Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1258 Cavalry and Artillery

"Drive!" As the Ming army cavalry waved their whips, the sound of intensive horse hooves resounded like drums.

Under the guidance of a small triangular flag, the first sentry cavalry broke away from the Ming army and galloped forward.

At the same time, there were two more sentry cavalry, one on the left and one on the right, spreading out to both sides like phoenix wings.

The three sentry cavalry were spread out in a formation, and for a moment the horses were galloping, the flags were fierce, and the dust was flying.

However, these cavalrymen were not in a hurry and rushed towards the rebel artillery positions.

Instead, he wandered around and stayed outside the range of the rebel artillery, making strange noises and testing repeatedly.

A look like "I'm in, I'm out, I'm in again".

"What are they doing?" The rebel gunner in front of him looked at him from a distance for a long time and found that the other party did not have any fancy work. He couldn't help but wonder?

"Quiet, no noise is allowed on the battlefield!" the artillery battalion flag commander couldn't help shouting when he heard the sound, "Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

Due to organizational reasons, soldiers in this era were not allowed to whisper to each other casually on the battlefield to avoid affecting morale.

"This is the Ming cavalry deceiving me and trying to lure me to fire a cannon!" The gunner had already understood this and whispered to the flag commander in a low voice.

"Yeah!" The flag commander nodded and agreed.

He thought for a moment and couldn't help but order: "The first field gun will be replaced with solid ammunition and fired according to the order. Other teams are not allowed to fire. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"First order!" The gunner of the first team responded when he heard the words, and quickly ordered the soldiers to use hooks to open the sealing soil, and then dumped out the cannonballs, wooden horses and gunpowder with the muzzle downward.

Not long after, the first item was loaded. The gunner quickly stepped forward to report: "The loading of solid ammunition for the No. 1 field gun has been completed. Please give instructions!"

"Fire!" the flag commander nodded and ordered.

"Fire the gun!" The Chief turned around when he heard the words and repeated the words.

Upon hearing the order, the gunner quickly hooked a red-hot fire hook into the powder hole, and then there was a loud noise, and a cannonball suddenly shot out of the barrel along with a puff of smoke.

However, when everyone's eyes fell on the group of cavalry on the opposite side, the sentry cavalry immediately ran away like sparrows frightened by a stone.

Of course, although this thing looks quite bluffing, in fact, because the distance is too far, no one was actually hurt.

The cavalrymen were obviously excited when they saw that they had "cheated" and "successfully" fired.

The first sentry cavalry, who originally dispersed to avoid the rebel artillery shells, soon discovered that the rebels were no longer firing, so they quickly gathered together and ran in an evacuated formation towards the rebel artillery position.

"Fire the Ershi and Sanshi field guns, and keep the other guns on standby!" The flag commander looked at them from a distance, without changing his expression, and ordered in an orderly manner.

The rebel artillery was organized with ten men per cannon and one flag with five cannons.

Therefore, this time each position was equipped with five field cannons, five golden cannons and one Qingtian general cannon.

Since the Ming cavalry was far away at this time, the field artillery flag commander fired the artillery first to trick the Ming cavalry into approaching.

And the Ming army cavalry are not stupid, so how can they be willing to approach rashly?

Therefore, the first sentry cavalry advanced about twenty feet, quickly separated to the left and right, and turned back from both sides.

But this time, these cavalry were not as lucky as before.

Only two cannon shots were heard, and then a few unlucky guys were either injured by shotguns and their horses fell down, or they were pierced by shotguns.

However, these cavalrymen were not surprised but overjoyed, and finally deceived the opponent's artillery!

In fact, the Ming cavalry also knew that the rebels may not have any killing moves, but they had already deceived the sound of cannons twice in a row, which was a relatively good result for them.

If the delay continues and the artillery fired by these two shots is reloaded, the shells that were easily deceived just now will become meaningless.

"Kill!" As the first sentry cavalry lined up on both sides, the second sentry cavalry filed out and charged towards the rebel artillery position.

"Kill!" At the same time, the third and fourth posts of the Ming army on both wings also circled towards the left and right sides of the rebel army respectively.

First luring the opponent to fire artillery, and then charging from multiple directions, is a unique skill of elite cavalry in dealing with artillery.

What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual.

Artillery is certainly the god of war, and cavalry is also the king of land warfare in the cold weapon era.

"Golden cannon, golden cannon, aim at the front!" Seeing the cavalry on the opposite side finally launching a charge, the officers at the artillery position began to shout loudly.

The Golden Cannon, this large-caliber artillery that Zhang Shun praised as "the best shotgun" was used by the rebels as their trump card and was finally sacrificed.

Fifty feet...thirty feet...twenty feet, the enemy's bow and arrow had already hit the crowd of rebels, causing some commotion.

It was only then that the artillery officer shouted: "Fire, fire!"

"Boom! Boom!" Two golden cannons, one on the left and one on the right, were the first to spit out tongues of fire in a crossfire.

More than ten cavalrymen, including men and horses, were swept to the ground before they even touched a hair of the rebels.

However, before the remaining Ming cavalry could rejoice that they had escaped disaster, a second round of attacks followed.

Two more golden cannons fired crosswise, one on the left and the other on the right, forming a dense fire net that instantly enveloped the second sentry cavalry.

"Ahhh!" As the deafening sound of artillery sounded, the screams of the Ming army cavalry were almost completely covered. Only many people's expressions were distorted, and their mouths opened and closed, almost to the maximum.

While the golden cannon was dealing with the Ming cavalry in front of them, the rebel army also started its own killing feast in the other two directions.

On one side is a firepower network composed of a field cannon and a golden cannon; on the other side is the road of death paved by the "General Qingtian" of the thousands of red barbarian cannons.

Horrible, extremely terrible!

It is not that these cavalrymen under Jiang Xiang have never attacked the enemy's artillery positions, but no enemy has such powerful firepower.

Compared with these artillery pieces, the so-called "capital-killing artillery", "Flan machine" and "general artillery" in the past are simply insignificant and cannot be compared to the same level.

After the huge noise, many people sat on their horses with dull expressions and numb spirits.

Just go with the flow and let the horse at your crotch take you wherever you go.

Having just experienced the baptism of bullets, most people did not know whether they were dead or injured.

He just rushed over mechanically, watching the enemy in front of him getting closer and closer.

"Hey" suddenly their eyes lit up again, I crossed the death line?

Doesn't that mean that those gunners who changed their lives will soon be slaughtered!

However, before the smiles on their faces began to bloom, they froze directly on their faces.

It turned out that the smoke from the rebel artillery positions cleared, and what greeted them was a dense row of gunners and a dense formation of spears behind the gunners.

Perhaps the Ming army had enough cavalry to break through the rebel artillery positions.

However, like Jiang Xiang, who only led 500 cavalry out of the city and divided them into several sentries to charge, how could he be a match for the rebels' intensive firepower?

"No!" Jiang Xiang watched helplessly as the elite three sentries under his command were baptized by rebel artillery in three directions. The formation became much sparser for a while.

However, just after the remaining cavalry broke through the artillery blockade, they were faced with repeated shots from cannons and thrusts from spears.

Just as the saying goes, Jiang Xiang knew that this time his cavalry would be severely damaged.

If we can't get any results this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to attack the artillery positions in the future.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth and shouted loudly: "All the knights, please follow my orders and fight to the death while the enemy's artillery power is gone and new power is not yet generated!"

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