"Your Highness, the sun has arrived, do you want to send troops to attack?" Sun Chuanting looked at the sky and couldn't help asking Zhang Shun.

"Attack? Don't worry, let him dig. I want to see what Zhu Xieyuan is like!" Zhang Shun sneered.

"This" Sun Chuanting pondered for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he praised, "King Shun is really full of wisdom!"

The generals were confused after hearing this, and couldn't help but wonder: "Then we won't fight?"

"No more fighting, let's go back to camp and rest!" Sun Chuanting said with a smile.

Not to mention the confusion of the generals, let us say that the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Xuanda Zhang Fengyi and the governor of Datong Ye Tinggui and other 30,000 troops left and formed an array outside the rebel camp.

Originally, everyone thought that the "submissive thieves" were coming to harass and fight, but unexpectedly, the Ming army carried out biographies and dug trenches at the same time, and no one came out to stop them.

Zhu Xieyuan had suffered losses from the rebels and was wary.

He couldn't help but repeatedly warned: "The traitors are treacherous, vicious, and full of tricks. You must not let up, lest they take advantage of you."

"When the trench is completed, surround them, dig wider and deeper, and draw the Fen River water to surround them. They will be unable to escape with their wings!"

Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui had also seen the battle reports between Zhang Shun and the Ming army, and knew that Zhang Shun had used this method to defeat Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides. It stands to reason that the other party would not fail to see the danger involved.

As a result, the opponent really remained motionless, but when the Ming army soldiers worked hard to dig trenches, they didn't know what to do.

Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi and Ye Tinggui were uneasy, so they sent out scouts early in the morning and went out to investigate at night for fear that the "shun thieves" would suddenly come out and catch them off guard.

Now from sunrise to sunset, the Ming army worked hard all day long, finally digging all the trenches in front of the formation, but still no rebels came out of the camp to fight.

The three of them became increasingly confused and puzzled, but they still couldn't get what they wanted.

That night, the three people gathered around the Chinese army's tent with sad faces, a lamp like a bean, looking at each other in silence.

"Do you think there could be an accident within the 'Shun Thieves'?" Zhu Xieyuan thought that the "Shun Thieves" were made up of "thieves" and surrendered generals. There were many rebellious and unruly people under his command, and he became more and more convinced. "Things took a turn for the worse."

"Impossible. If the thieves were fighting among themselves, how could they be so quiet?" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but shook her head and objected.

"That's right. If that were the case, the thieves' camp would have been filled with killing noises!" Ye Tinggui said with a bitter smile.

The three of them were discussing "thief love", but unexpectedly they heard shouting and noise coming from outside, and they couldn't help but feel unhappy.

Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but said with a dark face: "Where is Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, and why is there so much noise outside?"

Zhu Xieyuan gave the order, and some soldiers rushed away to find Wang Shiren.

Not long after, Wang Shiren burst in wearing a military uniform.

"What's going on outside?" Zhu Xieyuan asked displeasedly.

"Supervisor, the soldiers have worked hard all day, haven't seen the enemy, and are a little tired, so they started shouting!" Wang Shiren said with a wry smile when he heard this.

"They are all a bunch of idiots. If I have disturbed you, please forgive me."

"Tired?" Ye Tinggui was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help guessing, "Our army has been in formation for a day today and has worked hard to dig trenches. The soldiers have suffered a lot."

"The Art of War says: wait for fatigue with ease, wait for hunger with satiety."

"'Shun Thief' is currently recuperating, but when I use up my energy, could I be planning to take the opportunity to rob the stronghold tonight?"

"Hey, don't tell me, there's really no doubt about this!" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but slap her thigh after hearing this, and quickly agreed.

"In this way, General Wang and Governor Ye, you two will keep vigil tonight, so that your subordinate Biao Ying will not disarm his armor and keep his sword in his hand all night long. You will lay an ambush early, but when the 'Submissive Thief' comes, you will discipline him to death without a burial place." !" Zhu Xieyuan thought for a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was very possible, so he couldn't help but order.

"The last general (lower official) has the order!" Upon hearing this, Ye Tinggui and Wang Shiren quickly responded. They each returned to the camp to reorganize their troops and wait for the rebels to attack.

The left governor Zhu Xieyuan and the governor of Xuanda Zhang Fengyi each went to sleep without mentioning it, leaving only Datong governor Ye Tinggui and Datong general Wang Shiren to watch the night.

After waiting for half a night, there was still no one coming. Now the commander-in-chief Wang Shiren couldn't wait any longer.

