Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1277: Gunfight

A trench can be dug and naturally it can be filled.

Which of the left governor Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Xuanda Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Datong Ye Tinggui, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen Li Guoliang and the commander-in-chief Wang Shiren of Datong is not the best among them?

After getting through the chaotic stage of the sudden attack, Zhu Xieyuan made a decisive decision and ordered: "Pull the side carriages to cover the front, and the Hongyi artillery to shoot at the back. First let the infantry fill in three or five passages, and then let the cavalry drive Of!"

When Li Guoliang heard the words, he agreed and hurried away.

With someone as the backbone, the chaos of the Ming army was somewhat alleviated.

In order to resist the rebels, Zhu Xieyuan had specifically instructed Xuan Dajun to lead the sidecars and Hongyi cannons to use them as "killer weapons".

The governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, came in a hurry and didn't bring it with him. However, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, brought with him more than a thousand sidecars, windward carriages and baggage carriages, as well as twenty Hongyi cannons.

Therefore, facing the artillery bombardment of the rebels, the Ming army was not without resistance.

With the arrival of Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, the tanks on the front line of the Ming army were organized again and pushed to the front of the formation to resist the rebel artillery.

It's just that this kind of sidecar made of thick solid wood can block shotguns and muskets. When faced with the solid artillery shells fired by the rebels, almost all of them became living targets.

If an iron bullet hits it, there will be a big hole.

If you are unlucky and hit the frame, not only will the sidecar fall apart immediately, but the flying wood blocks will also cause secondary damage to the surrounding soldiers.

"General, the enemy's artillery is so fierce that our army's sidecars cannot resist it!" After being fired by the rebel artillery, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who lost seven or eight sidecars all ran to the general of Xunzhen. Soldier Li Guoliang reported.

"Idiot! If you can't stop the sidecar, don't you know how to get on the ground?" Li Guoliang had a hot temper and couldn't help but cursed when he heard this.

"Let the infantry who are preparing to fill the trench fill the soil into the sidecar first, and then we will worry about it!"

After hearing this, the soldier quickly issued the order.

After hearing this, other soldiers couldn't help but applaud and said: "Sure enough, the commander-in-chief is the commander-in-chief, and only he can think of such a method!"

The soldiers who were carrying excavation tools and preparing to fill the trench couldn't help but stop their progress. They hid in groups behind the sidecars and dug soil up to the sidecars.

Of course, the rebel artillery did not stop, but as more and more soil was loaded into the sidecars of the Ming army, the killing effect of the artillery became worse and worse.

Until a shell from the "Qingtian General Cannon" shattered the baffle of the sidecar and was embedded in the soil of the sidecar.

Zhang Shun, who was standing on the observation deck watching the battle, couldn't help but shook his head and ordered: "Stop shooting the enemy's sidecars with artillery, and instead shoot the enemy's soldiers filling the trenches!"

"Zhu Xieyuan still has some skills!" Sun Chuanting looked at it for a long time and couldn't help but sigh.

"Doorway?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered after hearing this, "If there really is a doorway, the excavated soil should be piled on the edge of the trench to form a retaining wall before digging the trench. How can we waste so much effort?"

Sun Chuanting and other generals were stunned when they heard this. Originally they thought the Ming army had handled it appropriately, but Zhang Shun gave him a "solution", which made the Ming army look like "iron fools".

In fact, this is not because Zhang Shun's personal ability is better than that of Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu, but because his knowledge system in his previous life has been deeply rooted in his bones. For simple civil engineering work such as digging trenches, he has never eaten pork or seen pigs running away?

However, Commander-in-Chief Li Guoliang did not have the concept of "trenches" as a defensive fortification in his mind. It was not easy for him to eagerly think of filling the side cars with soil to eliminate the rebel artillery advantage.

The sidecar was loaded with soil. Although it took more effort than Zhang Shun's so-called "trench", it was not without its advantages.

At least the gap between the side carriages and the side carriages can be used as a passage for soldiers to enter and exit and the firing port of Hongyi cannon.

Seeing that the "side carriage" finally withstood the bombardment of the rebel Hongyi artillery, Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, could not help but be overjoyed and decisively ordered: "Immediately, the Hongyi artillery fired back from the gap in the side carriage, and the other infantry filled the gap." Create several passages for soldiers to enter and exit!"

Following Li Guoliang's order, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty quickly dragged and pushed Hongyi cannons ranging in weight from several thousand kilograms to the gaps between the side carriages, and fired back at the rebels.

"Boom, boom, boom!" As the Ming army fired artillery, more than a dozen iron bullets flew towards the rebel artillery position.

"Zhi Niang thief, how can the Ming thief's artillery hit so far?" The rebel army had been relying on firepower to suppress the Ming army. They never expected that the Ming army would actually use the Hongyi cannon to fight back.

The Ming army's Hongyi cannons were based on imitations of Western naval guns, so ship-borne cannons and Kou Feilin long guns with a caliber of eighteen to thirty times were the main types.

However, in order to achieve greater distance and accuracy, many people also began to blindly lengthen the length of the Hongyi cannon.

In the original history, Ningyuan Commander-in-Chief Wu Sangui donated money to cast the Dingliao General Cannon with a diameter of 37 times.

Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Xuanda, also donated money to cast the Shenwei General Cannon with a diameter of 42 times.

This type of artillery with a longer diameter exceeds the rebel artillery of the same caliber in terms of range, power and accuracy, so many soldiers were taken by surprise.

However, the two sides fought hard, and the rebels immediately discovered their shortcomings.

"What's the point of the Ming thieves? How come our army fired two cannons and the Ming army didn't even fire one?" The generals observed from the lookout and couldn't help but wonder.

"The long one is good, the short one is wonderful!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said meaningfully.

It turns out that after the Hongyi cannon is lengthened, the range, power and accuracy can be improved, but it will also cause disadvantages such as heavy weight and inconvenient loading.

In addition, unlike Zhang Shun, the Ming army set up a school to train gunners and organized a professional artillery team. Therefore, the Ming army quickly fell behind in this contest.

"General, the 'Shun Thief' artillery is really fierce and our army can't suppress it..." The Ming army soldiers who were beaten by the rebels and could hardly lift their heads quickly asked Li Guoliang for help.

"Nonsense, I'm not blind. Reporting to me is useless!" Li Guoliang cursed twice angrily, and then yelled loudly.

"Sister-in-law, hold on a little longer, and when the passage in the trench is filled, it will be done!"

The soldiers had no choice but to act according to the order, but they were still alive. I don't know which artillery piece of the rebel army suddenly seemed to have divine help, and shot into the side carriages of the Ming army.

Three or four gunners were interrupted on the spot, and blood was smeared all over the floor. The Ming army's Hongyi artillery fire became more and more chaotic.

I don’t know how long it took, but the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty braved the rebel artillery and finally filled in four or five passages.

Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, was so inspired that he beat drums in person to help the Ming army's cavalry defeat the "Shunthief" artillery.

"Dong dong dong..." As a burst of intensive drumbeats sounded, five cavalry troops filed out of the carriage passage.

"A dog can't change from eating shit, and the Ming army can't change from giving away people's heads!" However, Zhang Shun, who was on the high platform, was not afraid and instead sneered.

The other generals couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and the air was filled with joy.

It turns out that as the rebel army fought against the Ming army, the Ming army also improved, and naturally the rebel army also improved.

It is certainly a good idea to use cavalry to defeat artillery, but the rebels have also gradually developed the combined tactics of infantry, cavalry and artillery.

The Ming army's attempt to use a single military branch to deal with the rebels is almost the same as beating a dog with a meat bun.

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