Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1265 Reinforcements

It is said that after Li Shukong was "employed" by Zhang Shun, he registered on the roster, received his food and salary, and then bypassed Taiyuan City and rushed north.

After Li Shukong left Taiyuan and headed one hundred and twenty miles northeast, he reached a dangerous place called Shiling Pass.

This Shiling Pass is located at the junction of Taiyuan and Xinzhou, with Guanmao on the left and Xiaowutai on the right. The two mountains are facing each other and are very dangerous. It is the transportation hub of Chudai, Yun, Ning and Shuo in the north of Taiyuan.

In the past, when Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty Zhao Guangyi attacked the Northern Han Dynasty, he sent General Guo Jin to block the reinforcements of the Liao Kingdom. Xu Quan suggested that the rebel army besiege the reinforcements of the Ming Army. This is the place where the reinforcements came from.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, an inspection department was set up here to detect traitors and traitors, and capture thieves and deserters.

There are more than a hundred archers in the Shiling Pass Inspection Department. They can deal with a few or dozens of thieves. How can they be the opponents of Li Shukong's two thousand knights?

In just a moment, Li Shukong killed the archers, chopped up the patrol envoys, and took over the place.

Then Li Shukong thought: "If you just explore the enemy's situation, you must not show my methods."

"Since King Shun has entrusted me with an important task, why don't I take the opportunity to cut off the communication inside and outside Taiyuan to prevent the Ming army from knowing what I am and what I am?"

Thinking of this, Li Shukong arranged for his soldiers to dispatch scouts to the four prefectures of Xin, Dai, Kelan and Baode respectively. At the same time, he sent people to garrison the Shiling Pass Inspection Department and pretend to be archers.

All messengers coming and going from the Ming army were intercepted and killed, and then the letters were delivered to Zhang Shun.

It's not that the left governor Zhu Xieyuan didn't know the importance of Shiling Pass, but he didn't have many men under his command. If he wanted to divide his troops, he might be defeated by the rebels one by one.

He believed that he could still hold on for a while. Even if Shiling Pass was occupied by thieves, he could send troops to attack the place as soon as reinforcements from the officers and soldiers arrived, forcing the "submissive thieves" to fight with the officers and soldiers under unfavorable circumstances.

Zhu Xieyuan had a good plan, but he didn't follow his wishes and was cut off by Li Shukong.

For several days in a row, Zhu Xieyuan received news that the Governor-General Zhang Fengyi had not announced that Shiling Pass had been occupied by the rebel army.

He quickly wrote a letter and asked the messenger to take a detour to Datong to invite Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, to come to the rescue.

It is said that Governor Xuanda was uneasy since Zhang Feng had not received letters from Taiyuan for several days in a row.

Before the letter from Taiyuan arrived, he couldn't help but said to Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong: "Now that news from Taiyuan has not arrived for several days, this must have been interrupted by thieves."

"Although the left governor Zhu Xieyuan is a famous general and is experienced in military affairs, he has no worries for a while, but over time, he is afraid that people's minds will change."

"Taiyuan is the heart and soul of Shanxi. If Taiyuan is lost, Shanxi will not defend it; if Shanxi does not defend it, the second town of Xuanda will be like a rootless tree, and the capital will defend the enemy on both sides."

"At that time, the imperial court will definitely move south. If the imperial court moves, I am afraid that all African countries north of the Yangtze River will own it!"

"Now that more than half of the elite troops in the two towns of Xuanda and Dazhou have been mobilized, I want to personally lead an army of more than 10,000 to Taiyuan to open up the Shiling Pass important road."

"Ye Fujun will be in charge of the rest of the army. After Fujun has been sorted out and reorganized, he will lead his troops to meet me and defeat this thief together. Is that okay?"

Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, was also a man who knew the military. He had served successively as the Shaanxi sub-inspector of the pass and the Shanxi envoy. He had fought against the rebels and the Hou Jin Dynasty, and had considerable military exploits.

Last year, he opened a market in Datong and exchanged more than 10,000 horses for the Ming Dynasty, which solved the urgent need of the border army. Therefore, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, also trusted him.

Zhang Fengyi still didn't know that Zhu Xieyuan had not sent soldiers to guard Shiling Pass. He thought that the rebel army would follow Song Taizong's wisdom of destroying the Northern Han Dynasty and attack Xuanda's reinforcements here, so he decided to set off early.

" fine, but the army must be careful!" Ye Tinggui hesitated after hearing this, but said worriedly.

"The 'Shun Thief' is treacherous and vicious, and many governors have been defeated and misfortunately suffered defeat at their hands, all due to arrogance and contempt."

"Now the Ming Dynasty only has this property, and it must not be taken advantage of by thieves."

If it were anyone else, he would have been furious if he was taught such a lesson by his subordinates.

However, when Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, heard what Ye Tinggui said about Zhang Shun, he was sincerely convinced and said: "Ye Fujun, don't worry, since I left Datong, I will send out scouts widely and be careful in everything."

"This time I went south only to clear Shiling Pass. We will discuss other matters after Ye Fujun arrives."

Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, felt relieved when he saw Zhang Fengyi being so cautious.

The two men had decided on a plan. Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, personally commanded a battalion of 7,000 troops and a battalion of 3,000 troops from Tang Tong, a total of 10,000 horses. They left Datong and rushed all the way to Taiyuan.

Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, blindly urged Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, but when he arrived with five thousand town bids, they went to Taiyuan to "break the thieves" together.

Not to mention what the two sides planned, just as Zhang Fengyi was reorganizing his troops and preparing to support Taiyuan, the war in Anyi, Hedong, finally came to an end.

With the loud sound of the ground shaking and the mountains shaking, the Anyi magistrate standing on the Anyi city tower couldn't help but look ashen.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, we saw that a corner of Anyi County had already collapsed.

"The city is broken, the city is broken!" The soldiers guarding the city, the people and the "submissive thieves" outside the city all shouted in unison.

The difference is that the cries in the city are more of panic, while the cries outside the city are overjoyed.

"It's over, it's all over!" The magistrate of Anyi looked at the "thieves" outside the city pouring in like a tide, knowing that he would inevitably die.

He couldn't help but take off his official hat, bowed three times to the northeast, then took out the sword from his waist and rushed forward.

This county magistrate is also considered proficient in martial arts and has practiced swordsmanship well.

However, on the battlefield, there is no morality in the world.

He had just pushed away a spear from a rebel soldier, and seven or eight spears had already stabbed him at the same time.

How can the county magistrate resist this? Immediately, he was stabbed with seven or eight bloody holes and died on the spot.

Not long after, the rebels dispersed the defenders, and a burly general was led here by the crowd.

"Is this the magistrate of Anyi?" he couldn't help but ask.

"General Yu, this is the man!" Zuo Zuo responded quickly when he heard the words.

It turned out that this general was none other than the former Yulin commander-in-chief Yu Chongxiao.

At the beginning of the rebel army's massive attack on Hedong, he, Cao Wenzhao, and Zhang Fengyi each led more than 10,000 troops to attack one place respectively.

As a result, Zhang Fengyi not only successfully completed the task, but now moved to Jizhou, Xizhou and other places.

After conquering various places, Cao Wenzhao's troops had moved to Jiangzhou for repairs.

But he was unlucky and hit two unyielding places in Jiezhou and Anyi.

In the end, they had to mobilize ten "Qingtian Grand Cannon" to blow down the city wall and then capture it.

Seeing that the magistrate of Anyi County was dead and the county town of Anyi had fallen, Yu Chongxiao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ordered: "Send an envoy to Pingyang quickly to inform King Shun that Jiezhou and Anyi have been captured."

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