When Zhu Xieyuan led the Ming army to the banks of the Fen River, what he saw was a neat lineup.

"Superintendent, the traitor stayed behind instead of leaving. It is fitting that we should accomplish this great feat!" Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, couldn't help but said with great joy when he saw this.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple!" Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, got off the carriage, climbed up and looked at it for a long time, and shook his head.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the Supervisor has seen something?" Wang Shiren couldn't help but wonder.

"You can't tell anything yet. Send someone to test it out!" Zhu Xieyuan shook his head and said a little uncertainly.

The terrain along the Fen River is flat and is a typical river impact basin.

The Ming army had just arrived and had not had time to build a high platform, so Zhu Xieyuan could not tell the truth for a while.

"The last general takes orders!" Wang Shiren pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Where is General Jiang Xiang? I order you to lead more than a thousand people to test it out!"

"At the end... I will take the order!" Jiang Xiang was stunned when he heard this, and quickly stepped forward to answer.

He was originally from Yanchuan, Yulin, and his family had been Ming generals for many generations. His elder brother Jiang Rang and younger brother Jiang Xuan both served in the army.

However, due to the limitations of family connections and personal talent, the Jiang family in Yanchuan is not as far away as the Jiang family in Yulin, and they still have to work hard in exchange for merit.

However, although the Yanchuan Jiang family is not as good as the Yulin Jianghan family, it still has a century-old heritage and cannot be underestimated.

After receiving the order, Jiang Xiang quickly dressed himself up and took more than a thousand people to prepare for the attack.

The Art of War says: There is no flag to invite righteousness, and there is no formation to attack.

Since Jiang Xiang was born as a general and experienced many battles, he would naturally not make the mistake of rushing into battle head on.

"The first sentry stepped forward to test, the second sentry followed closely, and the third, fourth, and fifth sentry responded!" Jiang Xiang ordered in an orderly manner.

After the first sentry received the order, they formed a loose formation and began to slowly move forward.

The second sentry formed a column and followed closely behind.

The two sentries formed a T-shaped formation and slowly approached the rebels.

From the perspective of the Ming army, Jiang Xiang's formation is quite funny, but from the perspective of the rebel army, it is not.

Since the rebel army formed with their backs to the river and the terrain was lower than both banks, it was also impossible to observe the Ming army from a height.

This caused the rebel army to see only the first and second rows of soldiers from the front, and could not tell the thickness of the Ming army's offensive formation.

The Ming army approached the rebel army for a hundred steps, but there was no movement of the rebel army; the Ming army approached the rebel army for seventy steps, but still there was no movement of the rebel army; the Ming army approached the rebel army for fifty steps, but still there was no movement of the rebel army.

There was this unexpected silence on the battlefield, and the first sentry sent by Jiang Xiang suddenly felt a little uneasy.

They didn't know whether they should charge forward quickly or slow down and shoot at the rebels.

"Fire, release arrows!" At this moment, the rebel army on the opposite side suddenly sounded an order, and then projectiles and arrows "splashed" over like raindrops.

"Ah! Ah!" Although the Ming army's first sentry array was relatively sparse, many people were still hit by bullets and arrows due to the close firefighting distance.

"Second post, charge!" At the moment when the first post's line was attacked by the rebels, the second post's Ming army did not retreat but advanced.

They took advantage of the gaps between the rebels' shooting, and like a poisonous snake spitting out its core, they lined up and rushed towards the rebels quickly.

See you in the picture!

It turned out that the first sentry column of the Ming army deliberately arranged a loose formation in order to cover the charge of the second sentry column.

The rebel army in person finally discovered the Ming army's intention and couldn't help but be shocked.

But now that the guns, bows and arrows are all fired, the two sides can only engage in hand-to-hand combat.

However, it was too late to tell, but it was too late to tell. At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded: "Fire!"

Immediately, the array in front of the rebels retreated a few steps, revealing the artillery in the array.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Only three cannon shots were heard, and three iron balls flew like lightning towards the charging second sentry column of the Ming army.

The first one missed!

The second one killed two or three soldiers at an angle!

The third one hit a soldier in the first row of the second sentry post, and it immediately hit him from front to back!

With just one shot, the Ming army, which originally attacked in columns, instantly injured dozens of people.

The soldiers who were killed by solid iron bullets were as miserable as if they were shot by shotguns.

The huge iron bullet is indestructible.

The shield shield held by the soldiers on their chests was broken with one blow!

The iron armor on the soldiers was shattered with one blow!

The soldier's flesh and blood body was directly punched through, the front and back were transparent, leaving a hole as big as a bowl!

If it touches the arm, the arm will be broken; if it touches the legs and feet, the legs and feet will be gone.

One, two, three... it took more than ten people to penetrate the Ming army's column.

"Ahhhh..." Many soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were not killed immediately, and they couldn't help but struggled and screamed.

The whole battlefield was filled with the smell of blood, feces and urine.

"Kill!" Just as the Ming army's second post was stunned, the rebel soldiers in front of them suddenly separated to the left and right to make way for a passage.

With the sound of horse hooves, a group of cavalry galloped out and charged directly at the first and second posts of the Ming army that had just been hit by artillery fire.

Infantry fights cavalry only by formation.

Now that the formation of the first and second whistles has been disrupted, who can resist it in an instant?

When Jiang Xiang saw that the situation was not good, he couldn't help but shouted, and quickly ordered the soldiers of three, four, and five sentries to move forward in formation, trying to rescue the first and second sentries.

However, Jiang Xiang never expected that shortly after the third, fourth, and fifth sentry soldiers entered the range of the rebel artillery, he saw several boats suddenly floating out from the left and right sides of the rebel formation.

The ship's strips carried artillery, and they fired at the third, fourth, and fifth posts in a crossfire, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Although Jiang Xiang did not understand the principle of "crossfire", his many years of combat experience made him realize that this style of fighting was powerful, and he shouted at the top of his lungs.

And when the soldiers on the fifth sentry post of the Ming army were massacred by the rebels, Zhu Xieyuan, who was standing on the roof of the carriage and watching with the help of the soldiers, couldn't help shouting: "Que Yue!"

Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, heard this and was confused. He couldn't help but wonder: "I don't know, Commander, what do you mean by this?"

"This is how Liu Yu defeated the Northern Wei cavalry Queyue Formation in the past!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but frowned and pointed.

"Don't forget that this bandit only has two battalions of men, which is only half of our army."

"However, the infantry formed with their backs to the water, while the boats arranged behind them."

"If it's a long battle, all supplies and equipment will be supplied by ships. If it's a quick battle, our army will have to rush into its formation, and it's even more likely that its boats will transport surprise troops and attack our flanks."

"What's more, the ship was able to carry a heavy load, so it actually carried Hongyi cannons, and the damage was even more astonishing."

"Other small cannons such as the captive-killing cannon, the Second General, and the Franchise were placed on the ship and fired left and right, making it difficult for me to withstand them."

"The Art of War says: Don't attack the majestic formation. Our army must not attack its soldiers with force, but should consider the long term!"

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