It is said that Li Zicheng was provoked by Fu Qingzhu and had a different intention. He was undecided for a while.

He couldn't help but waved away Fu Qingzhu, and quickly summoned his cronies Tian Jianxiu, Gu Kecheng, Liu Fangliang, Yuan Zongdi and Gu Junen, and tried to say: "There is a traitor who speaks rudely and actually separates me from King Shun." Regarding the relationship, there is such a nonsense saying that 'it should be broken off, otherwise it will be disturbed'. I wonder how you think we should deal with this person?"

Gu Junen, Gu Kecheng, Liu Fangliang, Yuan Zongdi and others had already heard about it from Tian Jianxiu, and heard that the usually clumsy person in charge spoke so clearly today. How could they still not understand what he was thinking?

When Na Tian Jianxiu heard the words, he was the first to speak: "The Master said: A gentleman does not use words to lift people up, and he does not use people to waste words."

"Fu Qingzhu is just a scholar. No matter what he says is right or wrong, he is just for the sake of his master. How can he cripple a person just because of his words?"

"Brother Tian, ​​what are you talking about? How can you say 'right or wrong'?" Liu Fangliang couldn't help but said, "Right is right and wrong is wrong. How can you be vague?"

"In my opinion, King Shun is just a head on his shoulders. What's wrong with him?"

"How come he can be an emperor but can't be in charge of a plate?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Li Zicheng was shocked when he heard this and shouted quickly, "King Shun is no more than King Qin now, how dare you think this?"

"If people listen to these words, it will be a huge disaster!"

"A big disaster?" Yuan Zongdi couldn't help but sneered after hearing this, "What kind of disaster can be compared to our rebellion back then?"

"That is, the Ming Dynasty can rebel, the emperor can rebel, but we can't rebel against the Qin Dynasty and the prince? Seeing this, Liu Fangliang continued to help.

When Li Zicheng saw five people responding to four people, he couldn't help but look at military advisor Gu Junen.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Gu Junen couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "My lord wants to go further, Gu has no choice but to do it. There are just a few things that need to be carefully investigated."

"First, we need to secretly recall Liu Zongmin and General Li Guo to find out what their thoughts are..."

Before Gu Junen finished speaking, Liu Fangliang couldn't help but interrupt: "These two are the confidants of the boss. When they become successful in the future, they will benefit from them. How dare they have two intentions!"

Gu Junen was speechless after hearing this, but looked at Li Zicheng with a smile.

Li Zicheng immediately reacted. It seemed that King Shun treated him well. Now he gets it, but others don't get it?

Although he believed that Liu Zongmin and Li Guo had no second thoughts, it was better to confirm the attitude of these two people face to face because they were far apart from each other.

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng nodded and said: "No matter what, for such a big matter, it would be better to let it go."

Liu Fangliang was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, but seeing that Li Zicheng had already spoken, he held back for the time being.

Gu Junen said: "Secondly, now that we are in Yulin City again, how to deal with the Northern Expedition General Lu Xiangsheng, the right commander Zuo Guangxian, and the Yulin generals, etc., we still need to have some rules."

As soon as Gu Junen said these words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

It turned out that since Zhang Shun planned the Eastern Expedition, Cao Wenzhao and others stationed in Ningxia Town were transferred away, resulting in an empty situation in Ningxia.

However, as Yulin Town was a strong town, Zhang Shun was worried that something might happen. Not only did he try to transfer powerful generals like Yu Chongxiao and Zuo Guangxian away, but he also retained Lu Xiangsheng as a guard general.

If Li Zicheng dared to rebel in Yulin, the first one he would bump into would be Lu Xiangsheng, the general of the Northern Expedition, and the second one would be Zuo Guangxian, one of Li Zicheng's deputies.

So when Gu Junen poured cold water on them, everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

what to do?

Gu Kecheng frowned, but he tentatively said, "How about I find a reason to invite them over to eat 'Bandao Noodles' together."

