Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1274 Homecoming

"Mr. Song?" Li Zicheng was startled when he saw Song Xiance as soon as he entered the door.

In the battle of Yulin Town, Song Xiance surrendered an entire city one man at a time, which made the generals go numb and gave him the nickname "Said of surrendering the city".

A majestic city and an important town can be said, let alone a few people?

Li Zicheng couldn't help but become more cautious. He didn't expect that Zhang Shun would send this person over in person, so he hurried forward to see him.

Not long after, Zuo Guangxian arrived, and his expression was also stunned.

It turned out that he didn't know about this beforehand. Li Zicheng saw it clearly this time and couldn't help but feel relieved.

When Song Xiance saw the two people arriving one after another, he couldn't help but stepped forward, grabbed one with each hand, pulled one by the hand to the seat and said: "King Shun knew that the two of them had always been at odds, so he ordered the old Taoist priest to come thousands of miles to borrow the opportunity to conquer the north. The general treasures the land to make peace between the two of you, so as not to miss the important event."

"Humph!" Zuo Guangxian was very dissatisfied when he heard this and couldn't help but turn his head.

When Li Zicheng saw Zuo Guangxian behaving like this, he was afraid that he might miss the mark, so he also exhaled through his nostrils and turned his head to the other side.

"You are such an adult, yet you still look childish!" Song Xiance couldn't help but smile when he saw this, stretched out his hand and tapped Zuo Guangxian.

"King Shun has heard about your story. First of all, it's your fault for killing General Li's military advisor!"

"As the saying goes: When beating a dog, it depends on the owner. If anything happens, you just need to catch it and hand it over to General Li. Why is there such a misunderstanding?"

"I" am a real man and I am going to rebel. What I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, how can it be false?

So if Zuo Guangxian is convinced, he will hold his neck and argue when he hears the words.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiance turned his head early and shouted to Li Zicheng: "As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, you are concerned about the safety of the three armies. Your advisers were actually instigated by the Ming court to rebel, and Ming court spies were infiltrated under your command. You should at least be punished for lax discipline." crime!"

"I" Li Zicheng wanted to argue, but he was so clumsy and short of breath that he couldn't argue for a while.

"But King Shun is kind, and now is the time to employ people, so let's ignore this matter for now!" Seeing that the two of them had nothing to say, Song Xiance finally concluded.

"The top priority is to reorganize the three armies and launch the Northern Route Army's Eastern Expedition as soon as possible according to the original plan!"

When Li Zicheng heard this, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least I managed to get through it, and both parties no longer have to fight to the death!

Zuo Guangxian frowned, and he understood to some extent that Song Xiance's remarks should be just a delaying tactic, and he should be allowed a few more days.

Since the trust between Li Zicheng and King Shun has been broken, the conflict between the two will break out sooner or later.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

Today I will just sit on the sidelines and see how long he can continue to be arrogant!

Thinking of this, Zuo Guang couldn't help but smile first and said: "What Mr. Song said is true. Zuo did something wrong indeed."

"Zuo Mou is here to toast Li Shuai. I hope you will not remember the villain's mistakes and spare me this time!"

How could Li Zicheng know what this guy was thinking about?

There was a moment of surprise and uncertainty in my heart, but on my face, I quickly smiled and said, "What did General Zuo say?"

"We had different positions before. Although there were disagreements, we were each in his own right."

"Now you and I are both under the command of King Shun, and we are dedicated to serving the public good. A little misunderstanding is not worth mentioning. How about we betray King Shun and Mr. Song and let it go?"

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask you to listen!" Zuo Guangxian heard the words and sneered secretly, but on the surface he looked excited.

How could Song Xiance, a mature man, not know that these two people had their own agenda?

However, he didn't point it out, he just poured two glasses of wine, handed them to the two of them and said, "In that case, then, please drink the full amount of this glass!"

"After drinking this glass of wine, everyone will laugh away their grudges. No matter what happens in the future, we must not mention what happened today again!"

"Okay!" After hearing this, the two of them couldn't help but stand up and drank from their glasses in one gulp, then turned the glasses over to show their sincerity.

