshi.

However, after arriving at Jiexiu Yitangmayi, there was a certain degree of separation between the two.

Sun Chuanting, the former governor of Shanxi, was very familiar with the roads here, so he asked Zhang Damhou's men, who had more cavalry, to dismount their boats and change their horses to take the post road to pursue the remnants of the Ming army, while Wei Zhiyou's men, who had more infantry, abandoned their horses and boarded ships and took the water route.

Unlike Wei Zhiyou's tribe, Zhang Damou's tribe, who had been fleeing for many years, plundered countless horses, mules, donkeys, cattle and other livestock before joining Zhang Shun.

Therefore, coupled with the capture of the horses from the Beijing camp this time, Zhang Damou's three thousand men have completely realized the "mules and horses".

Therefore, under the leadership of Sun Chuanting, Wei Zhiyou and Zhang Damou's two battalions of 6,000 people passed by the waterway, passing through Jiexiu, Pingyao, and Qixian County, and entered Xugou County.

It took the rebels only two days to gallop from Lingshi to Xugou, which is more than 200 miles away.

The general who defeated the Shenshu camp was "Huang Chuangzi" Huang Degong. This man was good at wielding an iron whip and was invincible. He counterattacked several times and caused considerable damage to Zhang Da's troops.

However, after all, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and "Huang Chuangzi" had no choice but to flee along the post road towards Taiyuan with his tail between his legs.

On this day, the sky was full of stars. Zhang Damou had just passed Jialing Station and felt a little at ease.

Ming Dynasty made a post sixty miles away. After passing Jia Ling, the next stop was Tongge Post.

Tonggeyi was only twenty miles away from the bank of the Fen River, which was just enough to be at the horns of Wei Zhiyou's tribe who were going upstream, so Zhang Damou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come here, send a messenger to ask General Sun if the two sides can meet near Tonggeyi?" Zhang Dayou couldn't help shouting loudly.

It is said that they are meeting each other, but in fact, the two sides do not necessarily join forces in the same place.

There are just two soldiers and horses, one on the water and one on the land. Although the marching speed is not much different, after all, there is one first and one second.

Along the way, both sides sent messengers several times to adjust the speed in time to prevent the distance between the two armies from being too large.

"Got the order!" A messenger had already received the order and turned around and headed west.

Zhang Damou then turned to encourage his soldiers and said: "Everyone, please work harder. The Tongge Station is fifty miles ahead."

"At that time, not only will we be able to unite the two battalions in one place, but we will also be able to supply some food and grass so that everyone can have a hot meal."

Due to the continuous attacks and pursuits in the past few days, Zhang Da's men and horses actually relied almost entirely on dry food to satisfy their hunger along the way.

After all, people are not machines. In addition to simple needs for food and drink, they also have needs such as comfort.

The soldiers could survive on dry food for a short period of time, but over time they would inevitably become resentful and have low morale.

As expected, Zhang Damou's soldiers became more energetic, and they all laughed and said, "That's good. After drinking the hot soup and hot water, I feel all my strength is coming."

Hot water and hot soup may sound simple. In fact, for those who march long distances, it not only physically meets the needs of the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a soothing effect mentally.

Seeing that the morale of his men and horses had improved slightly, Zhang Damou couldn't help but kick the horse's belly and prepare to rush towards Tong Ge as soon as possible.

"Report, urgent military information, urgent military information!" At this moment, a scout suddenly came flying over.

Zhang Damou was shocked when he heard this and quickly stopped by the roadside.

Not long after, the scout arrived and jumped down without reining in his horse.

However, Zhang Damou was not in the mood to praise his superb horsemanship and asked in a low voice: "What exactly is going on? Tell me!"

"Huang Degong of the Ming Army retreated to Tongge Station and could not hold out. A large number of Ming Army scouts appeared nearby. It is suspected that the main force of the Ming Army was dispatched in large numbers!" The scout couldn't help but report quickly.

Since ancient times, those who are good at using military force have their own laws. Regardless of whether the Ming army, the Hou Jin army or the rebel army, whenever the army is dispatched, they all send scouts.

Although no one has a specific standard, there are rules for the approximate number of scouts and the number of dispatched miles.

Like the Ming army scouts, a battalion has about forty to one hundred people, and the exploration distance is about ten to twenty miles.

Except for special circumstances, additional soldiers will be sent to increase the mileage of exploration.

For example, the rebel Zhang Damou Department, this time in order to pursue the Huang Degong Department, which was also dominated by cavalry, sent scouts forward forty or fifty miles.

Since a large number of scouts appeared this time, they were definitely not men that Huang Degong could dispatch with his remaining thousands of soldiers.

"How many do you estimate there are?" Zhang Damou frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Based on the number of scouts, the Ming army should be between 9,000 and 15,000 people!" The scout pondered for a moment and said uncertainly.

"About ten thousand people?" Zhang Damou frowned upon hearing this.

No matter whether the Ming army that suddenly appeared was ten thousand or fifteen thousand, it was not something that his battalion could handle.

The key question is, even if he and Sun Chuanting join forces, can they deal with so many officers and soldiers?

Now he has two choices. One is to sell Sun Chuanting and run away.

Another option is to join forces with Sun Chuanting and fight the Ming army to the end.

One is Zhang Damou's daily battles with the Ming army all year round. He is sure to bring the team back unscathed.

The other was completely bucking the trend, and it was possible that both battalions of men and horses were involved.

Which one is right and which one is wrong? How should we choose? Zhang Damou couldn't help but ponder.

"Uncle, if you don't leave now and wait until the officers and soldiers surround you, I will die waiting!" Zhang Damou's nephew couldn't help but said anxiously when he saw that he was delayed in giving orders.

"If my uncle is worried about King Shun, we can just flee into the nearby mountains. Who can we find?"

"As long as we have soldiers and horses, whoever dominates the world cannot bribe us!"

"Fleeing into the mountains?" Zhang Damou was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but raise his hands and said, "Why didn't I think of that!"

"Then we leave now?"

"Leave now and pass on my order. The entire army will approach the Fen River and retreat southward along the river!" Zhang Damou couldn't help shouting.

"Okay...Hey, that's not right, uncle, what are you..." Zhang Damou's nephew was stunned when he heard this and said in shock.

"I'm not leaving!" Zhang Dashou said with a smile, "You don't know how powerful King Shun is, how dare you talk here?"

"What are you afraid of with 10,000 to 20,000 Ming troops? This time King Shun sends out 200,000 troops to sweep across all directions. Who in the world can stop him!"

"In my opinion, when it comes to heroes in the world, there is no one better than King Shun. This destiny belongs to Shun, how can he renounce it!"

Zhang Damou figured out that he had only accumulated five thousand elite soldiers after many years of fighting. If he turned his back on King Shun this time, the two thousand stationed in Huozhou would definitely be abandoned.

With only three thousand people left hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, how can they be rich?

Now King Shun has an army of 300,000, and he personally leads an army of 200,000 to attack the Ming Dynasty. The dynasty is changing today. Is there any reason to "pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons"?

If I and Sun Chuanting were meeting together, and I had ships and horses, and if I could win, I would fight, and if I couldn't, I would leave, what could the Ming army do to me?

If it is a big deal, the worst thing is to hide in the mountains and wait for King Shun to defeat the enemy, without losing the merit of hard work!

Thinking of this, Zhang Dasheng couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Listen to my order and move closer to the bank of Fenhe River without making any mistakes!"

Thank you to reader ‘Dream to Fly 119’ for the large reward, thank you to reader ‘Little Hungry Fish Loves Bathing’ for the reward, and thank you all for your support!

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