Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1262 Offering suggestions

"King Shun is benevolent and righteous. Don't let the past go. The rebel army recruits soldiers, and they are paid one stone a month. No matter how much rice or millet they are, they can be counted as many months as they want! Anyone who is skilled in martial arts in the world, regardless of whether he is a gold or a Tatar, can apply!"

At dawn the next day, loud drumbeats by the rebels rang out outside Taiyuan City.

Zuo Zhuguo, Secretary of the Ministry of War and Zuo Superintendent Zhu Xieyuan quickly dressed up, and when he came to the city to take a look, his face suddenly turned dark.

It turned out that the rebel army was dispatching seven or eight cavalry squads, beating gongs, drums, and shouting outside the city to stir up the morale of the people and the military in Taiyuan City.

Zhu Xieyuan stood on the tall Taiyuan City, looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but ordered without expression: "Send people out of the city to drive away these flies!"

"It doesn't matter, right?" Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, was stunned when he heard this.

"Is it possible that in such a big city of Taiyuan, how many times can they shout down the city?"

"Don't you know how many taels of silver your own soldiers receive every month, and how many years they are in arrears with food and wages?" Zhu Xieyuan's nose almost became angry when he heard this, and he couldn't help but said angrily.

"The Superintendent really underestimated the men under the general's command!" Wang Shiren laughed when he heard this, "These people are different from the Southern soldiers. Most of them are from the Guards Corps."

"Since they have joined the military, they are all people with families and careers. If anyone dares to surrender to a thief, I will kill his entire family!"

"Military status? Since Taizu, there have been countless people who have fled the country with military status. Do you still want to use this to take advantage of others?" Zhu Xieyuan almost cried because of his stupidity and couldn't help but walk away.

"If you don't have time to chat with me, you might as well go and count the heads yourself!"

It turned out that one of the rebels was newly arrived, and the other was that Taiyuan City was huge, so the rebels were only stationed in the south of the city and did not surround Taiyuan City.

Therefore, in such a large city, there are naturally many daily tasks to be dealt with, such as cutting firewood, fetching water, and discharging sewage, so Zhu Xieyuan will not isolate himself.

In this way, it is natural for some soldiers to take the opportunity to sneak out and "become thieves".

Not to mention how the left governor Zhu Xieyuan and the Datong generals counted their troops, but after Zhang Shun arrived outside Taiyuan City, they dredged rivers, dug ferries, leveled the land, built fortifications, and built granaries. They were extremely busy for a while.

"King Shun, His Highness King Shun, it turns out you are here. You can make it easier for me to find you!" Just as Zhang Shun was standing on a high place, immersed in the bustling construction site scene similar to his previous life, Xu Quan hurriedly hurried Lai complained.

"What's the matter, Xu Quan?" Since Zhang Shun didn't have any airs and liked to mingle with everyone, he didn't feel dissatisfied.

"Your Highness, the soldiers came all the way here, not just to be masons and build houses to live in!" Xu Quan couldn't help but said quickly.

"In the past, with Song Taizu's bravery, magnanimity and arbitrariness, he defeated the Northern Han Dynasty several times but failed to defeat it. This was all because the Northern Han Dynasty brought in the Liao Dynasty for help."

"After that, although Zhao Guangyi, Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, was not as far away as his brother, he still sent Yunzhou observation envoy Guo Jin to resist the Shiling Pass to stop the Liao army. Then Taiyuan fell and the Northern Han Dynasty was destroyed."

"The situation in Taiyuan now is similar to that of the Northern Han Dynasty. If the rebel army invades the fortified city of Taiyuan, and the Ming army sends elite troops from the four towns of Daji and Liao to the north to reinforce, I am afraid that King Shun will suffer the loss of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, so I ask King Shun to be careful. "

It turns out that in history, after Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao mutinied, he attacked the Northern Han Dynasty with Taiyuan as the core several times. As a result, he was defeated every time because of the help of Liao Kingdom.

