Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1270: Strike first to gain the upper hand

When Zuo Guang first heard Gu Junen's words, he couldn't help but be shocked: "Sir, where did you say that?"

"As a wise general, the general defeated King Shun and caused many casualties. Only in the battle of Luoyang, he had a fatal grudge against him. This hatred and hatred are irreconcilable. The general really thinks that King Shun has forgotten the past?" Gu Junen hesitated for a moment, I couldn't help but grit my teeth because I couldn't bear to let the child trap the wolf.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Zuo Guangxian asked with a calm expression on his face as his heart was already in turmoil.

"King Fu Shun, Liu Jizhi is inferior." Gu Junen saw that the matter had come to this, and couldn't help but explain it clearly, "and 'General Chuang' is like the Marquis of Huaiyin, and General Zuo is like the King of Huainan."

"Although Liu Ji is called the 'Elder', he treats these two deeply and will definitely take action sooner or later when the world is settled!"

"As the saying goes: strike first and control others later. When Chu and Han were fighting, why didn't the general join forces with my master to avoid repeating the mistakes of Huaiyin and Huainan?"

The Marquis of Huaiyin is naturally the famous Han Xin, while the King of Huainan is Yingbu, Xiang Yu's general who later rebelled against Chu and returned to Han, which is very different from Zuo Guangxian.

Gu Junen had thought about these words for a long time, and he knew that he would be able to persuade Zuo Guangxian.

At that time, he will be Song Xiance under the command of the commander, and the commander will be Zhang Shun, the commander-in-chief of the 36th Battalion of the Rebel Army.

"Hey!" Before Gu Junen could finish his words, Zuo Guangxian suddenly shouted and cursed: "What a thief! King Shun treats Li Shuai very well, how can he be willing to rebel?"

"You must be the one who deceived me with your lies. Come with me to see Zheng Bei for theory!"

Gu Junen never expected such a change, and his liver and gallbladder were immediately split.

It's too late, but it's soon.

At this critical moment, Gu Junen had a flash of inspiration and walked away.

It turned out that Gu Junen just happened to find himself riding the fine horse that Zuo Guangxian had just ordered to bring.

When Gu Junen saw that there was nothing he could do, he wanted to flee to Li Zicheng's camp, reminding him that "the big thing has been leaked, so we must raise troops quickly."

How could Zuo Guangxian have imagined that this guy would make such a decisive decision and run away at once? In a moment of confusion, he had already escaped to the gate of the school ground.

Today, he was giving instructions to his son in the school grounds, but he didn't bring a bow and arrow, and he was about to watch this man escape.

Zuo Guangxian happened to catch a glimpse of his son Zuo Xing practicing lance nearby, not far from Gu Junen.

"Xing'er!" Zuo Guang couldn't help shouting quickly, then pinched his thumb and index finger to make a whistle, put it in his mouth and blew it.

"咻咻~" A sharp whistle suddenly resounded throughout the school grounds.

Seeing that the horse was about to leave the school grounds carrying Gu Junen on its back, it neighed when it heard the sound, lifted its front hooves off the ground, raised its body high, and stopped suddenly, almost knocking Gu Junen off the horse.

Gu Junen was from Huguang, and his riding skills were not very good. When he encountered a sudden situation, he was immediately in a hurry and lost his position.

Although Zuo Ming's martial arts skills were not as good as Zuo Guangxian's, he was still a capable general on the battlefield.

He looked at the flaw and just pushed forward the spear in his hand.

"Keep someone under the gun!" Zuo Guang looked at it from a distance first, couldn't help but shouted in a hurry, and stopped.

But where can I drink and stay?

I saw Zuo Ming using his power to move forward and back, and heard a puff of blood as a flower of blood bloomed on Gu Junen's body.

Immediately, the two of them passed each other, and Gu Junen fell to the ground with a thud, but Zuo Ming handsomely held up his arms and shook off the blood on the gun head.

"Shu Zi, who asked you to kill him!" Zuo Guangxian was immediately angry with his stupid son and his nose was filled with smoke.

