"You are really ungrateful, obsessed with money, and have no sense of shame!" Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, stood on the tower and shouted loudly at the three people who were tied up.

"You actually don't care about anything for just a few kilograms of food."

"To ignore the country's justice at the top is called disloyalty; to disregard the family and life of one's parents at the bottom is called unfilial; to disregard one's wife, children, relatives and neighbors is called unkind; to disregard one's fellow officials and colleagues is called unrighteousness. "

"How can such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust person live in this world!"

It turned out that Wang Shiren listened to Zhu Xieyuan's suggestion that day and actually went to count the number of people. He found that there were actually 323 people missing from the entire army, and he was immediately furious.

So, he sent a sentry to ambush outside the city, preparing to capture these "shameless people" one by one and kill the chickens to serve as a warning to the monkeys.

As a result, when it dawned the next day, there was still no movement.

Wang Shiren, who slept until dawn, remembered the matter and sent his servants to investigate.

After a long time, the dozens of servants finally came back and brought back three people.

They came back and reported: "We searched from the east of the city to the west of the city, from the south of the city to the north of the city, but we didn't see a single trace."

"We were about to turn around when we happened to encounter three or five people sneaking around."

"I was about to step forward to ask questions, but I never thought that they would run away when they saw us. I chased them for a long time and finally caught these three people. When I asked, I found out that the men on the outpost had already gone to join the thieves. . Now they also want to surrender to the thieves, so we kidnapped these three people and reported them to the commander-in-chief!"

So, this is the beginning scene.

Not to mention how angry Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, was, but when the three of them saw that they had fallen into Wang Shiren's hands, they knew that they could not avoid death, so they couldn't help but sneer at each other: "As an official of the imperial court, you have received the favor of the country in your life."

"It is disloyal to deceive superiors and subordinates, embezzle military pay, food and fodder; it is unfilial to break national laws, corrupt family laws, and humiliate ancestors; it is unkind to drink the blood of soldiers, bully soldiers, and be cruel inside and outside; you can only enter, but not exit. , It is unrighteous to say all the good things when recruiting soldiers, but to do all the bad things when leaving the camp!"

"How can such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust man show off his strength and power!"

"Shuzi, how dare you be rude!" Wang Shiren was furious when he heard this and shouted sternly, "Let's cut off his mouth and tongue and smash his teeth to see if he dares to talk back!"

"Bitch thief, if you kill me today, who knows if he won't kill you tomorrow! I'll wait for you on the Naihe Bridge to see what will happen to you!" Seeing how cruel this man was, the soldier didn't beg for mercy. He just yelled and cursed.

Just after he cursed a few times, someone grabbed his tongue and cut it with a knife.

Then someone pried open his mouth and smashed all his teeth. He couldn't even speak and could only scream "woo woo".

"This is the fate of thieves! Come on, put them at the gate of the city to guard against the unruly people!" Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, swept around coldly and saw that all the soldiers lowered their heads, and he couldn't help but become more majestic.

Little did he know that most of the soldiers had their eyebrows lowered and their eyes flickering.

"Absurd, absurd!" Just when Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, was showing off his power, Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom had already been stared at by his arrogance.

"Since these three people are thieves, they can be dealt with according to military law!"

"As for the other soldiers, they came all the way to help me in Taiyuan, how can they be dismissed with empty words?"

"Today I am the one who makes the decision. If the food and salary are not enough to buy one stone of food, I will be the one to make up for the shortfall. We must not let the soldiers feel cold!"

As soon as Zhu Xieyuan said these words, everyone who was originally demoralized couldn't help but cheer up.

It turns out that although the "Nine Borders" of the Ming Dynasty are all important towns, they are also divided into priorities.

Nowadays, the Tartars are flourishing in Liaodong, and the two towns of Jili and Liao are the most important in the world. Therefore, there are many elite soldiers and generals in them, and their salaries range from two to three taels, far exceeding those in other towns.

Yansui Town, originally the most miserable place, once owed wages for two and a half years, and the soldiers had no way to make a living.

They launched rebellions one after another, which led to massive peasant uprisings during the Tianqi and Chongzhen years.

In order to extinguish this force, the Ming Dynasty had to rely on Yulin Generals and other forces to distribute food and pay, organize and train troops, and once defeated the "Purple Gold Liang", "Chuang King", "Chuang General" and others without a foothold.

Only the three towns of Xuanda in Shanxi are free from the troubles of Tartars in the east and the worries of rogue bandits in the west. Therefore, the food, salary and treatment are always lower than those of Jiliao and Sanbian.

In the past, the most elite people on the three sides, Yulin Town, could still be conquered by Zhang Shun with just one stone of salary and grain, let alone the Xuanda border army?

Since his family knows his own affairs, Zhu Xieyuan of the Zuozhu Kingdom will certainly not be as naive as Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong. He thinks that he has soldiers and generals, as well as the soldiers and their families as hostages, so he will be able to sit back and relax.

Therefore, he promised food and salary on the spot to offset the price of the rebels.

To be honest, although the credit of the Ming Dynasty was almost completely bankrupt, there were still many people who foolishly believed Zhu Xieyuan's words.

Therefore, as soon as he said these words, the military morale suddenly became much more stable.

However, Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, couldn't sit still after hearing this. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Now we have more than 10,000 men and horses, and we are paid one stone a month. It takes almost a month to replenish ten thousand stones of food and grass."

"There is not much food stored in Taiyuan City now. How can we sustain it in the long run?"

"How come I don't know how to use it? Are you here to teach me?" Zhu Xieyuan laughed angrily when he heard this.

"If you hadn't messed around and ruined the morale of the army, why would I have made such a move?"

"But you don't have to worry too much about food and salary."

"It only takes half a month, and the Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, will definitely come to help. We still don't know who will win by then, so why worry about food and salary?"

When Wang Shiren heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly realized, and he immediately fell in admiration for Zuozhuguo Zhu Xieyuan.

High, really high!

If this battle is defeated, whether he can save his property or his life, or both, how can he have the time to care about food and wages?

If the officers and soldiers can defeat the "obedient thieves", then the mountains of grain and grass outside the city will naturally belong to the officers and soldiers, and there will be no gap in food and salary.

Oh, no, if the officers and soldiers win, the "monthly salary and one stone" will naturally be "just coaxing". How to count?

Not to mention what Zhu Xieyuan and Wang Shiren planned, Zhang Shun and others were still busy digging camps and building granaries.

Suddenly Ji Longfeng rushed over and reported: "Your Highness, Mr. Song and General Sun are back, and they have brought back a cavalry army."

"Oh? Please come quickly... No, come with me to meet him!" Zhang Shungang changed his mind halfway through.

"Yes, general, take your orders!" Ji Longfeng remained calm on her face, but in her heart she longed to give herself a slap in the face.

It turned out that when Song Xiance invited him to go with him, he declined the person in order to "get there first".

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiang, the guard of Taiyuan County, accidentally escaped and was captured by the rebels. Ji Longfeng naturally lost the opportunity to ascend first.

On the contrary, when Wukong followed Song Xiance, he actually persuaded a cavalry army to surrender. How could he not make Ji Longfeng regret and blame himself?

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