"Are you kidding me? It's not the host's turn to treat anyone who treats you!" Gu Junen couldn't help but shook his head and said, dumbfounding.

Treating guests also requires basic political qualifications, and the Yulin generals are unrivaled; in terms of official positions, Lu Xiangsheng stands out; in terms of relationships, most generals from Yulin have blood feuds with themselves and others.

If Li Zicheng had posted this invitation, he would definitely suspect that he had ulterior motives.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. Are we still waiting for death?" Liu Fangliang couldn't help but become anxious after hearing this.

Although Li Zicheng remained expressionless, based on Gu Junen's understanding of him, he was probably already worried.

He couldn't help but offer a suggestion quickly: "If there is a way, there is one, but it is a little risky."

"Sir, please speak!" Li Zicheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but ask quickly.

"Although Lu Xiangsheng is the general of Zhenbei, he actually only has three thousand cavalry under his command. The generals of Yulin have such a great reputation, but in fact all the servants and personal guards have been transferred by King Shun." Gu Junen couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Today, the most powerful person in Yulin City is none other than Right Commander Zuo Guangxian. If someone can convince this person to start a rebellion together, others should not be afraid."

"This...who can convince this person?" Li Zicheng couldn't help but asked quickly.

"Gu is willing to go!" Gu Junen couldn't help but said to himself.

"Okay, okay, okay! If this matter can be accomplished, sir, I will take the first credit!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but promised quickly.

Not to mention how Li Zicheng and the others cared about it, Gu Junen said goodbye to Li Zicheng after receiving the order, and headed all the way to Zuo Guangxian's residence.

It turned out that according to the plan, the North Route Army's left commander Zhang Sanbai was currently stationed in Suide, and the other main forces arrived in Fugu, Shenmu and other places to wait. Only the right commander Zuo Guangxian and the coach Li Zicheng led the Biao battalion to temporarily station in order to hide their suspicions. Yulin.

Gu Junen must have felt uneasy since Zuo Guangxian had a murderous feud with Zhang Shun and had been his enemy many times. You only need to encourage yourself and promise many benefits to persuade this person.

Zuo Guangxian's residence was not far from Li Zicheng. Gu Junen rushed to the place quickly, handed over the post, and was led in by the guards not long after.

At this time, Zuo Guangxian was in the school yard instructing his son Zuo Xing on horseback riding. When he saw Gu Junen coming in from a distance, he stepped forward and said, "I don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. I wonder if Commander Li has any military orders this time?"

Seeing that there were many people around him, Gu Junen couldn't help but whispered in a low voice: "But it's Gu who has some private matters to ask for, so it's inconvenient to say it openly."

Zuo Guangxian was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but smile and said: "In that case, let's bring a horse to sir, and we can do what we say."

As soon as Zuo Guangxian finished speaking, soldiers came and a yellow gelding horse came over.

Gu Junen followed Li Zicheng for several years and developed the ability to escape.

When he saw the horse, he couldn't help but praise: "It's really a good horse. Everyone knows that General Zuo's family is rich, and it turned out to be so when he saw it today!"

Zuo Guangxian chuckled when he heard this, and said modestly: "Those things that are external to you are nothing. If you think highly of Zuo, sir, you can just ride him back and treat him like a plaything."

" can this be done? It's too precious, no reward for no merit..." Gu Junen couldn't help but say in fear after hearing this.

"Hey, are you seeing someone outside?" Zuo Guangxian couldn't help but waved his hand.

"If there is a chance, please sir, please say a few kind words in front of Li Shuai."

“My body and bones are now not as strong as before, and I feel increasingly powerless.”

"It's a pity that this useless evil beast makes me worry the most. If I become an official in the future, I will have to rely on Li Shuai to take care of me..."

When Gu Junen saw Zuo Guangxian selling so well, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart and said with a smile: "Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans. Of course, of course!"

"If you just take care of me like this, you will only become a rich man in the future."

"If General Zuo can take a risk and become a follower of the dragon, and be granted the title of marquis and general, why should he fear that his descendants will not be rich for a long time?"

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