"Fire, fire!" Following the order from the rebel artillery commander, the rebel artillery spit out tongues of fire fiercely.

In order to blast away Taiyuan City, the rebels had previously mobilized forty "Qingtian General Cannons", plus more than a hundred flying blunderbuss, golden cannons and field cannons of various colors, giving them powerful firepower.

How ridiculous is it that Zhu Xieyuan, the left commander, and Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, relied on the elite cavalry of Bianzhen to destroy the rebel artillery in one fell swoop?

In front of the formation, the Ming army filled in five channels in the trench to allow the cavalry to enter and exit.

Each place sent a general to lead four to five hundred cavalry, a total of more than 2,200 cavalry, and filed out.

However, as soon as the Ming cavalry left the shelter of the sidecar and stepped onto the passage, they were immediately violently bombarded by rebel artillery.

It turned out that when Zhang Shun ordered the soldiers to stop shooting, the gunner had already loaded the cannon.

More than twenty artillery pieces were deployed at each passage to launch salvo attacks on the Ming troops on the passage.

The Hongyi cannons of this era were not very accurate. They fired solid bullets from long distances, and their hit rate was really worrying.

Later, based on previous combat experience and repeated tests, Zhang Shun discovered that the most effective killing method of artillery was basically the same as that of firecrackers.

It is through intensive volleys that the maximum killing effect can be achieved.

The Rebel Artillery Commander had already divided the Rebel Army's 150 artillery pieces of various types into seven positions, and each position was allocated more than 20 artillery pieces.

However, the artillery commander of each position further divided the artillery into three parts, each with seven or eight artillery pieces, in order to form echelon firepower.

"Boom, boom, boom!" As the rebel artillery sounded, the elite cavalry of the Ming army, which was originally majestic and high-spirited, suddenly became confused.

Some had just crossed the passage and hurriedly fled to both sides; some had just walked halfway, some of them rushed forward eagerly, and some of them ran back in a panic, and they were already huddled together.

It doesn't matter if they are huddled together, it is just right for the rebel artillery bombardment.

By coincidence, three shells hit the target, piercing more than a dozen people and horses in a row, leaving only a bloody path.

"You bastard, charge quickly, charge me quickly!" The commander-in-chief was already furious. He couldn't help shouting at the panicked cavalry, regrouping and preparing to march.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The second round of volley fire from the rebels started again.

This time, I corrected the shooting parameters based on the first round, and actually hit five of them at once.

Among them, there was a huge iron bullet that was the most terrifying. It directly penetrated a sentry cavalry lengthwise, like a skewer of candied haws, and skewered at least twenty or thirty cavalry.

"Straight thief, how come the thief's cannonballs are so dense!" Mr. Youba couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"Where is our Hongyi cannon doing nothing? Why doesn't it even sound a single blast?"

As soon as the boss finished speaking, he heard a loud "boom", which made his ears buzz.

It turned out that the Ming army's Hongyi artillery finally began to fight back, and one of them was lucky enough to penetrate into the rebel artillery position in front of them, killing three or five gunners and causing quite a bit of chaos.

However, the Ming army's Hongyi cannon had a long barrel and heavy weight. Not only was it inconvenient to load, but its maneuverability was also quite worrying.

For the same artillery, the rebels often fired two or three shots, but the Ming army did not fire back a single shot.

Every time I accumulated a certain number of shots, I finally adjusted the shooting parameters and was able to cause damage to the rebels.

The rebel artillery immediately hitched up their mules and horses, pulled away all the artillery, ammunition, artillery and other items, and re-established artillery positions elsewhere.

Since then, the Ming Army's Hongyi artillery has not only had a worrying rate of fire, but also has an astonishingly low hit rate.

On the contrary, he was shot into the position several times by the rebel artillery shells, injuring many gunners, and making the gunners even more frightened and confused. He became increasingly no match for the rebels.

Finally, the Ming cavalry crossed the "death" passage under the "cover" of Hongyi cannon.

The leader of the group did not dare to delay. He quickly reorganized the formation and launched a timely charge towards the rebel artillery position.

In this era, in order to reduce the damage caused by firearms to cavalry, the normal charging formation should use the sentry as a unit and charge in a horizontal line.

However, the Ming cavalry was now within the range of the rebel artillery. The Ming cavalry was worried that the rebel artillery would cover the entire team's position, so they did not dare to stay for a long time.

"Get closer and attack!" Zhang Shun, who was standing on the lookout, saw the opponent's five cavalrymen coming towards the rebel army like five sharp arrows, and he couldn't help but ordered calmly.

The rebel artillery position was only two miles away from the Ming army camp, and the cavalry suddenly arrived.

If you still shoot with solid bullets, not only will the hit rate be impressive, but the killing effect will be unsatisfactory.

In this case, Zhang Shun simply ordered his soldiers to put on shotguns and prepare to kill the Ming cavalry at close range.

After receiving the order, the rebel gunner quickly followed the commander's order and first fired the solid bullets already loaded in the barrel, and then reloaded the shotshells.

The artillery that had been loaded with shotshells was pushed forward by the gunner, the barrel was flattened, and it was aimed at the cavalry in the distance, which was rising into a cloud of smoke.

