"The rebel army recruits soldiers, and they will be paid one stone a month; regardless of rice or millet, they will be given out every month!" At dawn, the hoarse voice of Jiang Xiang, the surrendered general, sounded outside the camp again like a rooster announcing the dawn.

Hearing Xuanda Governor Zhang Fengyi and Datong Governor Ye Tinggui couldn't help but curse: "Shameless people, simply shameless people!"

It turned out that since Song Xiance left the rebel camp near Taiyuan, Zhang Shun had not fought with the Ming army. He only sent surrender troops to make noise outside the Ming army's city and camp every day to "recruit soldiers."

The military pay in the two towns of Xuanda and Da is not high. Even the town and supervisory standards are only about one or two taels, and the salary arrears are serious.

The rebel army offered a salary of one stone per month, and the men under Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui who had already been attracted were ready to move.

At first, Governor Zhang Fengyi of Xuanda and Governor Ye Tinggui of Datong did not know the power of this, and even laughed and said: "Everyone says that 'shun thieves' are good at fighting, but looking at them today, they don't look like generals, but more like traders!"

As a result, he was careless and after a few days, he counted the number of people in the camp as usual, and suddenly there were more than a thousand people missing.

At this time, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui could not sit still, and quickly entered Taiyuan City to visit the left governor Zhu Xieyuan.

"Superintendent, we are outnumbered now. If we don't attack now, when will we wait?" After the two sat down, Zhang Fengyi was the first to speak.

"No hurry, no hurry! The governor has already sent Fu Qingzhu and other members to the Qin Dynasty." Elder God Zhu Xie said.

"Although the 'Shun Thief's troops are sharp, their hearts are not aligned and their subordinates are mixed. Given time, they will retreat without a fight!"

As soon as Zhu Xieyuan said this, Ye Tinggui quickly reminded: "What the Superintendent said is true, but... I'm just afraid that given time, it's unclear whether the 'Shun thieves' will retreat without fighting. It's just that we have few soldiers in the three armies!" "

"Our two troops are not as good as the governor who has all his men stationed in the city. The governor only needs to close the city gate, and the soldiers will naturally be unable to get out."

"But among our two battalions, the soldiers are ignorant and do not know loyalty. Instead, they are short-sighted and greedy for the thieves' property. As a result, they run away morning and night. They are unable to guard against them and are repeatedly restrained."

"In just a few days, thousands of people have been lost!"

"If things continue like this, the country will lose its generals and the army will lose its troops. What can be done?"

Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but raise his brows when he heard this. He never expected that the matter would be so serious.

Originally, according to his plan, the "shun thieves" sent troops under the strong city of Taiyuan, and the thieves in Qin were at war.

At that time, the "shun thief" was in a dilemma, so he took the opportunity to attack and defeated the thief in one fell swoop.

In the end, the "shun thieves" were trapped internally and externally, and the huge force fell apart.

He once again used kindness and power to regain the lost territory and reproduce the story of pacifying the "She'an Rebellion".

If this thief can be put down, "the general will come out and he will be able to get rid of the big trouble", it will be no problem to be granted the posthumous title of Duke.

It's just a good strategic plan, but how can it be executed with such virtue?

Zhu Xieyuan was undecided for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but suggest: "Since Mr. Zhu doesn't want to fight and can't defend himself, why not surround him and wait for the changes?"

Zhu Xieyuan was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, since the "successful thieves" are waiting high and deep. Why don't I dig a trench and surround it?

This way, no one will be killed, and there will be no risk of soldiers escaping!

Thinking of this, Zhu Xieyuan could not help but give a decisive order: "Okay, as you said, we will mobilize all our troops tomorrow to surround this thief!"

But he said that early the next morning, Zhang Shun finally got up early, inspected the camp, and was about to return to his tent to sleep again.

Suddenly I heard someone shouting: "His Royal Highness King Shun, you are making it easy for me to find you!"

Zhang Shun turned around and saw Sun Chuanting coming over panting.

