Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1280 Asking for help

"Your Majesty, Zhu Xieyuan, the left governor, Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, Li Guoliang, the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, and Wang Shiren, the commander-in-chief of Datong, etc., jointly submitted a letter requesting the imperial court to send elite soldiers from Jiliao to jointly attack the 'shun thieves'!" Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet! Report to Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian.

"What?" When Zhu Youjian heard this, he felt that his forehead was filled with blood and he almost fainted.

"Zhu Xieyuan misunderstood me. He previously claimed that he only had to defend Shanxi and then use his time to achieve great success."

"Now that Shanxi has lost more than half of its city and territory, and Taiyuan is left alone, how can he have the face to ask for troops from me?"

When Wen Tiren heard this, he said, good fellow, the "shun thieves" are about to arrive at the doorstep. Co-author, you don't plan to discuss reinforcements?

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this matter is serious, why not... why not transfer it to the Ministry of War for reconsideration, and then make further calculations?"

"Bring Zhang Guowei over, let's discuss it together!" Zhu Youjian calmed down a little, and finally realized that military and national affairs were no trivial matter. He suppressed his displeasure with difficulty and nodded reluctantly.

Zhang Guowei is the new Minister of the Ministry of War, taking charge of the daily affairs of the Ministry of War instead of Yang Sichang who went to Henan to supervise the division.

In the original history, the Ming Dynasty had to lose a number of people who "know soldiers" before it was this person's turn to take office.

But in the current timeline, due to the emergence of Zhang Shun, the Ming Dynasty defeated famous generals such as Hong Chengchou, Chen Qiyu, Sun Chuanting, and Fu Zonglong in advance. Naturally, they had no choice but to select generals from among themselves and bring up this national Wei to rescue them.

Of course, although Zhang Guowei has no military experience, he is not a freeloader.

Before he took up the post of Minister of War, he was the governor of Yingtian, Anqing and other ten prefectures. He not only presided over the construction of Fanchang and Taihu cities successively.

Moreover, rivers in Songjiang, Jiading, Shanghai, Wuxi and other places were dredged, and county bridges, pond weirs and canals were built in Wujiang, Jiangyin, Suzhou and other counties.

But from a personal resume point of view, this person should be good at organization and planning, but bad at command and situation judgment. However, the actual ability depends on whether he has feasible strategies.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Guowei, Secretary of the Ministry of War, has arrived!" I don't know how much time has passed since the eunuch who announced the eunuch left. Just when Zhu Youjian was anxious and uneasy, he suddenly heard Wang Chengen coming forward to report.

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but perked up, raised his hand and said: "Xuan!"

Not long after, Zhang Guowei hurried in and kowtowed.

After finally waiting until Zhang Guowei had finished saluting, Zhu Youjian quickly asked what he was doing.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guowei avoided talking. Instead, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Ministry of War has just received an urgent report."

"Hongtai of Donglu proclaimed himself emperor in Shenyang on April 1, changed his pseudonym to Qing, and changed his family name to Manchuria. Then he prepared for a major war and vowed to march south!"

"What!" As soon as Zhang Guowei said these words, the civil and military ministers present were shocked and dumbfounded.

"This...this...this, are you...serious?" Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, couldn't help but trembling with teeth.

"This news came from North Korea!" Zhang Guowei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Years ago, the Donglu invaded Korea on a large scale. It was difficult for us to pass by land and water, and we were unable to save them. Everyone in Korea heard about it and felt sorry for them."

"This spring, the Eastern captives withdrew their troops and captured the prince of Korea and his courtiers. Then they offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, pretended to be the emperor, and forced the surrender of Korea."

"North Korea was weak and did not dare to refuse, so some loyal people wrote to me privately, informing me of the reality of the captives."

"There are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back. What can we do?" Zhu Youjian turned pale and looked frightened when he heard this.

how could I know?

Zhang Guowei, the new Minister of War, secretly rolled his eyes, "You don't think of me when you shit, but you think of me when you wipe your butt."

Now that I have just taken office and am facing this mess, what can I do? I'm desperate too, okay!

However, although Zhang Guowei did not understand the art of using troops, he was also well versed in the art of being an official.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, let me explain the current situation."

