"Mr. Sir, we've arrived!" As a small boat docked on the bank of the Weishui River, a boatman wearing a bamboo hat bent down and opened the wooden planks of the cabin and shouted inside.

"Oh?" Then a head popped out, and upon closer inspection, it turned out that this person was none other than Fu Qingzhu, who had escaped with his life from the rebels.

No wonder the rebels couldn't find him after he escaped. It turned out that he did not return to Taiyuan, but instead turned south, toward Guanzhong.

"Captain, thank you!" Fu Qingzhu struggled to get out of the cabin, took out a few pieces of silver from his arms, put them in his sleeves and handed them over.

"Okay, okay, thank you, sir!" The boatman saw that although he looked elegant, he had a sword hanging on his waist. He was afraid that he would turn his back on him, so he quickly responded and sent him off like a plague god. He reached the shore, then held the boat and ran away.

"Ha!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head when he saw this. This was really a terrible thing.

In fact, he was afraid that the boatman would nail him to the cabin and then kill him alive inside. That would be called a coward.

Fortunately, none of this happened, and he arrived in Weinan safely.

"How can I get to Nanfu?" After Fu Qingzhu landed on the shore, he walked more than ten steps. When he saw seven or eight boys digging for earthworms and fishing by the river, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"Which Nanfu?" the boy said with a smile.

"Is there a second Nanfu in Weinan?" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it turns out you are quite knowledgeable!" The boy said with a smile, "If you go to the old house, go to Qin Village to look for it; if you go to Nanfu, then go to the city to look for it."

"After entering Weinan City, rush to the tall and prominent mansion in the city. You are the rightful master!"

After hearing this, Fu Qingzhu thanked him and went all the way to Weinan County to look for him.

Weinan County is located four miles south of the Wei River and within walking distance.

Fu Qingzhu found Nanfu easily and handed in the greeting card.

"Disciple of Yuan Linhou of Jiangyou?" An old man with white beard and hair and extraordinary bearing picked up the invitation and looked at it, and couldn't help but wonder.

"My Nan family has no relationship with that Yuan Linhou, so why did we send someone here? It's really strange!"

"It is natural for scholars to associate with each other. If my father has any doubts, he will know it as soon as he sees him, so why should he doubt it?" There was a man next to the old man. His hair was gray, but he also had a Confucian attitude.

"Yes, please invite him in!" The old man thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Not long after, I saw a young man with a handsome face and a majestic appearance walking in.

"Student Fu Dingchen, I have met Mr. Nan!" When Fu Qingzhu saw the person in front of him, he quickly saluted him regardless of whether he recognized him or not.

The old man's eyes lit up when he saw Fu Qingzhu's extraordinary demeanor. He was very pleased with him and said with a smile: "No need to be polite, I am Nan Qizhong. This is Quanzi Nan Juye. Just call him Uncle Nan!" "

Fu Dingchen is only twenty, while Nan Qizhong is nearly eighty, and Nan Juye is over sixty.

If he met him normally, he would just call him "Grandpa", which would be normal.

So he hurriedly made polite remarks, and finally "Ebo called him out."

The three of them greeted each other politely and took their seats.

Fu Qingzhu just rambled here and there without getting to the point.

Nan Qizhong was puzzled and couldn't help but smile and said: "I am old and have lost many people at the same age. Let me tell you a big deal here. Even if Yuan Linhou comes in person, I am afraid he will be a generation behind me."

"You have traveled thousands of miles to visit me, but you don't know what you have in mind?"

Yuan Linhou was Yuan Jixian, whose courtesy name was Jitong and whose name was Linhou. Fu Qingzhu served as his teacher.

Therefore, Fu Qingzhu was stunned when he heard this, and immediately understood that this matter could not be avoided after all.

He couldn't help but feel his heart change, and said impassionedly: "The Nan clan of Weinan comes from a scholarly family. The family tradition is honest and honest. They are famous for their loyalty, bravery and integrity. Therefore, they are the ten most successful scholars in the family and have been favored by the emperor."

“Nowadays, the world is in a state of chaos, and ‘submissive thieves’ are rampant. The people cannot live in peace, and the officials cannot live in their positions, so that the imperial court is in danger.

"At this time, all knowledgeable people in the world are heartbroken and wish they could kill this 'thief' to repay His Majesty a ten thousandth of a cent."

