Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1242 Discovery

Zhu Xieyuan, the young master of Zuozhuguo of the Ming Dynasty, the Minister of the Ministry of War and the left governor, sat in the carriage with a serious look on his face.

As the carriage bumped up and down, the two wings of the black gauze hat inside the carriage also swayed, indicating the true mood of the carriage owner.

His name is Zhu Xieyuan, not Ultraman. No matter how powerful he is, he can't "fight thieves with bare hands."

Since he became the Zuo Superintendent, he had no money and no salary. He finally begged his grandfather and grandma to raise food and salary for several months, and gathered 20,000 to 30,000 horses.

As a result, he sent the Baoding General Soldier to Daming Mansion to assist the right commander Yang Sichang in defending the key points leading to the capital; Shanxi Governor Yang Wen Yuebiao Battalion was sent to Luzhou to defend the rebels heading north from Zezhou; the Shenshu Battalion's 6,000 cavalry were He was sent to Huozhou to fight for the important territory of Hanxinling.

These items alone mobilized 12,000 men. He only had one battalion of Luo Xiangqian and deputy general Li Fuming, a total of 6,000 men.

Now add in the 10,000 troops led by Datong General Wang Shiren, who had just been sent by Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, and the actual number of available troops was only 16,000.

And among these 16,000 people, he still left 3,000 people to stay in Taiyuan. As a result, he could only lead 13,000 people to go out reluctantly.

Zhu Xieyuan originally thought that although he led fewer troops this time, he still had 6,000 cavalry from Shenshu Camp to help him. As long as he blocked the "shun thieves" south of Huozhou, there was still something to be done.

But he never expected that as soon as he led his troops out of Taiyuan City, he would receive the news that the left deputy general Dong Yongwen had been killed in battle and the Shenshu Camp had suffered heavy losses.

Well, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. After a period of defeat, it is not considered a defeat. After all, there is still a chance of comeback.

It was only after Zhu Xieyuan led his army to Tonggeyi and encountered Huang Degong who returned in defeat that he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Fly across the Rat Bird Valley, detour around Lingshi, and attack our army from both front and rear. The road to Hanxin Ridge is narrow, and although the officers and soldiers have horses, they have nowhere to gallop. They were defeated by the thieves." Huang Degong, the brave general, knelt in front of the sedan chair and cried bitterly. Tears said.

"The officers and soldiers had no choice but to fight desperately to break through. However, the enemy was outnumbered and the road was narrow. Thirty percent of them were killed or injured. About 40% were captured. The remaining 30% managed to escape with their lives under the leadership of the last general."

"But the thieves took away the horses of the officers and soldiers. They chased them all the way and suffered heavy casualties. Now there are only more than a thousand riders left!"

"A man doesn't shed tears lightly, but he hasn't reached the sad point yet!" Zhu Xieyuan felt sad after hearing this and couldn't help comforting him.

"This is the mistake of Dong Yongwen, the left deputy general of the Shenshu Camp, who did not do anything to do with General Huang Shen. I also ask General Huang Shen to regain his strength and help me defeat the enemy!"

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

Shenshu Camp suffered such a disastrous defeat. Putting aside the facts, did the general Huang Degong really have no responsibility at all?

It's just that now is not the time to talk about this. The more strength you have, the more chance you have of winning.

But now that Zhu Xieyuan needs his strength, he naturally doesn't want to do anything about him.

Huang Degong obviously understood the reason, and quickly added: "The leader of the thieves, Mantianxing, is asking me very urgently. I am willing to stay for one night and point out the location of the thieves to the supervisor!"

"Okay!" Zhu Xieyuan nodded and couldn't help but ask, "How many soldiers and horses does the thief have?"

"This" Huang Degong hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"The thieves claim to have 200,000 elite soldiers, but the actual number should be only 70,000 to 80,000."

"The people we fought were only two or three battalions of men and horses, and the actual pursuers were only one battalion of men and horses."

"As for whether there are other people following, I don't know!"

"Understood, let's go!" Zhu Xieyuan twirled his beard after hearing this, and finally nodded.

In fact, it makes no difference whether the "Shun Thieves" dispatch one battalion, two battalions or three battalions to pursue them this time.

In this encounter, the officers and soldiers clearly had the advantage in strength.

Since you have an advantage, "eat" it quickly to avoid long nights and dreams.

Otherwise, when the thieves join forces, it will be even more difficult for the officers and soldiers who are already at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

Huang Degong received the military order, quickly selected thirty or fifty people, and personally led the team in the direction of the rebel Zhang Damou's headquarters.

This is not because he does not want to use the remaining thousands of soldiers of the Shenshu Camp, but because the Shenshu Camp has been defeated in a row and has low morale and cannot be put into use for the time being.

Huang Degong left the main force of the Ming army and searched southward along the post road.

Not long after, maybe an hour or two later, Huang Degong finally caught up with the farthest scout.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "How is the thief? Where is he now?"

The scout didn't want to leave him, but after seeing the military order from the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, he reluctantly responded: "According to the marching tracks of the thieves, they should be heading towards the Fen River, and maybe they are preparing to cross the river."

The riverbanks were wet, muddy, and overgrown with vegetation, which was not conducive to cavalry galloping.

The rebel Zhang Damou's troops were mostly cavalry. Since they were approaching this place, they must have been preparing to cross the river.

Huang Degong was stunned when he heard this, and quickly said to his left and right: "Let's go closer and check. If this is really the case, we can avenge this great hatred!"

Anyone who is chased for two hundred miles will not feel at ease.

Huang Degong was originally from Kaiyuan, Liaodong, and was brave in combat. Only then was he transferred to the Beijing camp by Emperor Zhu You of the Ming Dynasty, and he felt arrogant in his heart.

I was deeply ashamed to be driven away by the rebels in these days, so I couldn't help but be overjoyed when I heard that the rebels were preparing to cross the river.

Immediately, Huang Degong led thirty or fifty elite men under his command to leave the road and move all the way to the shores of the Fen River.

"What a thief, what are you doing there!" Huang Degong had just walked three to five miles and was getting off his horse to explore the "thief's" horse dung. He never wanted to eat or drink.

Huang Degong looked up and looked at his clothes. If not which group was chasing him and others all the way, then which one?

The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw them. He couldn't help but shouted, got on his horse and said: "Brothers, follow me and kill the thieves in order to sacrifice the spirits of other brothers in heaven!"

Then Huang Degong took the lead and rushed forward brandishing an iron whip.

"The thief is so brave!" The rebel scout in front of him also followed Zhang Damou for a long time. The old man, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, was not afraid of him, so he immediately rushed over waving his spear.

Seeing that Huang Degong was approaching, the scout took advantage of the situation and thrust his spear forward.

Unexpectedly, Huang Degong suddenly became shorter and dodged the rebel spear.

Before the rebel leader could react, Huang Degong whipped the iron whip in his hand. He heard a scream, and he whipped the rebel leader off his horse.

Although the scouts under Zhang Damou were good at martial arts, how could they be the opponents of Huang Degong and his elite servants?

In this way, the rebel scouts were killed one after another, and soon Huang Degong finally saw the main force of the rebel army.

It turned out that in addition to three thousand cavalry, there was also a "naval force" composed of a long fleet of ships!

"Let's go, go quickly, return quickly, and report to Commander Zuo!" Huang Degong still didn't understand that this was key information to detect the rebels.

He couldn't help but shouted and turned around to walk away.

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