"As the saying goes: There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the people. Since the fourth prince of the Nalu chieftain is called the false emperor, I think he will definitely reorganize his troops and enter the pass to rob me."

"Now your Majesty only has Ji Liao's property, so you must not touch it lightly. You should instruct the three armies to guard the gates and prevent prisoners from entering."

"Just like the 'Ji Si Change' to the envoys to the captive chiefs, we can also calmly mobilize elites from the two towns to defend against the enemy."

"Then... what should Zhu Xieyuan do?" Zhu Youjian felt uneasy after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask.

"Master Zhu is good at using troops. He has 30,000 elite soldiers from Xuanda Shanxi. He is not enough to attack but has more than enough to defend, so there is nothing to worry about."

"The only thing he worries about is to defeat the thief as soon as possible and bring peace to the world."

"However, today is different from that time. Now that the leader of the captives has arrogated the title of false emperor, and a large-scale invasion of the country is just around the corner, how can the safety of the world be achieved by just one person?"

The words of Zhang Guowei, the new Minister of War, may seem reasonable, but in fact they are equivalent to placing all the responsibility for resisting the rebels on Zhu Xieyuan, and he is only focusing on the threat from the post-Jin Dynasty.

"This... can Zhu Xieyuan's side in Taiyuan withstand it?" Although Zhu Youjian was ignorant, he had some sense of the threat and couldn't help asking.

Okay, I can’t fool around anymore.

If Zhang Guowei said he could withstand it, then if Zhu Xieyuan was defeated, he would naturally not be able to escape the blame.

If he said he couldn't stand it, as the Minister of War, he would naturally have to come up with a solution.

Zhang Guowei pondered for a moment after hearing this, and couldn't help but admonish: "At the beginning, the left governor Zhu Xieyuan once said that he would stick to Shanxi and train 20,000 troops each in Sichuan, Huguang, and Nanzhi to besiege the 'Shun bandits'."

"Now Shanxi has been entrenched for a long time, and the right governor Yang Sichang, the governor of water transportation Zhu Dadian and others are trapped in Daming Mansion. There are no troops available in Henan and Nanzhi."

"Sichuan had suffered heavy losses before, and the 'thieves' were brutal, so they were unable to march north."

"The land of Duhuguang has not been damaged, and it has faced off against thieves in Nanyang and other places."

"Why don't your Majesty order Xiong Wencan, governor of Huguang, to lead troops north to contain the enemy troops?"

"If he returns, the siege of Taiyuan will be relieved; if he does not return, he can take the opportunity to break through Nanyang and penetrate into the hinterland of Henan, making him vulnerable to enemies from both sides."

"Good!" Zhu Youjian thought for a long time, nodded in appreciation.

"However, Zhu Xieyuan, Zhang Fengyi, Ye Tinggui and others jointly submitted a letter, but they cannot...should not respond."

"I intend to promote the eunuch Gao Qiqian to the position of superintendent. I will supervise the two generals Gongji and Zhang Jian of Guan Ning and more than 10,000 people to go to support Taiyuan. I wonder what you, my dear friends, think?"

"This..." Zhang Guowei, Minister of War, did not realize what was going on for a while.

As a result, Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, responded loudly: "Your Majesty is wise, I have no objection!"

That Zhang Guowei was so shrewd, but after hearing these words, he immediately felt that there must be something fishy in it, and he quickly agreed a few times.

When everything was settled and he came out of the palace, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Wen Tiren, and then he realized what was going on.

It turned out that in order to request troops from the imperial court, Zhu Xieyuan deliberately united with powerful figures such as Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, Ye Tinggui, the governor of Datong, Li Guoliang, the general of Xuanzhen, and Wang Shiren, the general of Datong, to write to the court to express the emergency.

Unexpectedly, it backfired, and this incident aroused the vigilance of Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian.

During the five years of Chongzhen's campaign to suppress the rebels, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian assigned eunuchs to supervise each town.

Although it was later opposed by various towns, it was finally abandoned. However, Guan Ning's Gao Qiqian, the supervisor of the army, was never withdrawn. Instead, he gained the reputation of a wise soldier.

Therefore, this time he sent this person as a supervisor under the guise of sending reinforcements, so as to prevent the supervisor and general soldiers from forming a unified force and not being controlled by the court.

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