Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1259 I want to see King Shun

Just when Ming Army General Jiang Xiang was about to fight to the death, the rebel artillery position was actually in danger after being attacked by cavalry.

The artillery position of the rebel army was not the car camp of the Ming army. Therefore, although there were some gunmen, spearmen and axemen to guard it, the number was ultimately insufficient.

They were surrounded by the elite cavalry of the Ming army, and they were chopped and killed. They suffered heavy casualties for a while, and they retreated after being beaten.

The cannon players who had just released the cannons had already put down their cannons, and each other pulled out five-foot-long knives from Paoze's waist to assist the spearmen and axe-hands in resisting the Ming army.

These bird gunners were not from Xu Quan's fire gun battalion, so they were not equipped with plug-in bayonets. Instead, they chose "imitation Japanese swords" as backup melee weapons according to Qi Jiguang's organization.

"Hurry, load the cannonballs quickly!" At the same time, the artillery flag commander who was trapped in the middle was yelling at the gunners, urging them to clear the gun barrel and load the shells quickly.

They are gunners and can only face enemy threats in the manner of gunners.

Seeing the two sides fighting from a distance, Jiang Xiang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Quick, rush forward, the thief can't hold on any longer!" Jiang Xiang couldn't help shouting.

What Jiang Xiang said was true, but he was half saying it and half hiding it.

The rebel spearmen and axemen could hardly hold on anymore, but once the rebel artillery was loaded, the nightmare of the Ming cavalry would come.

The opportunity was fleeting and Jiang Xiang couldn't help but dilly-dally, so he became increasingly anxious.

However, when Jiang Xiang led the remaining two sentry cavalry to charge towards the rebel artillery position, he did not find that two cannons had quietly been aimed at the only path of the two sentinel cavalry.

"Boom!" Just as Jiang Xiang and others were about to run towards the rebel artillery position, they suddenly heard a loud noise, and immediately people fell on their backs, and a large piece of these elite servants fell instantly.

Jiang Xiang didn't understand what was going on. He just felt that his horse was lifted when he sat down and plunged into the ground.

Now he was weak and solid. No matter how powerful he was, his cervical vertebra would have been broken on the spot.

Well, Jiang Xiang made a decisive decision. At the moment when he was thrown away by the war horse, he quickly took off the stirrups and used his strength.

There was only a "plop" sound, and the guy fell solidly to the ground.

However, thanks to his quickness, he was able to get out of the stirrup first and avoid being crushed by his mount. He used his waist strength to roll forward half of his body and hit the ground with his back first.

The weight of three hundred kilograms, including the man and the armor, was suddenly thrown to the ground. Jiang Xiang almost breathed his last and couldn't get up for a long time.

The huge pain finally awakened his senses, until this time, the sound of men and horses falling to the ground, the screams of people, and the sounds of panic filled his ears.

"Panic...why panic!" Jiang Xiang finally recovered his senses and let out the breath that was held in his chest. He couldn't help but get up and yelled loudly.

The Ming cavalry was suddenly attacked, and Jiang Xiang was at a loss for a while.

It's just that as the commander-in-chief of an army, he naturally knows that stabilizing the morale of the army is the first priority, so he has to bluff.

But as soon as he finished scolding him, he was stunned.

It turned out that at a glance, he could see that only half of the two Ming army cavalry sentries that were suddenly attacked were still intact.

The remaining half, some were beaten into a sieve on the spot, with only air coming in and no air coming out.

Some were seriously injured and rolled on the ground wailing; some lost their horses and rolled on the ground like him.

Not to mention the number of people with broken arms, broken legs, broken cervical vertebrae, and broken spines.

" is it possible, thief...where did the thief get the artillery?" Jiang Xiang couldn't help but asked with a confused look on his face.

It turned out that just as Jiang Xiang was unlucky, there were actually two other artillery positions not far from the artillery position he attacked.

Originally, the two artillery positions were far away. If golden cannons and field guns were used to fire shotgun shells, the artillery positions that were attacked would hardly be able to reach them.

However, this time the rebels set up artillery positions to attack the city, so a 10,000-kilogram "Qingtian General Cannon" was set up at each location as the main siege force.

So while Jiang Xiang ordered other cavalry to attack this position, Zhang Shun had a sudden idea and ordered the two nearby Qingtian General's cannons to be loaded with shotshells and provide support in the form of cross fire.

It's just that the Qingtian Grand Cannon is extremely heavy and inconvenient to load.

The two rebel forces spent a lot of effort and finally completed the adjustment. As a result, the Ming army cavalry and the rebel artillery positions had long been mixed together, making it impossible to provide fire support.

The two artillery positions were regretting themselves and blaming themselves for not being able to help the rebel positions that were being attacked. However, they happened to see Jiang Xiang leading two other sentry cavalry galloping towards them. How could they let go of such a good opportunity?

The rebel army's "Qingtian General Cannon" has a caliber of six inches and a half and can shoot fifty kilograms of solid iron bullets. If it is used to shoot shotguns, its power is naturally appalling.

Originally, the Ming Army's cavalry charged in horizontal formations, so the third sentry Ming Army's first frontal attack from General Qingtian's artillery, although the losses were considerable, were still within an acceptable range.

But this time, they were attacked by two rebel cannons, one on the left and one on the right. The dense pellets almost penetrated the entire line, and the losses of the Ming army can be imagined.

For a time, the entire elite cavalry of the Ming army who attacked were stunned.

They are all highly skilled in martial arts and have been on the battlefield for many years. Not to mention a small artillery position, they will go to even thousands of troops.

However, it is such a small artillery position that completely ignores their galloping horses, completely ignores their strong armor and sharp swords and bows, and completely ignores their skills that have been practiced hard for more than ten years or even twenty or thirty years. .

Like killing chickens, their robes were slaughtered in pieces, and for a while everything seemed to collapse.

"How could this happen? How could this happen!" The person couldn't help but throw down the weapon in his hand and howled loudly and meaninglessly.

However, the loud howling of these people did not resonate with others, but instead attracted a numb attention.

Jiang Xiang originally wanted to stand up and appease everyone, but when he saw this, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva and didn't dare to speak.

Dead, this elite servant that he had spent all his wealth and support on was dead, leaving only the body of a walking corpse.

I don’t know how long it took, but Jiang Xiang found that the light in front of him dimmed, and he heard a voice shouting: "If you surrender without killing, the one who surrenders will not die!"

He numbly took out the waist knife and raised it gently.

When he raised it to his neck, he couldn't help but hesitate. For a moment, he was not sure whether to wipe his neck directly or to hand over his beloved waist knife with both hands.

Jiang Xiang glanced blankly at the servants and guards who were already kneeling beside him, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

He couldn't help shouting loudly: "I want to see King Shun, I want to see King Shun, I am Jiang Xiang, the guard of Taiyuan County!"

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