Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1264 Preparation

"Your Highness, this is Commander-in-Chief Li, Commander-in-Chief Li, this is His Highness King Shun!" After a while, Song Xiance was seen leading a man to come.

Zhang Shun looked carefully and saw that the man was in his thirties, five feet tall and tall, with an unusually thick neck, like a Vajra made of iron.

"Li Shukong, a man from the mountains and plains, has seen His Highness King Shun!" When the man saw Zhang Shun, he quickly pushed the golden mountain and knocked down the jade pillar, then bowed his head.

"Please get up, General, please get up!" Zhang Shun quickly stepped forward and personally helped Li Shukong up.

"Now that the general has joined the rebel army and has become one of his own, how can he still call himself a 'man of the mountains'?"

In fact, after learning that Li Shukong was coming, Zhang Shun hurriedly asked Huang and Da Zhu to wear dark armor for him. Now that Wang Jinyi and Wukong were guarding him, he acted like a polite corporal.

When Li Shukong saw that Zhang Shun "trusted" him so much, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and hurriedly paid homage again: "Shukong had heard about King Shun's name a long time ago, and he just wished he had no chance to meet him. Now that King Shun is so interested in him, I can't help but wish he could Death in return."

Li Shukong was very strong, but Zhang Shun couldn't help him, so he had to let him bow again.

After Li Shukong stood up, Zhang Shun took his hand again and said, "I don't know what Brother Li thinks. I can make arrangements later."

Li Shukong was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that Zhang Shun was asking him tactfully about his ambitions and abilities.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "A certain family has worked hard since childhood. Although it is not as good as King Shun and General Sun, it can still be considered as strong enough to die."

"In addition, Jingle has many horses and birds and beasts, so I ride and shoot in the morning and evening. I can ride a bad horse and use a good bird gun!"

"Many of the heroes under his command are located in Jingle, Kelan, Baode, Guihua City and other places, and all of them are good at killing people on horseback."

"Guihua City?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. He only said that Li Shukong was the "local snake" of Jingle. He never expected that his hand would reach so far.

"Northern Shanxi is poor and we have no food and clothing, so many people take desperate risks and go to the Tartar lands to seek life." Li Shukong heard this and was afraid that Zhang Shun would mind, so he quickly explained.

"There are Han people and Tatars among them. However, most of these Tatars are fake Tatars. They are Han people who 'walked the west entrance' and came from Hu customs. They still remember to follow their feet."

It turns out that since the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the relationship between Ming and Mongolia has not been clear-cut.

At that time, the conflict between people and land in Shanxi gradually became more acute. The Han people in the northwestern Shanxi region were either captured and enslaved by the Mongols, or they took the initiative to farm in the Hetao area, or they fled to the Hetao to avoid disaster.

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Qiu Fu, Zhao Quan and other White Lotus believers led more than 10,000 believers to seek refuge with the Tumote tribe.

Ada Khan, the leader of the Tumut tribe, drove these White Lotus believers to cultivate land and houses, which greatly promoted the development of Mongolian society.

And taking advantage of the White Lotus believers' familiarity with the terrain and the Ming Dynasty's virtual reality, they invaded many times and once came to the capital, forming the "Gengxu Revolution".

Of course, at the same time, Daming was not idle either.

A young peasant boy who farmed in Yuzhou, Shanxi was plundered by the Mongols and became a slave to herd horses for Ada Khan.

As a result, when this man became an adult, he fled back to the Ming Dynasty and eventually became a famous general. He defeated Anda Khan continuously, so much so that there was a saying in Jiajing that "he is not as brave as Ma Fang".

It is true that "a drink and a peck determine the outcome." One can imagine the complicated relationship between the two parties.

Zhang Shun understood what he heard and had a better understanding of the relationship between the two parties. At the same time, he also felt more threatened by the Jin Dynasty who had conquered the Mongolian tribes such as the "Chahaner Tribe", the "Tumote Tribe" and the "Yordusi". To be intuitive.