Therefore, when Xu Quan saw that Zhang Shun was building large-scale construction outside Taiyuan City, he thought it was a long-term solution. He was deeply worried, so he came to remonstrate.

Zhang Shun did not comment when he heard the words. Instead, he looked Xu Quan up and down, turned to Sun Chuanting and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect Xu Yuanxi to be so knowledgeable. Let him serve as a staff consultant for such a long time, but this is a humiliation of my talent!"

"King Shun?" When Xu Quan heard Zhang Shun's words, he couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or not, but he was a little confused.

"Forget it, Mr. Sun, you should give him some advice. Maybe he can be trained into another general in the future!" Instead of explaining, Zhang Shun turned to Sun Chuanting and smiled.

"Then...then Sun will just do what he does!" Sun Chuanting hesitated for a moment, then agreed, turning to Xu Quan and smiling.

"Since Yuan Xi can think of this place, how come King Shun can't think of this place?"

"This...could there be something wrong with this?" Xu Quan was stunned when he heard this, and he immediately realized it.

King Shun always used his troops like a god and rarely made any mistakes. How could such an obvious mistake happen this time?

"Fighting in formation is for battle formation; outside of battle formation, it is for battle. This is King Shun's right statement." Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Now Yuan Xi has broken out of the habit of fighting in formation, and it can be said that he knows how to fight!"

"Now that Yuan Xi has led his troops outside, he doesn't know the central planning. It's not easy to think about the battle level. But he doesn't know that there are big battles besides battles, which are for strategy."

"Now King Shun's arrangement is naturally full of loopholes in terms of battle. If it breaks out of the battle, from a strategic point of view, it is brilliant!"

"I wonder... I wonder what's so wonderful about it?" Xu Quan suddenly felt that he had touched the truth.

"The trick is to move the tiger away from the mountain, killing two birds with one stone!" Sun Chuanting pointed to the north and said.

" mean 'Liao reinforcements'?" Xu Quan had a flash of inspiration and suddenly realized.

"A boy can be taught!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but smile while clasping his hands, and at the same time he looked at Zhang Shun in awe.

He was also the governor of Shanxi at the beginning, and he used King Shun as his enemy and devised many strategies.

Now watching King Shun use his troops, it seems ordinary, but in fact it is extraordinary.

If he were here alone, I'm afraid his response might not be any better than Zhu Xieyuan's, and he would inevitably end up defeated in the end.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt grateful to those who had slandered him back then.

If they hadn't forced him into a corner, I'm afraid he would be the one cornered in Taiyuan City now.

Seeing that Xu Quan had guessed Zhang Shun's plan, Sun Chuanting explained in detail: "Those who look at the huge things are the shapes; those who test the depth and reality are the momentum!"

"Although the Ming Dynasty is a huge thing, it actually doesn't have many soldiers. It only has four towns in Jiliao, Xuan Da. Once the four towns are conquered, the Ming Dynasty will surely fall!"

"Therefore, when the rebel army attacks the Ming Dynasty, it's not about how much city they capture or how much wealth they loot, but it's about the quality of their troops!"

"Now King Shun's plan is to use himself as the hook and Taiyuan as the bait to fish for the world!"

"Now that the elite troops from the four towns have been dispatched, Li Zicheng, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Route Army, left Yulin eastward and followed the three passes of Piantou, Ningwu and Yanmen to cut off his retreat."

"In this way, the reinforcements from the four towns of Xuan Daji and Liao cannot go forward if they want to go forward, cannot go behind if they want to go behind, cannot go left if they want to go left, cannot go right if they want to go right, they are just a turtle in the urn of the rebel army."

"When the elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are gone, they are like a tiger that has lost its claws. Wouldn't it mean that they are at the mercy of others?"

"When the time comes, the rebel army will march north to defeat the Tartars, seize the capital in the east, and march south to Sichuan, Huguang and other places south of the Yangtze River, sweeping the world. Who can stop it?"

"No one in the world can stop him. King Shun will rule the world on his own!"

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