Then the left governor Zhu Xieyuan was so old and sophisticated, how could he not see what Zhang Fengyi was thinking?

As the saying goes: Good words can't persuade a damned ghost.

Zhu Xieyuan tried to persuade him a little, but when he saw that he couldn't listen, he had to let him go.

Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, bid farewell to Zhu Xieyuan and returned to the outside of the city. He saw that the camp was in a mess and had not yet been completely set up.

He couldn't help being furious and called General Tang Tong to ask. Only then did he learn that the rebels had repeatedly sent soldiers to harass him.

Not only were the soldiers who went to cut the trees killed and injured, but even the half-built camp was burned in several places.

Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but become more and more angry, and secretly became cruel, determined to "succumb to the thief" and look good.

Fortunately, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, purchased more than 10,000 horses from Mongolian herdsmen through mutual trade last year.

Although not all of these horses are good horses, if you pick and choose from them, you can pick out three to five thousand for riding.

Therefore, this time Zhang Fengyi also has a good cavalry at his disposal.

He couldn't help but immediately ordered: "Take more than a thousand cavalry to fight to drive away the "Shun thieves"; send a thousand infantry to Beishan to watch the soldiers cut trees; lead Tang Tong to lead more than a thousand cavalry, thinking they are a surprise force, but when the thieves arrive, they fight with all their strength. !”

In this way, the two sides went back and forth, fighting wits and courage for half a night, until the men and horses were tired, they gave up.

After two days of hard work, Zhang Fengyi finally set up camp.

He couldn't help but thought: "As the saying goes, it is disrespectful to come back and not go back. That 'obedient thief' is so arrogant must be caused by Zhu Xieyuan's cowardice and forbearance. Why don't I take advantage of his plan and make him proud of his ambition? Then, take advantage of him when he is not prepared and give him Look how cool it is!"

Zhang Fengyi then guarded the camp and wrote a letter to Zhang Shun with humble words and generous gifts.

Zhang Shun opened it and saw that it read: "Soldiers are also deadly weapons, and saints use them as a last resort."

"Now that Feng Yi has received the teachings of the sage, he really does not want to go to war with King Shun."

"No matter how you eat the emperor's salary, you can only do it as a last resort if you are loyal to the emperor."

"Now that we have arrived in Taiyuan, the two armies are facing each other. I see that King Shun has strong soldiers and horses, and a momentum that has never been seen in ancient times."

"Feng Yi is determined to be no match for King Shun, and is willing to follow Qiu Luan's story. The two families have turned their hostility into friendship, and there must be a generous gift to thank him!"

Is this a requirement and? Zhang Shun couldn't help but be stunned, and handed the letter to Sun Chuanting without comment for a while.

Sun Chuanting glanced at it and couldn't help but smile at the envoy: "This is a big matter. We need to discuss it before we can make a decision."

"You go back and report to Zhang Junmen. Our army will send an envoy to pay a return visit in two days."

When the messenger saw that the rebels did not directly push him out and chop him, how could he dare to stay longer after giving him a breath? After hearing the words, he said a few polite words and left quickly.

As soon as Zhang Fengyi's messenger left, Zhang Shun couldn't help turning his head to Sun Chuanting and said with a smile: "Is this a delaying tactic?"

"King Shun Mingjian!" Sun Chuanting also laughed when he heard this, and couldn't help but said, "Zhang Fengyi is here to see that his camp only numbers ten thousand people."

"If we add Zhu Xieyuan's troops, they will only be comparable to our army."

"King Shun also built a fort here and guarded it with artillery. He also built a granary in the fort to provide enough food for several months. The Fen River flows beside the fort, allowing for transportation."

"This is what the saying goes, 'Become invincible first, then wait until the enemy is victorious.' Therefore, I guess he has no fighting spirit."

"He wants to delay it for a while. Who knows that this king doesn't want to do this?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing and said, "This matter is exactly what I want. I will send an envoy there in three days to comply with his proposal."

Not to mention the intrigues and intrigues between the two, Fu Qingzhu was appointed by Zhu Xieyuan and traveled more than 600 miles through mountains and rivers to finally reach Yulin City.

