It is said that on that day, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Naxuan, and Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, had discussed and decided, so they personally led the army south to Taiyuan.

Although this army of more than 10,000 people is not much in Zhang Shun's eyes, it is still a force that cannot be ignored.

Zhang Fengyi led many propaganda troops, and the road was full of traffic and mighty, and it was impossible to see the edge at a glance.

How could such a huge movement from the Ming army be concealed?

Therefore, although Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, tried his best to send out scouts and kill everywhere, Li Shukong had already detected the movement and reported to Zhang Shun as if he was flying.

After Zhang Shun received the news, he was not surprised but smiled. He turned to Sun Chuanting and said: "Now that the Ming army has sent out all its elite troops from the two towns of Xuanda and Da, it is time for the rebel North Route Army to launch a massive attack."

After hearing the news sent by Li Shukong, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but smile and complimented: "This time King Shun really knows what's going on. Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Fengyi are just like puppets. Sure enough, they came to rescue Taiyuan." .”

"It's just that this time, the Ming army doesn't know how many troops are coming. We ask King Shun to make plans in advance and mobilize troops and horses distributed across Hedong as soon as possible."

It turns out that this large-scale mobilization of troops is different from small-scale operations. Not only is it huge, but it is also difficult to detect the number of people.

Therefore, although Li Shukong and others detected the movements of Zhang Fengyi's men, they did not accurately detect the number of people led by Zhang Fengyi.

Sun Chuanting, who had served as governor of Shanxi Province, concluded based on past knowledge that the Xuan army led by Zhang Fengyi this time should number fifteen thousand.

As the saying goes: if you miss something, you will miss it a thousand miles. If Sun Chuanting made a wrong judgment, Zhang Shun would be cheated.

In fact, originally in history, Sun Chuanting misjudged the rebel forces headed by Li Zicheng, which led to a big mistake.

However, Zhang Shun didn't care much about this.

There is a saying in the art of war: If you don't rely on them, they won't come, and you rely on me to be ready; if you don't rely on them, you won't attack, and if you don't rely on them, you can't attack.

Be prepared for any danger. Zhang Shun has been preparing for this day since the rebels arrived outside Taiyuan City. How can he be afraid of him?

He couldn't help pointing to the low and inconspicuous fortifications in front of him, and smiled at Sun Chuanting: "It's not that I, the king, are conceited. If we just camp like this, even if the Ming army is besieged by a hundred thousand troops, we may not be able to survive before the food is exhausted. Broken!"

"What does it matter whether the troops and horses are ten thousand or twenty thousand?"

It turns out that while Zhang Shun ordered people to build granaries on the east bank of the Fen River a few days ago, he also built a complete defense system around grain and grass.

This is a complete defense system designed based on the defense theory of the bastion, including trenches, retaining walls, lookouts and small fortresses.

It is not a bastion, it is better than a bastion.

This is a new defense system based on the advanced Western bastion defense concept and based on the traditional Chinese fortress, moat, and city system. That's why Zhang Shuncai is so confident.

Although Sun Chuanting was well-informed, he had never seen the power of the fortress with his own eyes, so he was not as confident as Zhang Shun.

However, Zhang Shun also knew the importance of being prepared. Now that the rebel army has many talents and soldiers, how could he not leave some backup?

Now Zhang Shun has a total of eight battalions of Zhang Damhou, Wei Zhiyou, Wang Zhong, Zhang Rujing, Yang Chengzu, Xu Quan, Lu Xiangjin and Shen Jingbang, totaling 26,000 troops. Logically speaking, this is enough to deal with the enemies of Taiyuan and Xuanda.

However, he still pondered for a moment and continued to give the order: "The three battalions of Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding and Lu Xiangguan quietly went to Lingshi to prepare for the situation, and did not make any noise, so that the enemy would find traces."