"Okay, have a good time, have a good time, we are all happy people, drink the happy wine!" Seeing that the two people's previous suspicions were over, Song Xiance couldn't help but persuade them with a glass of wine on the left and a glass on the right.

Song Xiance's drinking capacity was not very high, but Lu Xiangsheng's was.

With him as his company, everyone could not help but feel guilty after a while.

Although Zuo Guangxian had some guesses in his mind, he still didn't know what Zhang Shun was thinking.

He thought: "As the saying goes: If you kill a snake, you will be guilty of three crimes. If you let the tiger return to the mountain, it will harm your own family."

"This incident has offended Li Zicheng to death, but I don't know what King Shun is thinking. Now I am also a submissive person. If I am suspected, it will be a big deal!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say with some drunkenness: "People often say: A real man will inevitably have an unvirtuous wife and an unfilial son."

"Although Zuo married a good wife, he unexpectedly gave birth to a bastard son."

"Since I joined the army, I have fought through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. I can be considered a hero to some extent. But now that I am old and frail, my strength is not as strong as before."

"Logically speaking, I have reached the age where I am about to become an official. However, my son is useless, which really breaks my heart."

Zuo Guangxian was very clever. He seemed to be complaining, but in fact he was hinting to Song Xiance.

Although Zuo can fight, he still has a few years left. Even if he gets more credit, his son will be ineffective and will only be a rich man in the future. He will not be able to threaten King Shun at all.

But just as Zuo Guangxian finished speaking, Song Xiance suddenly laughed: "People always say that a daughter is close to a son, but not as close as a nephew."

"You're such a weird guy. You just protect your son. How come you don't want to take care of your nephew?"

Zuo Guangxian heard the words and almost couldn't react for a moment: "Mr. Song, what do you call this?"

"Then my son and daughter are still my biological children, but my nephew is a blood of another person, so what does that have to do with me?"

"You are so confused!" Song Xiance, who had never thought about it, sneered, "In the past when the great sage Emperor Zetian was in power, he killed women and children like a fool, but he only favored Wu Chengsi, Wu Sansi and others."

"If the treacherous officials Li Dezhao, Di Renjie and others had not made slanderous remarks, the great sage emperor would have been passed down to his nephew. How could he know that his nephew is not as good as his son?"

"Mr. Song, you are drunk!" Zuo Guangxian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing after hearing this, "Even so, Empress Wu will be passed down to her son, not her nephew!"

"Why? Even though his nephew is a relative, he is his heir after all. After a hundred years, how can anyone not worship their own parents but worship their uncle?"

Li Zicheng took it as a joke at first, but as he listened, he broke out in a cold sweat.

It turns out that Song Xiance is treacherous. These "nonsense" words may seem like drunken words, but in fact every word is heartbreaking.

Li Zichen had no heirs, and his only nephew, Li Guo, was close to him, but he was several years older than him.

Even if Li Zicheng takes over the world in the future, will the world still have to be handed over to others in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but feel funny.

Now King Shun has promised him the throne, and as long as nothing goes wrong, he is guaranteed to be rich and prosperous throughout his life.

Everyone is making wedding dresses for others, so why should I force myself to be in that position, the throne or the throne?

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng felt that the gloom in his heart had disappeared.

The original trust between the two parties completely dissipated as early as the moment Li Zicheng decided to rebel.

However, Song Xiance only used this reason to rebuild trust between the two.

Yes, for King Shun, how much of a threat could a throne that could not be passed on be?

For Li Zicheng, how attractive can a throne that cannot be passed on be?

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but pick up half a jar of wine on his chest and drank it without paying attention to everyone's eyes.

The refreshing wine is cold on the face, but hot when poured into the throat.

Only a gurgling sound was heard, and Li Zicheng's chest was already half wet.

I don’t know how much he drank or how much he threw away, but the wine in the wine jar was dry.

He couldn't help but throw the wine jar away, and it shattered into pieces with a crash.

Li Zicheng, who has always been honest and thoughtful, showed his wild side for the first time.

He couldn't help but ignore the attention of everyone, and with the strength of his drink, he lifted the front of his robe, knelt down and said, "I have already realized my sin. I don't know what King Shun has ordered. Please give it to Mr. Song as well!"

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