He couldn't help but look for Ye Tinggui and said, "I haven't seen the thief until midnight, so I guess he won't come tonight."

"Why don't we order our soldiers to go to bed early so as not to delay tomorrow's battle?"

"You don't know what you are doing!" Ye Tinggui couldn't help but laugh, "When you are stealing a camp, you are alone, when you are tired, your horse is exhausted, and your mind is slack."

"The 'obedient thieves' will surely strike before dawn. If we all fall asleep, wouldn't we be at the mercy of others?"

"Then... well, then I'll go and ambush you." Wang Shiren nodded when he heard the truth.

Therefore, these two men led more than 10,000 people from the Biao Camp under their command and ambush outside the camp, waiting for the rebels to attack.

In a daze, I don't know how long I have been here.

"Fu Jun, the 'Shun Thief' has moved, the 'Shun Thief' has moved!" Suddenly a surprised voice came, waking up the drowsy Ye Tinggui.

"Okay, you're welcome. Come and get my sword!" Ye Tinggui couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and he quickly stood up with a pout.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he was stunned.

You asked why, it turned out that it was already dawn at this time, and it was obvious that he and Wang Shiren had stayed up all night in vain.

"Straight thief, how treacherous a 'submissive thief' is!" Ye Tinggui couldn't hold back anymore and couldn't help but cursed.

"A sneeze!" As the saying goes: if you keep thinking about it, there will be echoes. Just when Ye Tinggui was yelling, Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneeze.

"Did your Highness catch the cold?" You, the servant who was dressing Zhang Shun, quickly touched Zhang Shun's forehead and then your own, showing a worried expression.

"It's okay!" Zhang Shun smiled and made a plowing gesture, "I'm as strong as a cow!"

"Not serious!" Shishu spat, blushing and continuing to dress him.

"What's so inappropriate about this? Sex is a man's romance!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh.

While joking, Zhang Shun finally got dressed.

He Shi Shiran walked out of the tent and saw Sun Chuanting waiting outside. He couldn't help but ask: "How are you, are you ready?"

"Everything is ready, but wait for King Shun's military order!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Okay, today I'm going to let Zhu Xieyuan know what 'Sir, times have changed' means!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"Order the artillery battalion to run immediately and attack with Xu Quan's gun battalion and Zhang Rujing's infantry battalion!"

Following Zhang Shun's order, the door of the rebel camp was opened wide, and gunmen, spearmen, and swordsmen and axemen filed out. There were also cattle, mules and other livestock dragging the heavy "Qingtian General Cannon", "Golden Cannon" and "Field Cannon" followed behind.

The rebel army went into battle with a small number of troops and a fast speed. In a short time, they were well-positioned opposite the Ming army's trench.

Before the Ming army could react to what was going on, they heard a shout: "Fire!"

The rebel soldiers suddenly separated, revealing the artillery hidden in the formation.

One after another, the cannons exposed their dark holes, and then spit out long tongues of flame.

As an earth-shattering sound of artillery sounded, countless artillery shells flew towards the Ming army camp like migratory locusts.

"Ah, get away, get away, ah!" Suddenly there was chaos in the Ming army camp, with shouts and chaos everywhere.

Some camps were hit by red-hot iron bullets from the rebels, and actually started to burn, with billowing black smoke rising, adding to the chaos in the camp.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Zhu Xieyuan, the left commander, rushed out of the Chinese army's tent and couldn't help shouting.

"Supervisor... Supervisor!" Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuan Mansion, ran over in a panic and explained quickly.

"The thieves suddenly pulled out many red cannons and were bombarding our camp!"

"Where are the cavalry? Where are the cavalry? Why not send cavalry to drive them away and destroy them?" Zhu Xieyuan shouted loudly after hearing this.

"We... we dug a trench, but we couldn't cross it for a while, but... we were taken advantage of by thieves!" Li Guoliang muttered after hearing this.

When Zhu Xieyuan heard this, his eyes darkened and he almost breathed his last.

It turned out that Zhu Xieyuan ordered his soldiers to dig a deep trench to the north of the rebel camp to block the rebel attack.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun saw the shortcomings and deliberately waited for him to finish digging before pulling out the artillery and bombarding him.

Since then, the trenches originally dug by the Ming army to block the rebels have become shackles to prevent the Ming army from approaching the rebel artillery.

Zhu Xieyuan was so resourceful that he had never suffered such a big loss before. He was so furious that he almost fainted on the spot.

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