"Why did the Nan family keep to themselves, turning a blind eye, not listening, and allowing thieves to poison the place?"

"Shu Zi is rude!" Nan Qi Zhong was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but look at it quickly. As expected, Nan Qi Zhong Zi Nan Juye jumped up and shouted angrily.

"My great-grandfather was an upright man. When he was appointed as the prefect of Shaoxing, he punished the giant thieves in Kuaiji and severely punished the cunning tyrants in Jiji. Because of this, he was defamed and dismissed from office."

"My great-uncle and great-grandfather were dedicated to serving the public good and implemented the 'Five Strategies for Border Preparation' to avoid offending the powerful."

"My father was dismissed by Shenzong for his outspoken remonstrances. My younger brother Nan Juyi was appointed governor of Fujian. He repeatedly defeated pirates and red-haired pirates, and was praised by both the government and the public."

"Who is this young man who dares to accuse me of his loyalty?"

It turns out that the Weinan Nan family is also a big family in Shaanxi. Their family started from Nanzhao and was a scholar in the fifth generation and ten Jinshi. It is also famous throughout the Guanzhong area.

Especially in Nan Qizhong's generation, there were three Jinshis, Nan Qizhong, Nan Xianzhong, and Nan Shizhong. In the next generation, there were three Jinshis, Nan Juye, Nan Juren, and Nan Juyi. The family reached its peak for a while.

This is a family that stomps its feet and makes the entire Shaanxi province tremble.

This is one of the reasons why Fu Qingzhu was the first to visit his family leader Nan Qizhong when he came to Guanzhong.

Of course, it would be impossible for Zhang Shun not to want to win over such a powerful family.

However, the Nan family was born in the military. When the rebels cleared the farmland, they confiscated many of Nan's ancestral properties, and there was a rift between the two parties.

Secondly, Nan Juren and Nan Juyi of the Nan family both served as high-ranking officials in the Ming Dynasty, and it was impossible for them to switch families so quickly.

Therefore, with the reconciliation of the two brothers Jiao Yuanqing and Jiao Yuanpu of Sanyuan, the two parties reconciled.

The rebels did not blame the Nan clan for serving in the Ming court; the Nan clan also did not complain about having their ancestral property confiscated by the rebels. Both sides took a step back and waited for the world situation to change.

Obviously, since the Weinan Nan family had obtained the guarantee from the Jiao brothers, they would not take advantage of Fu Qingzhu's few words.

Fu Qingzhu was about to say something, but was interrupted by Nan Qizhong with a wave of his hand: "Let's go, let's go! Although the boy is loyal, he is just too childish and ridiculous."

"Then how powerful King Shun is, how can it be stopped by the strength of you and me?"

"My family passed down the Book of Changes, and it said: Great Qian Yuan, when all things began to dominate the sky. Clouds moved and rain poured down, and the flow of water took shape. From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, six people were formed, and they rode on six dragons to control the sky. The main roads changed. , everyone is rectifying their lives and maintaining great harmony, which is beneficial to chastity. The first common people come out, and all countries are in peace. Please think about it, be careful and act on it!"

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he heard this, and said to himself: It's broken!

It turns out that this passage from the "Book of Changes" quoted by Nan Qizhong was the source of the original titles of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

The former takes the meaning of "Great Qian Yuan, when all things begin and governs the sky", the latter takes the metaphor of "the Ming Dynasty ends", but what Nan Qizhong actually wants to say is "the changes in the main road, each person's destiny is correct".

"Qiandao" is the way of heaven, which refers to the laws of nature. As for the so-called "life", "the destiny given by heaven is the origin of Henry's chastity. The nature given by human beings is also benevolence, justice, propriety and wisdom."

The meaning of Nan Qizhong is very simple. After "Da Yuan" there will be "Da Ming", and after "Da Ming" there will naturally be other dynasties.

The way of heaven is ever-changing and will eventually regulate their respective attributes and destiny.

And what is the life of "Da Ming"?

Seeing clearly now is like seeing clearly in the past!

Moreover, Nan Qizhong actually had one sentence that he didn't say, but Fu Qingzhu himself guessed it, that is:

"Alas Kun Yuan, all living things are in harmony with heaven!"

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