When Sun Chuanting saw that Zhang Shun's arrangement was airtight, he nodded with satisfaction and said: "In this way, Taiyuan can be obtained, the Ming army can be defeated, the world can be settled, and I can't say anything!"

It was only four hundred miles from Datong to Taiyuan. Zhang Fengyi led the Xuan army all the way south. They broke Shiling Pass on the fifth day and blocked the north of Taiyuan City on the seventh day.

Not to mention how the two sides competed when Xuan's army was encamped in the north, let's say that after Zhang Fengyi arrived in Taiyuan, he quickly entered Taiyuan City to visit the King of Jin and Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu.

The king of the Jin vassal who is currently stationed in Taiyuan is Zhu Shenxuan, who is in his twenties. He has been raised as a pig by the Ming court for many years and has long since become a useless person. He has no ability or ability. Zhang Fengyi is just an example. It’s just a form.

On the contrary, when Zhu Xieyuan saw Zhang Fengyi, he couldn't help but be ecstatic. He quickly welcomed him into the hall. The two parties sat down respectively and asked: "I don't know how many troops Zhang Shangshu brought this time. Did he bring the Hongyi cannon?" ?”

Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, was stunned by this and couldn't help but said: "This official came here with a total of 10,000 elite troops. In fact, the 7,000 are all from this governor's standard camp."

"As for the Hongyi cannon, it was too heavy to quickly rescue Taiyuan City, so it was left in Datong, Xuanfu and other places."

"It turns out that Zhang Shangshu was also careless and underestimated the enemy!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "Now there are twenty thousand 'shun thieves' outside the city, and they also carry countless Hongyi cannons, and their firepower is very fierce."

"Previously, I led an army of more than 10,000 people and surrounded this bandit, about 5,000 to 6,000 people along the Fen River."

"Unexpectedly, instead of retreating, the thieves formed a formation with their backs to the river, relying entirely on Hongyi's cannons. Our army had twice as many soldiers and horses as the thieves, but they were unable to attack for a long time. Instead, they were killed and wounded countless times by the thieves' artillery."

"I am afraid that the casualties of my troops will be too heavy, which will not be conducive to the defense of Taiyuan, so I have to withdraw."

"After the war, the soldiers picked up the cannonballs of the thieves. Many of them were ten or twenty kilograms heavy. I realized that the thieves had already been carrying Hongyi cannons."

"Therefore, I believe that without the Hongyi cannon, we must not engage in battle with the 'shun thieves', lest we waste our lives in vain."

When Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, heard Zhu Xieyuan's words, he almost laughed out loud on the spot.

What Hongyi cannon? That Zhang Fengyi knew this all too well.

At this time, both the Ming Dynasty and the Far Western countries, the red barbarian cannons made were extremely heavy, weighing more than two thousand kilograms, so they were inconvenient to carry. They were mostly used for defense or bombardment of cities and fortresses.

The "shun thief" must not have three heads and six arms, and his advance was so fast. How could he carry so many heavy and unusually heavy Hongyi cannons?

Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but suspect that Zhu Xieyuan was old and timid, and thought to himself: "This Zhu Xieyuan really has a false reputation and missed a good opportunity."

"Since he took office, he has been unable to rectify his troops and take the initiative to attack. Instead, he has stuck to the defense and watched the thieves fall into important places such as Puzhou, Jiangzhou, Pingyang and Huozhou. It is really hateful."

He couldn't help but said in both yin and yang, "Don't worry, Governor Zuo, the subordinate has arrived just in time to help the Governor defeat this thief."

"In my opinion, although the 'shun thieves' advance very quickly, they will not be able to capture the entire territory of Pingyang Prefecture. I also heard that important places such as Kaifeng, Daming, and Luzhou are still in the hands of my Ming Dynasty."

"Therefore, although its power is fierce, it is actually like a castle in the air."

"As long as I frustrate this thief a little in the past few days, he will definitely retreat when he realizes the difficulties. If he doesn't retreat, then God will help me. The merit of rebuilding the country should be ours!"

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