He hurried over, jumped off the horse, and took a closer look at Gu Junen.

But I saw that the man had been shot in the chest. He could only breathe in but not out. He was dead.

"Goodbye Zuo Guangxian, what are you doing?" Gu Junen simply refused to close his eyes.

Zuo Guangxian obviously had a deep conflict with Zhang Shun, so why did he kill someone when they disagreed?

"I am Ying Bu, and Li Kou is Han Xin?" Zuo Guangxian couldn't help but sneered, "Which Han Xin have you seen, being chased by Ying Bu to the sky and nowhere?"

"Li Kou is a defeated general under a certain person, and a certain person is also a defeated general under King Shun. If Zuo abandons King Shun and goes to Li Kou, wouldn't he be asking for his own death?"

"What's more, back then I was very anxious to pursue Li Kou, and he often went without rest for ten days or even more than a month, which caused old wounds."

"If I try to save it, it can only last three to five years."

"Now King Shun's victory is in sight, I can still support him with all my strength. But now my son Zuo Xing is ineffective. If Zuo follows Li Kou and rebels again, who can be trusted once he dies halfway?"

Zuo Guangxian whispered for a long time, then looked down and saw that Gu Junen's eyes were wide open, and he had already given up his breath.

"Father." His son Zuo Ming had already dismounted from his horse and was standing by his side in fear. Only when he saw Gu Junen dying did he dare to speak.

"Cut off the head and come with me later!" Zuo Guang couldn't help but finish his sentence, turned around and walked out.

Zuo Xing didn't know how much trouble he had caused, so he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What are you going to do?"

"Go wipe your ass!" Zuo Guangxian couldn't help but scolded him angrily.

Then he still didn't understand his hatred, turned around and kicked Zuo Ming on the thigh, causing Zuo Ming to stagger, and then he wrote two words: "Idiot!"

What a great contribution!

Zuo Guangxian couldn't help but regret, why did he give birth to such a stupid son?

If this person is captured alive, then "Li Kou" will have to rebel this time. By then he will have succeeded in "defeating the thieves", and the position of coach of the Northern Route Army happens to be vacant again. Wouldn't it be possible for this idiot to stay for a while? A bigger family fortune.

As a result, this thief had no tacit understanding with me, so he shot him to death.

I've never seen your marksmanship be so good, but this time you used it really well!

If you don't mention it now without any evidence, I'm afraid the other party will bite you back.

How to do how to do?

It seems that the only option is to strike first!

Not to mention Zuo Guangxian's calculations, after Gu Junen left, Li Zicheng couldn't help but feel uneasy and asked Tian Jianxiu, Gu Kecheng and others: "How confident do you think Mr. Gu is to persuade this person?"

Everyone on the left and right laughed when they heard this and said: "Although Cao Cao has a right to explain Zhang Xiu's move, it is inevitable that Cao Pi will sit in Zhang Quan's seat."

"Then if Zuo Guangxian knew the truth, I'm afraid he would have been uneasy for a long time, just waiting for someone to take the lead."

"Oh no, something bad has happened!" Before everyone could finish their words of comfort to Li Zicheng, someone suddenly broke in. He was wearing a white helmet and a silver gun, and it was Li Zicheng's confidant Liu Fangliang.

He shouted loudly, "Suddenly a large group of armored soldiers appeared outside, surrounded our camp, and shouted at the captain to get out."

"What?" Li Zicheng couldn't help being horrified. His face was uncertain for a long time, and he sighed, "I'm afraid we will all be killed by Commander Gu!"

Thanks to the fan "Book Friends 161022202437792" for the large reward, thanks to "Xuanyuan,,,, Tuoba Ye" for the rewards", thanks to "Book Friends 20190416213522085", "Yang Amei loves to run away", "Book Friends 20210301106453758774" Boes", "Book Friends 20190301234520927" and "Book Friends 20180816184950294" for their rewards. Thank you all for supporting the author!

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