As soon as he entered the city gate, he saw a notice posted at the city gate. It was Li Zicheng, the "general in charge", who was recruiting talents.

Fu Qingzhu's heart moved, and he couldn't help but step forward to reveal the notice, but unexpectedly he was stopped by the guards.

An officer who looked like an officer came forward and shouted: "What the hell did that man do? He dared to expose the notice on my family's plate, and pretended that we were not here?"

When Fu Qingzhu heard this, he smiled and said: "You guys misunderstood. I saw that General Li wanted to recruit wise men from all over the world, and I was about to answer the call."

"Since you have to answer the call, come here and leave your name and skills for the soldiers to take to the camp for assessment. How can you spoil my announcement?" The officer thought he didn't understand and said with a slightly calm expression.

"Fu is here, why do we need the world's wise men!" Unexpectedly, Fu Qingzhu uttered arrogant words, and took advantage of Fu Qingzhu's unpreparedness to tear down the notice and tear it into pieces.

"The thief is so brave!" The officer was furious when he saw this. He reached out and took out the sword from his waist, trying to make him look good.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qingzhu was not afraid and refused to retreat. Instead, he raised his chest and said, "General Li keeps saying that he wants to recruit wise men from all over the world. Now that the wise men from all over the world are here, do you dare to destroy his life?"

"You?" The officer looked Fu Qingzhu up and down, his face uncertain for a moment.

"This guy is so arrogant, why don't we give him a slap first and kill him for his majesty." A soldier had already stepped forward and suggested in a low voice.

"No need!" The officer stopped the soldier with a dark face, took two steps into the city, then turned to Fu Qingzhu and sneered.

"If you are really capable, come with me; if you like to make big talk, you'd better leave as soon as possible to avoid ruining your fortune and life!"

"You are kind-hearted, but I don't know what to call you?" Fu Qingzhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but smiled on his face.

"We became colleagues for a while, so we can help each other in the future."

"No need, let's wait until you survive, so I won't waste my words!" The officer-looking man sneered and headed back to the city without even looking back.

Not long after, the two men, escorted by several soldiers, arrived at the inn. They saw a man wearing a dark hat and a sky-blue arrow suit, who was "just like all thieves."

"Master, where are you going?" The officer didn't expect to meet this person, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"Call me General!" "The Master" frowned and said.

"We are just thieves, he is just..." the officer couldn't help but argue.

"I'm not a thief, and everyone is not a thief, Yufeng, you've passed!" "Zhangpan" couldn't help but scolded.

"Okay... okay, General!" "Yufeng" muttered, and the boss responded unhappily, and then introduced to "The Boss".

"Today I'm recruiting talented people at the city gate. I don't want to recruit a fool, and I don't know what his abilities are, so I specially invited him to be palmed... The general palms his eyes!"

"Oh? I don't know what to call this... this sage?" The "hand in charge" couldn't help but ask Fu Qingzhu after hearing this.

After Fu Qingzhu listened for a long time, why didn't he understand that this "hand in charge" was none other than "Thief Chief Li Zicheng?"

But when he saw him wearing simple clothes and acting dull, his heart suddenly became cold.

He thought to himself: "I heard that 'breaking into thieves' and 'offering thieves' have great reputations, but now it seems that they are not as popular as 'submissive thieves'!"

However, he had a heavy responsibility, so he quickly suppressed his disappointment, stepped forward and saluted, and said, "Could it be that the 'Chuang Jiang' is in front of you?"

"A certain family is planning to become Marquis Zhuge Wu. I wonder if you can become Lord Liu?"

"Ahem..." When Li Zicheng heard this, he almost choked to death on the spot.

"How brave! Not to mention my lord, what are you capable of? How dare you compare yourself to Prime Minister Zhuge?" Why didn't "Yufeng" understand his own "master" and knew that he was not as quick-witted as "King Shun"? Stand up for him.

"Me?" Fu Qingzhu pointed at the tip of his nose and laughed loudly.

"I am well versed in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and I am also proficient in all aspects of music, chess, calligraphy, painting, classics, history, art of war, and martial arts..."

"It turns out to be a Wu rat!" Fu Qingzhu was showing off proudly, but he didn't expect "Yufeng" to suddenly say sarcastically.

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