It is said that Song Xiance received the military order, received Zhang Shun's steel whip early, took Ji Longfeng and seven or eight guards, and rushed to Yulin City.

After finally arriving in Yulin, Song Xiance, Ji Longfeng and others were severely interrogated as soon as they arrived at the city gate.

Immediately after entering the city, there were only one sentry every three steps and one post every five steps. The whole city was filled with a tense atmosphere.

"It looks like the matter is not trivial!" Ji Longfeng immediately understood what was going on and could not help but remind Song Xiance in a low voice.

"You're young, you don't have to bother us to go all the way!" Song Xiance smiled slightly when he heard this, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Ji Longfeng was still about to persuade him, but suddenly a group of people gathered around him.

He couldn't help being startled, he quickly leveled his spear and ordered his soldiers to protect Song Xiance.

Unexpectedly, he saw a man emerge from the crowd, riding a white horse, wearing a red robe, holding a sharp Yanyue knife in his hand, as majestic as a tiger.

This is a master!

Out of a martial artist's intuition, Ji Longfeng suddenly became vigilant.

He was about to ask, but Song Xiance took the lead and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I last saw General Zhengbei, but he still has the same style."

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Lu Xiangsheng, the general who conquered the north, quickly turned over and dismounted, cupped his hands and said, "Now that I see Mr. Song coming, Xiangsheng feels at ease."

After the two parties met briefly, Lu Xiangsheng invited Song Xiance into the mansion to prepare for the meeting.

"Why did Fu Qingzhu escape?" Song Xiance listened for a long time and was suddenly shocked.

"I only know that he is a weak scholar, and I arranged a team of people to look after him to prevent anyone from killing him." Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

"I had thought that this guy was a smiling tiger. He took advantage of the unpreparedness of the soldiers that night and killed two people in a row, and then sneaked out secretly."

"By the time the others realize something is wrong, the bed has become cold and I have long since disappeared..."

"What you did..." Song Xiance couldn't help but shook his head, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Gu Junen failed to capture him alive, but instead killed him, leaving him dead without any evidence, and even had someone bite him in return.

A man who managed to capture Fu Qingzhu alive was actually able to let him escape.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun does not plan to pursue the matter for the time being. Otherwise, which one of Zuo Guangxian and Lu Xiangsheng would not be in trouble this time?

Song Xiance couldn't help but said angrily: "It just so happens that there is no proof, so those who don't know would think that you two are in a group with Li Zicheng!"

His words immediately frightened Lu Xiangsheng into a cold sweat. He quickly bowed to the east and said, "Lu is not doing his job well. Please ask King Shun to punish him!"

"That's all, that's all, General Zhengbei, don't worry, King Shun has no intention of blaming you!" Song Xiance said then.

"It's just that the Eastern Expedition is the top priority at present, so we must not delay it. We have to trouble General Zhengbei to hold a banquet, and my military advisor will invite these two people to speak to him so that we can work together to protect King Shun!"

Lu Xiangsheng was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself: Could it be that you, such an expert, are talking in your sleep?

As early as the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zuo Guangxian and Li Zicheng were both official thieves, and they formed a bloody feud.

Now, although the two men apparently belong to the same king of Shun, in fact they are in the same bed but have different dreams.

Although he and Zuo Guangxian did not catch Li Zicheng's braid this time, everyone with a discerning eye knew that Li Zicheng had already broken the relationship between king and minister and took the first step to betray King Shun.

As the saying goes: It is difficult to make a broken mirror, and it is difficult to recover when it is covered with water.

The basic trust between the two parties has been destroyed. Even if they are reluctantly brought together this time, sooner or later they will have to part ways.

Lu Xiangsheng thought for a moment, then leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "How many swordsmen are needed?"

As the saying goes: There is no good banquet. Could it be that King Shun had other plans?

"You only need one or two cooks, how can you use a knife or an axe?" Song Xiance couldn't help but look at Lu Xiangsheng in a funny way and shook his head.

"Cook? A cook, too!" Lu Xiangsheng nodded and said, "Then I'll quickly send someone to make a fish intestine sword overnight..."

"Okay, okay, don't bother, King Shun has no intention of taking action at all!" Song Xiance didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly stopped Lu Xiangsheng.

"Ah, this..." Lu Xiangsheng couldn't believe his ears for a moment, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Not long after, Li Ziguo received a letter from Lu Xiangsheng, claiming that King Shun's envoys had arrived and wanted to entertain them and make peace with them.

Gu Kecheng, Tian Jianxiu, Liu Fangliang, Yuan Zongdi, Li Guo, Liu Zongmin and others who had already hurried back couldn't help but shout: "This must be a trick of the 'Successful Thief', I'm afraid there is some fraud in it!"

Unexpectedly, the "Running General" Li Zicheng shook his head and said: "King Shun has always been kind, if he really wants to kill me this time, all he needs is a military order, and we will all die without a burial place!"

"Now that I have put in all this effort, I think there must be something to say."

"You just stay in the camp for a while, and we will make further arrangements when I come back."

At this point, Li Zicheng hesitated again and said: "If this time there is no return, you should take my nephew Li Guo as the leader and flee into the mountains sooner or later."

"King Shun is so powerful that he cannot be defeated."

"If it really falls into his hands, try to find a way to see him. King Shun is soft-hearted, which may save his life and property!"

"Who are we waiting for?" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"Brothers do not wish to be born in the same year, same month and same day, but wish to die in the same year, same month and same day. If the master dies, how can we live alone? How can we beg for mercy from our enemies?"

"If we want to live, we would rather seek it from heaven than from human ears!"

Li Zicheng was greatly saddened when he heard this. He couldn't help but look at the brothers carefully, hugged each other, and then turned away ruthlessly.

"Take charge of the plate!" Everyone couldn't bear to give up and couldn't help shouting again.

Tears could not help blurring his eyes, and for the first time, Li Zicheng felt endless regret in his heart.

He couldn't help but choked up and said: "In this life, Li can't stand it for everyone, because he was greedy and ruined everyone's bright future."

"If... if there is a next life, Li will definitely not succumb to others and lead everyone to create a new world..."

"Okay, when the time comes, let's break into Shuntian Mansion together and kill the old emperor. Don't forget to make us princes and share the wealth and glory..." Li Guo said with a smile when he heard this, but he didn't know why as he was talking. Choked up.

Although they were uncles and nephews, they were similar in age and had grown up together. They were like brothers. Therefore, Li Guo knew Li Zicheng's ambition.

When they were chased by officers and soldiers until they had no way to go to the sky or to the ground, and when they were digging wild vegetables and catching earthworms in the valley, he never thought of giving up.

Therefore, when he heard that his uncle was preparing to rebel, he was not surprised at all. He just dropped everything in the camp and hurried to help him.

Although he had overcome all the hardships and difficulties in the past, Li Guo never expected that his uncle would actually say these words today.

As soon as he said these words, Li Guo saw that his uncle Li Zicheng's straight back suddenly collapsed, as if someone had taken out the backbone in an instant.

After all, he bowed his head to life, reality, and King Shun.

In the past, he was persistent because he always had hope.

Now seeing King Shun rising like a star and immediately occupying the Ziwei Palace, he could only say nothing.

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