"The Ming army started fighting outside the city. It seems they can't wait any longer!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but report.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this and shouted quickly, "Let's go to the observation deck and have a look!"

Not long after, the two of them climbed up to the towering observation tower on their hands and feet. Looking north, they saw the flags of the camp outside Taiyuan City and its north side like clouds blowing in the wind, and the sound of people neighing and horses thundering in the sky.

"This old guy finally moved!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said with a smile.

Although Zhu Xieyuan has only a small number of troops, he still has 30,000 elite troops.

If he insists on defending, even if Zhang Shun's 100,000 troops arrive, they may not be able to take it down in a short time.

Now that he was finally deceived, how could Zhang Shun not be overjoyed?

"How are King Shun going to fight this man?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but be very happy when he saw that the Ming army was mobilized, and he quickly asked the rebels about their next move.

"Don't worry, let them attack first. When they lose their energy, it won't be too late for the rebels to fight back!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Let Xu Quan's gunmen defend the camp, Zhang Damou's infantry prepare to counterattack, and Yang Chengzu's cavalry is responsible for covering up the enemy!"

Zhang Shun, who had been planning for a long time, had already made a clear plan, and he couldn't help but issue military orders.

"Okay, I will pass it on now!" Sun Chuanting received the order, quickly climbed down from the observation tower, and went to convey the order to the soldiers.

Zhang Shun stood on the high platform and looked around for a while, seeing only the cavalry that had been sent out to cover the battlefield.

In the Ming military camp, there were chariot soldiers pushing deflected carts; cavalry leading war horses; hand-to-hand combatants holding spears and axes; musketeers carrying blunderbuss; gunners dragging artillery, and so on. All mixed up.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and shouted to Wukong and Wang Jinyi: "Let's go, go down, there's nothing to see!"

Wukong was indifferent to this, but Wang Jinyi was very surprised when he heard this. He couldn't help but ask: "Seeing the enemy's army pressing in, why did King Shun ignore it?"

"Although the Ming army has a large number of troops, it is not well organized. It is estimated that they will be reorganized after lunch and advance to the outside of our military camp." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"In this case, the officers and soldiers should each perform their duties, so why should I, the king, waste my energy?"

It turns out that although Zhu Xieyuan has a great reputation, he has never personally commanded the combined operations of multiple arms in the north.

When these 30,000 troops moved together, they were suddenly in a hurry. Some soldiers were at a loss as to what to do, which only exacerbated the chaos of the marching formation.

If these 30,000 Ming troops had not been backed by cities and camps, Zhang Shun could have defeated this army in one fell swoop by simply sending an elite cavalry attack.

"King Shun!" Zhang Shun had just climbed down from the observation tower. Generals Wei Zhiyou, Wang Zhong, Lu Xiangjin, Zhang Rujing and Shen Jingbang were waiting below.

"What's the hurry? Go back to camp and restrain the troops." Zhang Shun couldn't help but said calmly, "We'll have another meal every day, and prepare to go into battle as ordered!"

"Ah? The thief came so slowly!" Everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Originally, they were digging here to build a stronghold and dug out many people. They had already wanted to stretch their muscles and bones, but this was the result?

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? You've missed the main business. Be careful of my military conduct!" Zhang Shun couldn't help scolding him, and then Shi Shiran returned to the tent.

Finally we arrived at noon, and the sun was hanging in the sky.

Zhang Shun finished his lunch early and prepared to give Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and the others a little look.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting ran away early to report: "King Shun, something is wrong."

"The Ming army stopped when they got beyond the range of our artillery. Instead, they sent soldiers to dig trenches. I don't know what their plan was!"

"What?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but wonder, "Does Zhu Xieyuan still want to surround us?"

He quickly climbed up to the lookout and took a look outside, only to see the Ming army arrayed a mile or two outside the rebel camp, in neat formation.

In front of the military formation, there was a group of people wielding shovels, pickaxes and other tools, working hard to dig trenches.

"What a thief, he's ready to play tricks on you if you can't beat him!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said in surprise.

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