Li Shukong and his cavalry numbered only two thousand. Although they were considered an elite force, they were just the icing on the cake for Zhang Shun, who had an army of hundreds of thousands.

It was just that after he heard what Li Shukong said, he couldn't help but have an idea and asked: "I wonder how many mountains, how many waters there are along the way, how many towns and villages are there, and what are the dangerous places on the road, General Li?"

"A certain person came from Zhou Hongshan Village, passed the Loufan Inspection Department, and went down the Fen River to Taiyuan City." Li Shukong opened his mouth after hearing this.

"There are 12 mountains and 37 rivers and streams along the way. There are three towns and 35 villages on the way."

"There are seven dangerous places, the most critical one is Lou Fan!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly asked about the details.

Li Shukong made gestures for a while, and when he got to his point of satisfaction, he actually used grass as a pen and the ground as paper to paint Zhang Shun on the scene on the road.

Not long after, Zhang Shun had a thorough understanding of the terrain west of Taiyuan. He couldn't help but raise his hand and said: "You are such a talented person, how can you be ranked as a general soldier?"

"However, there are rules for promotion and demotion in the army, and I cannot break them."

"You have many heroes under your command, why don't you set up a 'reconnaissance camp' with me first to detect the enemy's movements?"

"When you make some achievements in the future, I can promote you again."

When Li Shukong heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he was overjoyed. He quickly saluted again and said: "I am willing to die for King Shun!"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this. They never expected that Zhang Shun valued this person so much.

Zhang Shun has attached great importance to intelligence since he began to use the army. Therefore, anyone he wants to train and reuse must first start as a scout.

Li Shukong had just surrendered, and Zhang Shun was entrusted with this important task, which was really beyond everyone's expectation.

Not to mention what other people were thinking, seeing Li Shukong responding to him, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "In that case, you can take people down to rest for a while."

"Then I registered the roster one by one, received the appointment documents, salary, food and grass, and tomorrow I can go to the north of Taiyuan to explore the enemy's situation for me."

"After you get out of Lingling Pass, you will spread your spies all over the four prefectures of Xin, Dai, Kelan and Baode."

"As soon as I detect any big news in the Ming Dynasty, if a large army is dispatched, please send someone to report to me as soon as possible."

"Secondly, you will investigate the movements of the Tatars in the north for me. If there is any sign of the Tatars moving out, you will still send someone to inform me as soon as possible."

"Third, investigate the movements of the rebel army to the west for me. Once the rebel army makes a large-scale advance eastward, you will inform me as soon as possible."

"Three things like this, as long as one is not false and the other is not delayed, I will remember you as a great meritorious service."

When Li Shukong heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly thanked Zhang Shun.


It turned out that he had already set up spies in these places while playing "hide and seek" with the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty for so many years.

Now that he is familiar with the terrain, he has many cavalry scouts under his command to detect the enemy's situation three times, and he will naturally be able to capture them easily.

After Li Shukong said goodbye to Zhang Shun with all his kindness, Song Xiance and Sun Chuanting said worriedly: "King Shun trusts this person so much. He is actually tying his family and life to one person. How dangerous is that?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head and said: "Taiyuan is the head of Shanxi, and Shanxi is the backbone of the world."

"Whenever there are soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely come to rescue them. This is a matter of course. Why do we need to scout?"

"The plan for the rebel army has been decided. There won't be much with him, but there won't be much without him. I just take this opportunity to test their loyalty and test their skills, in order to have a long-term plan."

"My husband is divided into three parts of the world: the Yijun, the Ming Dynasty, and the Hou Jin Dynasty. Among them, Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty has already been buried in the grave, and I and Hong Tai'er are the only heroes in the world!"

"Therefore, I use this person not for the Ming Dynasty, but actually for the Hou Jin Dynasty!"

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