"The enemy is five hundred steps away. The enemy is three hundred steps away. The enemy is two hundred steps away. The enemy is one hundred fifty steps away!"

"The first column is firing, the second column is ready!" As the lookout loudly reported the end of the distance, the artillery battalion commander decisively gave the order to fire.

Following a deafening blast of artillery, countless shotgun shells poured out like raindrops.

The cavalry in front of them suddenly became sparse, and some cavalry and war horses could even be seen falling to the ground in the gunner's field of vision, causing some disruption to the subsequent cavalry's march.

However, before the gunners could see in front of the formation, white gunpowder smoke covered the gunners' sight like a white gauze, and everything became hazy.

"The second column is firing, and the third column is ready with gunners!" the artillery battalion commander calmly gave the order, not affected by the approaching Ming cavalry.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The deafening sound of artillery sounded again. Due to the intensive firing, the ear was buzzing with the sound of the artillery.

However, some gunpowder smoke that originally dissipated became heavier and heavier, not only blocking the gunner's sight, but even irritating the eyes.

"The gunners are ready to shoot, and the gunners on both wings are ready to cross fire!" Although the artillery battalion commander could no longer see the enemy clearly at this time, the vibration of the earth had already announced to him that "black and white impermanence" was coming.

"The first column of gunners advances five steps and fires! The second and third columns follow!" As the artillery battalion commander delegated command, the commander of the gunners continued to issue orders in an orderly manner.

"Bang bang bang!" Just after the sound of artillery, a neat row of gunmen walked out of the smoke and fired a row of dense bullets.

After crossing one "death line" after another, the Ming army cavalry was about to approach the rebel artillery position, but was unexpectedly caught off guard by the rebel gunners.

"No, the sound of the gunshot is wrong!" The experienced Ming army frontier cavalry suddenly discovered the problem.

The three-coin bird blunderbuss commonly used in this era had a crisper and louder sound, while the new bird blunderbuss used by Xu Quan's gunmen in the rebel army had a duller and more powerful sound.

Before the cavalry finished speaking, as expected, three to five thousand people fell off their horses around him.

It turns out that the frontier soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were armed with armor. The ordinary three-coin bird gun and Lumi gun had a long range and were difficult to penetrate the armor, causing effective damage.

During the "Battle of Renchen", the Ming army often trampled the Japanese formations with "four hooves", making the Japanese pirates, who were good at shooting birds, helpless.

It's just that the "Battle of Renchen" took place during the Wanli Period, but now it is the Chongzhen Period.

There was a gap of thirty or forty years between the two, and both the war model and the war opponents had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The sharp three-coin bird guns of the past were nothing compared to Xu Quan's new-style bird guns that held seven coins of powder and one tael of ammunition.

"No, the thieves' guns are so sharp!" Seeing his teammates around him fall on their backs, the originally fierce frontier army Jingqi couldn't help but want to retreat.

"There is no way to retreat, we can only be loyal!" The general of the Ming army saw the situation and immediately caught the wavering mentality of the soldiers, and hurriedly encouraged them.

The mode of war in this era is completely different from that of the cold weapon era. The greatest damage caused by the cavalry's impact on the infantry was the last breath of the battle between the two sides.

If we retreat at this time, all the casualties caused by artillery and gunfire will be worthless.

As time passed, the smoke shrouding the rebel positions dissipated somewhat.

The Ming cavalry could vaguely see the movements of the rebel camp, and at the same time the rebels could also clearly see the movements of the Ming cavalry.

The lookout man standing on a high place loudly reported the enemy's distance again: "The enemy is fifty steps away!"

"Fire the left and right artillery pieces!" the artillery battalion commander issued his last order.

"Boom, boom, boom!" More violent artillery sounds resounded.

Only this time, the killing direction was not from the front but from the left and right sides.

The Ming cavalry, which originally formed a horizontal formation to reduce the damage caused by the rebel firearms, now faced the enemy from the side. Compared with the rebel artillery on both wings, it became a column to engage the enemy.

Under the huge power of artillery, the column engaging the enemy is equivalent to becoming a living target for the opponent.

Suddenly, the screams of cavalry, the neighing of war horses, the resounding sound of artillery, and the dense sound of muskets all mixed together for a moment, forming a hell on earth.

The rebels fired their artillery for the last time, using the Ming army's favorite "Gong Ling Sun" loading method.

It was also a double charge, and then one shotshell and one solid shot were loaded successively.

This can cause both surface damage and line damage.

There were several solid bullets in one company, which directly penetrated horizontally and smashed more than 20 men and horses, killing all the Ming army cavalry.

"Ah, this is hell, everyone, run for your lives!" The Ming army cavalry could no longer bear such unilateral slaughter and bloody remains in the border areas. They couldn't help but yell, slapped their horses and fled towards the Ming army camp.

If one person flees, hundreds will flee; if one place collapses, then everywhere will collapse.

The Ming Army cavalry, which originally regarded death as home, was unable to engage the rebels hand-to-hand, and finally collapsed under wave after wave of blows!

At this moment, unknown to the rebels, the gunmen of the rebel army had already finished taking turns, and a wave of spear and ax hands were pouring out from between the gunmen, ready to withstand the coming cavalry attack.

However, what greeted them was a rush of backs and horse butts!

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